I really am Benevolent

Margarethe Grimaldi

I glared at sir Chris who was walking towards me, the other figure now also gone, disappeared in the dark night.

"Lady margarethe I apologize for the inconvenience but would it be alright to invite you for a private chat?"

"Sir Chris, I don't seem to be comfortable to leave my sister in this room alone."

"She will be fine. Shall we?"

A woman rarely refuses a request of a male this status but seeing as we are of the same status I shuld be able to refuse him but it's those eyes, I swear! My beauty beside him would be so marvelous!
I took him on his offer and walked on the long stairs to enter a room with a guy in it.

"Privacy was it?"

"Apologies Lady Margarethe, but we needed to explain that your sister's life was not targetted by us. This young master beside me was not the one to activate the enchantment. So Please rest assurred for the rest of the evening."

"Sir Chris, thou seem to have the slightest bit of misunderstanding. I am of the Grimalde family whom uphold the vision of being independent, thus myself protecting my sister is preposterous! Had I let that Icicle hit either the young ladies the breaking of the ice would do terribke damage to my beautiful face judging from the angle and my position. Now do ye still dare to explain as to why such icicle was targetted towards the face of the Grimalde family?!"

The young master in front of me seemingly dumbfounded which got me even more fired up. This is no joke! That enchantment was one to  affect atleast 5 meter radius of the target!

I opened my fan to fan away the wrinkles off my face and tried to compose myself once again when the hooded man stiffled a laugh.

Angry is an understatement! I am furious? No one! And I mean NO ONE has ever treated my words as joke. I shoot the man a glare but since the hood was enchanted the expression can't be seen, but he seemed to have tensed with my death glare.

"Anyways, we didnt mean to target the image of the Grimalde family. I apologize."

I stared in a higher angle at the young master apologizing in front of me, he was slightly bowing so I huffed, my anger diminished. He seems to be of good culture why dont the considerate me lemd him a hand.

If I recall it well the branch that finished them off was of the East branch. Indeed my memory is impeccable, as a person I really am benevolent, excellent person!

"Then I shall accept your apologies just this once since you are sincere. But a word of advise, rather than pointing your dagger towards your chubby sibling, point that towards your family in the East branch, though laughable as it is dost they even count as family?"

I sneered and laughed a bit at my last sentence, afterall what kind of family would massacre a whole family for money, title and position?
The young master seemingly getting alarmed I smirked, he is really an excellent example of an alpha male, soon he would make a move and I would hear of no news of such bloody massacre, such unpleasant news is averted through the kindness of mine! Hohohohoho*opens fan*
