Engagement for Freya

Margarethe Grimaldi

"My beauty is beyond compare,
As the wind bellows the flowers pair,
I sing for joy that the youth shall spare,
The ending of old wrinkly Claire Solaire."

"That's a tasteless song."

My great dignified self stood up from sitting and pruning my flowers.

"Greetings your royal highness, crown prince Edward Pierre."

"There is no need for such formalities right? You've even seen my disguise before and dared to knock me with your fan."

"That was just a moment of foolishness your highness.Thy hood and cape was enchanted thus I could not recognize thy greatness."

"*laughs* Anyways, your sister is to be my brothers fiancee, what ye say to the matter?"

"It is of good and wise decision from the king and our parents."

"How boring, you really only show that side to Chris huh."

"This humble servant understand ye not your highness."

"It really is a wonder why you both were not betrothed to each other."

"Why wonder about such useless thing your highness."

"Your smile is faltering! I knew Chris was the key to make you rip off that mask. But really its too bad that you both cant be betrothed to each other, if you marry a Liechen the political power between the families will tip off and it might cause for the other family to move."

"This beautiful servant is of high quality no man should behold, your highness. I am not up for the taking."

"Indeed,but don't you like each other?"

My face paled with the absurdity of that comment,


He just laughed at me and beckoned for us to go in... My composure still not back, I had to do my meditation of deep breathes and my Beauty chant to calm myself.

This days I get so stressed because of my dear sister Freya, always causing trouble! Causing ME to get all wrinkly from frowning.

"Sister Freya! Oh... Greetings your highness."

"Tis fine to take formalities away Lady Freya. Soon ye shall be wed to my dear brother."

"Formalities has to be uphold in public your highness."

My beautiful eyes smiled by the politeness my sister showed, indeed my work is marvelous she is molded perfectly just like moi.

"*laughs* you are slowly becoming like Margarethe, tsk tsk..."

Prince Edward waved at the maids and butler for them to go out. The moment they were out, the smile my eyes held disappeared.

"Sister Freyaaa!!! I don't want to get married yet! I just want to be your baby sister!!!"

Freya jumped into my lap since I am in the couch, now I am feeling like a granny. I glared at her and she just smiled cutesy in front of me, my eyes twitched.

Formidable I tell ye, formidable this sister of mine.

"Now this atmosphere is better! I love it when the sister complex is shown naturally, it feels more family like."

I just held my head high as I let my sister play around with the hems of my clothes. Have I done wrong? Was the mold out of shape that my sister ended up this attached to me?

"Anyways, I came to inform thee of the guards placed for Lady Freya, she is afterall a fiancee of a royal family."

"There is no such need, the Grimaldi may be of scholar people but we own capable knights that can fight with Liechen's knight."

"This does not only apoly to Lady Freya, this also apolies to you and to tour whole family."

My eyebrows crossed hearing that I shall be treated like a prisoner.

The jiggling metal in my hands and feet feel heavy but I still had to stan up poised, even at the ugliest state I can still withstand this embarrassment but since no food had been given to us for 5 days I feel too weak,still poised I wobbled towards the stage. A hangmans noose withheld a Grimaldi knight, the guillotine bloody from the pile of heads beneath it.

I was the last, the guards were supposed to treat me with utmost respect, people believe I was just caught up into this because of my family, I am afterall the Saint of Nobility.

My beautiful self was disgraced so many times in that jail. Unknown to the people outside the walls as they passed by. I was treated with 'utmost respect' as I witheld my dignity that was long shattered with my tattered clothes.

The last of the Grimaldi stood on the stage some where wailing for me some were shouting for me to be hanged while some laughing and having fun for more beheading to be shown.

In the end the executioner chose beheading, a sign of protest was seen in my eyes but it was soon reolaced with the my last thought....

"Not my beautiful head."

The last scene  I saw was of the bloody pile of heads beneath me.

"Margarethe you okay?"

"Sister you went flying off to cloud 9 again."

My eyes burning with anger as I remember those days.

"I shall not be treated like a prisoner! Bear this in mind Edward if you ever send ME one of those damned  royal guards I will gut them myself."

Huffing from the bit of hyperventilation I tried to calm myself, TRIED, but I couldn't so I left the shocked and speechless people behind not even a single farewell words or a glance.

This was the first time I have ever been disrespectful, the first time I couldn't control my emotions.

I vow to find those guards, and treat them with the utmost respect.
