Investigation Result

Margarethe Grimaldi

"Reports were given that you have been sending out my royal guards to collect informations that not evn the Guards could comprehend, where do you get your intel?"

I smiled, this prince is not an Idiot, how sad.

"Is this an interrogation your highness?"

"Answer him you filthy bitch!"

James' sword pressed upon my neck and a drip of blood flowed in it.

"As I have said my intel is one to be protected, if you cannot understand that simple fact then I am afraid you may take your time in putting me in jail as my informations come true. I for one only care for mine dignity, if the kingdom falls I shall wait for the Tera's soldiers to finish house Grimaldi."

"I see, until the end you won't tell. No matter how close we are, I am still the Crown Prince of Asteria, detain Lady Margarethe until the investigations are clear she is a possible suspect for all the incidents that have happened."

I was escorted with a sword  by my neck, Koffer James, like her Clansmen await ones' noble death. I am not sure yet if they are one with the enemy or simply drunk with power; but either way I shall have their heads in a silver platter.
All of them.

"I thought I was being detained? Why am I facing the dungeons?"

"This is were you belong, bitch."

"I am not a criminal to be put in a cell, have your stupidity affected your memory of how protocol works?"

"Shut up! Get inside! Sooner or later you will be dead!"

I stared blanky at her. With a deadpan eyes she didnt even know my threads were already by her neck, in a blink of eye her colleagues' head dettached from her body and as the clattering of the sword rang around the dungeon James stared in horror as to what had happened.


She retreated her sword and so did my thread, it's invincible thread slowly slithered away back to me. She whistled for her comrades to arrive. I opened my fan to cover mine eyes.

"Such a horrid scene, mine eyes are not for horrific scenes."

The backup arrived with Chris leading them,

"What happened? Explain this situation Koffer. Why is the Lady of Grimaldi house about to be locked uo in the dungeons?"

"Shit! Carol's head is dettached and that is what you ask!"

"If you want your head in tact better explain this now, the Crown Prince shall soon be here, and he wouldn't like it if he knew the things you do behind his back."

"What's so wrong with keeping a bitch in a cage! Dogs are meant to stay in a cage!"

Edward arrived with squadron 3, surrounding us in the dungeon.

"Your actions could have been reflected as mine.  I dont want any trouble with any of the ducal family until anything is proven. Arrest the criminal, Koffer James and her team, they are guilty of insulting royalty and by insubordination. Surrounding the vicity are my own secret army, only few trusted people know of this, and such is the case all of the arrested criminals are guilty and punished by death, behead them now."

Edward's men killed of the team right there and then leaving Koffer as the last.

"You heard my command, Greta. We are on the same side... Right? I have shown you my trust, now show me yours."

My thread still on Koffers neck started to tighten little by little bliod was spilling and she looked at me in shock and back to Edward.

"..trick.. me..."

"You said a dog needs a cage but I think all a dog needs is a leash, nice and tight around its neck."

With her losing blood and my slow tightening thread her struggle becomes less, how dull. As she began to wear a dress of blood her knees buckled and she fell towards the wall sitting beside the head Carol once had, she tried to whistle but no sound came and as her last words came to be so did her last breathe.

"Chris...I...loved... you"

Chris looked at her expressionless, he really is the Coldblooded Knight of Asteria.

"Why did you suddenly show me your cards Edward?"

"The investigations came, and I learned why you wanted Jamesville. Sorry for doubting you, Greta. I didnt mean to turn on you."

"Tis fine, what is it you found?"

"Let's go clean you up first before anything. Chris please take care of Greta I need to take care of the stuff down here first."

"Your highness, I can do the cleanup if you want..."

"No, I need to be here to neutralize the James' blood poison, only royals are immuned against James' clansmen bloodpoison, its good that we got here in time before she got poisoned with Carol's blood."

Oh... That was a close one. The royal family is a very secretive family and he is showing his cards to me but is that enough for me to trust him?

He was the first in line to bring down 'justice' upon my family all for Sofia Harrison's sake.

If need be, I shall use the Prince but ne'er shall i trust such man who went through drastic measures to make sure every single blood of Grimaldi was wiped clean.
