They all sat around a campfire and Ego started explaining things.

"I hired Yondu to pick you up when your mother passed away, but instead of returning you, Yondu kept you. I have no clue as to why" Ego said

"I'll tell you why. I was a skinny little kid who could fit into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thieving" Peter said

"Well, I've been trying to track you down ever since" 

"I thought Yondu was your father" Drax said

"What? We've been together this whole time, you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative?" Peter said

"You look exactly alike"

"One's blue!" Rocket said

"No he's not my father! Yondu is the guy who abducted me and Gwen. Although unlike Gwen, he kicked the crap out of me so I could learn to fight and get me in terror by threatening to eat me" Peter said

"Eat you? That son of a bitch!" Ego said

"How'd you locate us now?" Gamora said

"Even where I reside out past what's known, we heard a tale about the man they call Star-Lord. What do you say we head out there right now? Your associates are welcome. Even the triangle faced monkey there. I promise you, it's unlike any other place you've ever seen, and there I can explain your very special heritage, and finally get to be the father I always wanted to be. Excuse me, gotta take a whiz" Ego left to take care of business. Peter turned his head towards Gwen.

"I'm not buying it" he said

"Let's go take a walk" she said, grabbing his hand.


"Give me a break. After all this time you're just gonna show up and all of a sudden you wanna be my dad? How do we know this isn't a trap? The Kree Purists, the Ravagers, they all want us dead" Peter said as soon as he and Gwen found privacy.

"I know but remember when you were always telling everyone that David Hasselhoff was your dad? You would always carry his picture as a child and told all the kids that he was your father. You always said he was out of town" Gwen said

"Filming Knight Rider or touring with his band in Germany. Why are you bringing this up? You know, as a kid I always used to see all the other kids playing catch with their dad and I wanted that. More than anything in the world" 

"That's my point. This man could be your Hasselhoff. If this guys ends up being anything like my parents were when we first met them, but worse, I promise I'll kill him if that's what you want me to do" She placed her hands on top of his. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips.


Peter, Gwen, Gamora and Drax were getting ready to depart with Ego and Mantis. Rocket and Groot were to stay to fix the ship and keep an eye on Nebula.

"What if the Sovereign come?" Drax asked

"There's no way they're going to know we're here" Peter said

"We're fine Drax. Let's just go" Gwen said

"I'm uncertain about parting ways" Drax said

"God, you're like an old woman" Peter said

"Because I'm wise?" Drax stood beside Gamora. Gwen and Peter stopped to look at Rocket.

"Hope daddy isn't as big of a dick as you, orphan boy" he said

"What is your goal here?" Peter asked

"He has a point. Do you want everyone to hate you? It's working, you know" Gwen asked. Drax, Gamora, Peter and Gwen went into Ego's ship.


Drax, Peter and Gwen were sitting with Mantis.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Peter asked Mantis

"No one has ever asked me a personal question" she said

"Your antenna, what are they for?"

"Their purpose?"

"Yes. Quill, Pierce and I have a bet" Drax said

"You weren't supposed to say that" Gwen said

"I say, if you are about to go through a doorway that's too low, your antenna will feel this and keep you from being decapitated"  

"Right, and if it's anything other than you specifically not being decapitated by a doorway, Gwen and I win" Peter said

"They're not for feeling doorways" Mantis said. Drax let out a disappointed sigh. "I think they have something to do with my empathic abilities" 

"What are those?" Gamora asked

"When I touch someone, I can feel their feelings"

"You read minds?" Peter asked

"No. Telepaths feel thoughts. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions. May I?" Mantis asked Peter. He gave her permission to feel his feelings. She touched his hand.

"You feel love" Mantis said

"Yeah. I guess a feel a general, unselfish love for just about every---"

"No. Romantic. Sexual love, for her" Mantis said, motioning towards Gwen, who was sitting opposite of her. 

"Yeah. That is true"

"You love her so much, that you want to ask her to marry you"

"What!?" Gwen said, looking in Peter's direction. He was looking just as surprised as she was. That wasn't exactly the way he wanted to ask her.

"Gwen, I've been wanting to ask you for awhile. I just wasn't expecting to ask you like this" Gwen smiled. Mantis decided to touch Gwen.

"She is happy. I think it's because she accepts your proposal and there is a baby growing inside her"

"I'm gonna be a dad?" Now it was Peter's turn to be surprised. Drax started laughing.

"She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secrets" he said. 

"Dude, come on. I think you're overreacting" Peter said

"Yeah, all she said was that Peter wants to marry me, I said yes and Peter just found out he's going to be a father" Gwen said. Drax continued to laugh.

"You two must be so embarrassed! Do me, do me, do me" he said. Mantis went over to him and touched him. She started laughing as well.

"I have never felt such humor!" Mantis said. Both of them pointed at Gwen and Peter.

"So unbelievably uncool" Peter said

"You're telling me" Gwen said. Mantis got up and walked over to Gamora. She grabbed Mantis' wrist before she could touch her.

"Touch me, and the only thing you're going to feel is a broken jaw" Gamora said, before letting go of Mantis. Mantis turned to face the other three again.

"I can also alter emotions, to some extent" she said

"Like what?" Gwen asked

"If I touch someone who is sad, I can ease them into contentment. For a short while, I can make a person who is stubborn compliant. I mostly used it to help my master sleep. He lies awake at night thinking about his progeny"

"Do one of those on me" Drax said. Mantis put her hand on Drax's head.

"Sleep" Drax was out like a light.
