Gamora had trouble sleeping that night, resulting in her nearly missing breakfast the following morning. Nebula had to wake her up.

"Sister, it is time for breakfast. Mantis has gone down to the dining area already" she said

"Thanks. I had trouble sleeping last night" Gamora said

"Any reason as to why?"

"Personal things"


Gamora and Nebula went down to the dining area together. Everybody was already there. Helena approached the two sisters with a bowl of Yaro Root.

"Nebula, a little birdy told me that you loved Yaro Root. These grow in the garden all the time, and we pick them when they're ripe. Help yourself to as many as you like" she said. Nebula took the bowl from her.

"Thank you" Nebula said. She joined everyone else at the table.

"Look, I don't know what you're trying to do but it isn't going to work" Gamora said

"I just want to try and get to know your friends. I want them to trust me" Helena said

"Well I don't, and whatever it is your planning, I won't let you get away with it"

"Zehoberei, you'd just better stay out of my way" Gamora inched her face towards Helena's.

"My name is Gamora, and if you do anything to my friends, especially Gwen, I will not hesitate to kill you" She left for her room.


Gamora was sharpening her sword when there was a knock on the door. It opened and Gwen walked in.

"Why didn't you stay for breakfast?" she asked, sitting next to Gamora.

"I wasn't hungry. Why aren't you in the dining hall?" Gamora asked

"I was worried about you. I noticed you and Helena talking, and then you stormed off"

"Gwen, I know she's your sister and you want to try and have a relationship with her but I think she's planning something against you"

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't lie to you. I was walking past her room and I heard her talking to Quentin"

"That bastard! I swear if I see him again, I'm going to kill him"

"So you believe me?" Gamora asked

"Of course I do. You're more of a sister than Helena ever will be. Does anyone else know about her?" Gwen said.

"Only Damien. I need you to act like you don't know what she's up to. There's something else you should know. She's planning on seducing Peter"

"I know my fiancé. He isn't stupid enough to fall for any of her tricks"

"Just keep an eye on Peter anyways. Make sure those two aren't left alone"

"Maybe we should go warn him"


When everyone finished breakfast, they went off to do whatever they had planned. Peter was about to go find Gwen when Helena stopped him.

"Peter, how about we go for a walk in the garden?" she said

"I think I should go find Gwen" he said.

"Nonsense!" Helena grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her. "My sister can take of herself. Besides, I want to get to know my brother-in-law"

"Well, I---" Peter looked Helena in the eye and he suddenly felt something come over him. It was as if he was put under a spell. "I guess it couldn't hurt"

"Then follow me" Helena said. They made their way to the garden.


Gwen and Gamora were looking for Peter when they ran into Rocket, Groot and Lylla.

"Rocket, have you seen Peter anywhere?" Gwen asked

"Yeah. I saw him and your sister head off somewhere. I think they said something about the garden" Rocket said. Gwen and Gamora looked to each other. "What's wrong?"

"We need to go stop them. Helena's up to something and Peter is part of her plan" Gamora said

"What kind of plan?" Lylla asked.

"We think that she's planning to seduce him" Gwen said

"There's no way Quill is going to fall for that. He obviously loves you" Rocket said

"I am Groot"

"He's right. Maybe we should go find them, just to be sure" Lylla said

"Wait, you can understand Groot?" Gwen asked the otter.

"Lylla's amazing, isn't she?" Rocket said.


Helena and Peter stood in the garden, staring at the Kosmils blooming around them.

"I love Kosmils. They make a very strong love potion" Helena said

"How would you know that?" Peter asked

"No reason" She rested her head against Peter's shoulder. He didn't push her away from him. "Do you mind me asking why you love my sister so much?"

"She's been my best friend forever. We've been through so much together. She's smart and an awesome ass kicker. Plus, she's beautiful"

"Well, I wouldn't say she's that beautiful. Sure, she's pretty, but don't you think I'm prettier?" Helena looked up at Peter, and he looked down at her. Helena was beautiful. It's like when he looked at her, he was in some kind of trance.

"Yeah, you are" he said. Helena placed her hands on the back of his head, and she pulled him into a kiss. Instead of pulling away, he kissed her back and placed his hands on her waist.


Gwen, Gamora, Rocket, Groot and Lylla spied on Helena and Peter. When Gwen saw her sister kiss her fiancé and that he kissed her back, Gwen felt angry. Not only at Helena, but also at Peter for actually falling for her. A tear fell down Gwen's cheek.

"Pierce, I don't know what to tell you" Rocket said

"How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me. He's the father to my child" Gwen said

"Your highness---" Gamora didn't get to finish as Gwen marched off.

"Will she be okay?" Lylla asked

"I don't think so. Her love for Peter is as big as the galaxy"

"Why would Quill do this to her? He loves Pierce probably even more than she loves him" Rocket said

"I am Groot"

"Yeah. Quill is a jerk"

"I don't understand. Peter would never--- The drink!" Gamora said

"Drink? What drink?" Lylla asked

"Last night, Helena gave Peter a drink. What if she put some kind of potion in it?"

"If that's the case, then we need to find something to reverse the affects" Rocket said

"I think I know a way to reverse the effects, but it'll take a couple days to make" Lylla said

"It's worth a shot. I can't believe I was actually starting to like Helena. She gave me a bunch of new tools and spare parts" Rocket said

"I am Groot"

"What did he say?" Gamora asked

"You don't want to know, but it was about Helena and it was really insulting"
