~Four months later~

It's been a whole nine months now and Gwen would be giving birth any day now. Earlier in the day, Nova Corps contacted the Guardians' about a mission. It was nothing big. Just some guy who has been stealing valuable and dangerous items. Peter, Rocket, Drax and Kraglin decided to go take care of it. Gwen wanted to as well but Peter and Gamora both told her no. Gamora, Nebula and Mantis all agreed to keep her company in case the baby decided to come out. Groot stayed with Gwen as well.

"I don't know why you guys don't want me doing anything fun" Gwen complained.

"You're nine months pregnant" Gamora said

"So? I could've handled the mission" Gamora rolled her eyes. Gwen was so stubborn when it came to missions. At that moment, Gwen felt a contraction and she groaned in pain.

"Are you alright?" Gamora didn't know a lot about human or Kosmonian pregnancies (or pregnancies in general) but when the mother starts feeling pain, it couldn't have been a good sign. 

"Yes, I---- Ow!" There was another contraction, and then she felt something wet fall between her legs. "My water just broke. The baby is coming"


Gwen was taken to the medical wing. Nebula and Mantis stayed with her as Gamora went to contact Peter and the others. A doctor was examining Gwen, making sure that everything was alright. Gwen felt another contraction, and she yelped in pain. Nebula and Mantis held her hands for comfort, and Mantis could feel the pain Gwen was experiencing.

"The contractions are hurting you" Mantis said

"If you think that's painful, you should try holding onto my hand during the delivery" Gwen said

"I have good news, your Majesty. The baby's head is the right direction and he or she is ready to come out now. I need you to start pushing now" the doctor said.

"No. Not until Peter gets here"

"If this birth doesn't happen now, then there will be complications for both you and the baby"

"Gwen, please just start pushing before I knock the baby out of you" Nebula said. It was now or never. It was time for Gwen to have this baby.


The others came back from their mission which they had to cut short. Gwen was far more important. Gamora was taking them to the medical wing and Peter kept asking questions.

"Is she okay? You didn't leave her alone, did you?" he asked

"No, I didn't. Nebula and Mantis are with her, as well as a doctor so she's fine" Gamora said. When they approached the room Gwen was in, Groot came outside and looked up at everyone with a smile on his face.

"I am Groot"

"He said the baby is here" Rocket said


Gwen held Meredith in her arms. Nebula and Mantis' hands were in pain because Gwen squeezed them so hard, but they could care less about that. They were awing over the baby. Meredith eyelids opened and bright purple eyes were staring at Gwen. 

"Meredith, this is Auntie Nebula and Auntie Mantis" she said. Meredith's attention turned towards Nebula. 

"I may seem a little scary to you, but I only want to protect you" Nebula said. Meredith smiled a toothless grin at her, making Nebula smile in return. 

"She's so cute. She's cuter than the crabby puppy" Mantis said. Gwen heard footsteps. When she looked up, the first person she made eye contact with was Peter. He gave her a smile and then his eyes wandered to his daughter.

"Meredith, this is your daddy" Gwen said. She gave Meredith to Peter. He couldn't describe how happy he felt holding his daughter in his arms. She was beautiful.

"Hi there. I'm your dad, and I'm going to be there for you every single day. I promise I'll never leave you or mommy. I love you both so much" Peter said to Meredith. She stared at him for a moment before smiling and reaching a hand up to touch Peter's face. He smiled, and Gwen could see his cheeks stained with tears.

"Your daughter is beautiful. For a human baby at least" Drax said.

"I've never seen Quill so soft over anything, except for you Pierce" Rocket said. 

"She definitely has Pete's looks" Kraglin said.

"Except for her eyes. They're Gwen's eyes" Peter said, still fawning over Meredith. Gwen looked over at Gamora, who was watching with a smile. Gwen got out of the bed and walked over towards Gamora.

"She is beautiful, and I can see that Peter loves her very much" she said.

"He does, and I know he's going to be a very dedicated father to Meredith. There is something I want to ask you though" Gwen said

"What is it?" 

"I would like you to be Meredith's godmother"

"What is a godmother?"

"If anything were to happen to Peter and I, you would become Meredith's mom. Feel free to say no but this would----"

"Of course Gwen. I'd be honored"


Both Gwen and Meredith were to say in the medical wing overnight just in case. Gwen held Meredith's bottle as she drank from it.

"The older you get, the more annoying and weird your family may seem, but they all love you. Uncle Drax, Auntie Gamora, and maybe even Auntie Nebula can teach you how to defend yourself, but when you get to the appropriate age of course. Rocket could teach you how to make things, as long as they're not bombs. Kraglin can teach you how to whistle. He's gotten so much better at it, and you and Mantis can share your curiosity about things. She's still learning, just like you are from this moment on. Now, you may or may not have powers. If you do, they'll be my powers and I can teach you how to control them. Maybe daddy's Celestial powers somehow survived with you, but if that's the case, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Gwen looked out the window, and she could see the ship. "Maybe daddy and Rocket will teach you how to fly. Not at the same time though. That was a disaster"
