Peter was taken to the medical wing of the castle. He was going to be fine. He just needed a few days to heal. Helena was to face trial for her crimes, and Gwen had to be in attendance. On Kosmo, there was no jury or judge to decide the fate of those accused. It was the King and Queen, or the Prince and Princess. Ophelia and Xavier chose Quentin's fate. Since he surrendered peacefully, Ophelia offered him the chance of becoming a servant for the rest of his life. He accepted this offer.

Gwen decided to go see Peter. The doctor's warned that he would be asleep as he needed to be for his wound to heal. Gwen didn't care. She just needed to see him. Peter looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. Gwen sat beside him and held onto his hand.

"Hi my Star-Lord. The doctors say you'll be fine. You just need to be asleep for a few days. I have to decide Helena's fate. My parents are advising me to give her the death sentence for all the crimes she committed, but I'm not a murderer. Yes, she's done despicable things but I think The Kyln will do. Gamora and I are planning the wedding now. She agreed to be my maid of honor" Gwen decided to lay down beside him. She laid on her side so that she was facing Peter. She started stroking his cheek. "I hope you don't mind but I've been listening to your Zune while you've been in here. I found the playlist you made about me. It's a lot of love songs. I decided to listen to it and I found the song that I want us to dance to" She pulled out the Zune from her pocket and placed the earbuds. She started playing Baby, I Love Your Way by Peter Frampton. It was her favorite song from Peter's "Star Princess Playlist" She snuggled into Peter as she listened to the song.

Shadows grow so long before my eyes

And they're moving across the page

Suddenly the day turns into night

Far away from the city

Don't hesitate

'Cause your love won't wait

"Oh baby I love your way, everyday, Wanna tell you I love your way, everyday, Wanna be with you night and day" Gwen sang along when the chorus came along. She listened to the whole song before she decided to leave Peter be. She kissed his lips softly before leaving the room. On the way out, she ran into Kraglin.

"Hey Gwen. How's Pete doing?" he asked

"He's fine. Still sleeping though. He will be for a couple of days" Gwen said

"At least he's still alive. That's what matters" Gwen smiled and without thinking, pulled Kraglin into a hug. He was a bit shocked at first but wrapped his arms around her. "You've never hugged me before"

"I know. I just really needed one"


Gwen was sitting in the garden listening to Baby, I Love Your Way again. She felt a presence beside her. She looked over and saw Groot looking at her. He climbed onto her lap.

"I am Groot" She pulled out one of her earbuds and gave it to the tiny tree. He took it and held it to his ear. His eyes widened and he smiled. "I am Groot" For the first time, Gwen understood what Groot was saying.

"It is a love song, yes" she said.

"I am Groot"

"Yes, it does make me think about Peter"

"I am Groot"

"We'll get married soon, I promised"

"I am Groot"

"You want to be both the flower tree and ring bearer? I think that can be arranged" Groot smiled again and then pointed to Groot's stomach.

"I am Groot"

"You'll be getting a little sister in nine months"


Dinner time came around. Everyone sat in their usual seats although Gwen felt a little bit lonely without Peter beside her. Luckily she still had Gamora.

"Gwen, I know you're still upset about Peter but he'll be better in a few days" Gamora assured her.

"I know"

"Pierce, what Quill did was an honorable thing. You should be proud of him. I for one am thankful that he is still alive" Drax said.

"Me too Drax"


After dinner, Gwen went down into the dungeons to speak with Helena. She was advised to bring protection with her so she brought Gamora and Nebula. They stood in front of Helena's cell. She looked up at them with a death glare.

"Well, if it isn't my worthless sister, the Zehoberei and the cyborg" she said

"Watch your words, purple haired monster" Nebula warned. Helena stepped closer to the bars of her cell as did Gwen. They stood face to face.

"Well sister, it looks like you decide my fate tomorrow. Are you going to sentence me to death?" Helena said

"That's what mom and dad want but that's not what I'm giving you. I'm going to make you spend the rest of your life in The Kyln" Gwen said

"Why wouldn't you just kill me?"

"Because you're my sister" Gamora and Nebula gave each other a knowing look. Gwen stuck her arm through the bars and offered Helena her hand. "Even though you made me and my friends' lives hell, tried seducing and nearly killed my fiance, and broke mom and dad's hearts, you're still my sister" Helena hesitated at first, but she took Gwen's hand.

"I guess I should thank you for not punishing me with death. I'm not looking forward to spending the rest of my life incarcerated but I look more forward to it, than I would dying" Helena said. Gwen let go of her hand. She was about to walk away when Helena stopped her. "I just have one favour to ask. I would like to attend your wedding before I'm locked up. I promise I won't try anything" Gwen could hear the sincerity in her voice.

"Alright, but right after you're headed straight for The Kyln" Gwen said.


What songs do you think describe Peter and Gwen?
