I simp Scaramouche so...

...here's a future chapter I'm planning on using that Imma publish now because I wanna see the reactions of my dear thirsty beans animeratty.

Enjoy psychopathic Lilith, and if you need background information for some of her character details then read the rest of the fic, I'm begging you.

A low chuckle resonated throughout the room as Lilith and Paimon stood in the middle, warily searching for the source of the mocking voice.

"You actually managed to find this place... I suppose that I should congratulate you," a sardonic, bored voice drawled, alerting Lilith to a presence lurking in the shadows behind them.

"This voice... Is that...!" Paimon squeaked out, gripping her tiny fists close to her in fear. Lilith stepped forward, shielding Paimon with her arm protectively. Her bloodlust burst out in waves as the black crescent moons in her eyes glowed scarlet.

"Hah!" Scaramouche scoffed, smirking mockingly. "Barely two sentences in and you already look like you want me dead."

"If I wanted you dead you'd already be six feet under, short stuff," Lilith growled with a mocking lilt to her voice. Scaramouche's eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth as she continued, "So you're the one giving Delusions to the resistance."

"Oh... so that's what this is about," Scaramouche said with fake surprise. "I think you've got the wrong idea. I know how this looks, but I'm just here to follow orders. I'm obviously not the mastermind behind this," he mocked. "Aren't you supposed to be pretty tough? What are you waiting for? Go get them!"

Lilith snarled, the red glow of her pupils beginning to illuminate the tendrils of silver slithering into her eyes, the ends of her hair dissolving into darkness.

Scaramouche chuckled, sadistic humor glimmering in his Noctilucous-Jade-colored eyes. "You're getting all worked up over nothing. Pff, you've changed... You're getting weak," he spat out the last word as if it left a foul aftertaste in his mouth.

Lilith's snarl evolved into a feral growl as she summoned Gladius Lunae, and Paimon gasped in horror. "How can you say this is nothing?!" she squeaked indignantly.

"How can you call it anything more?" he scoffed. "It's the way of the world. Human life is worthless! They were always going to die, with or without a Delusion. At least having one gives them a chance to fulfill their ambitions."

With each one of his mocking words, Lilith's bloodlust rose to indescribable heights, causing both Paimon and Scaramouche to shiver: Paimon in fear, Scaramouche in suspenseful glee.

He continued, eager to see just how far he can push Liyue and Mondstadt's bloodthirsty little hero, "Do you have any idea how useful the Vision Hunt Decree is to us? It took a lot of work to make it happen. Obviously it was in our best interests. Good news is, our hard work is finally paying off. Generating conflict creates a big market for Delusions. Now we just let the promise of power draw in the weak..." His irises diluted in twisted amusement. "For just a small price, they get the feeling of controlling the world! Trading their life for supreme power... Pretty good deal, don't you think?"

"Scaramouche you little-!" Lilith stepped forward before Paimon held her back, shaking her head warily.

Paimon looked at Scaramouche and questioned, "So... The Fatui started the Vision Hunt Degree? You've been behind it all along?!"

Scaramouche chuckled, the sound of amusement carrying more suppressed fury than mirth. "From the outside, Inazuma looks pretty impenetrable, but from the inside... it's a land of opportunity. With a little effort, we were able to break them down from within. Eternity stretches things out over a long time. But each moment within it becomes all~ the more~ fragile." He suddenly broke out into a wide grin, transforming his face into that of an innocent young man... making his next words even more poisonous. "Take your friend in the resistance, for example."
Lilith's entire body stiffened, her rationality beginning to fade. She sank into an instinctual battle position, her hunched body and feral eyes screaming that she was one push away from losing it completely.

You may think that she was overreacting... but who can blame her for being on edge when Scaramouche was practically radiating malice? She never knew so much hatred, anger, maliciousness, and sadistic desire could come from a single being. It would only take another word... another push in the wrong direction...

Unbeknownst to her, the room was slowly filling up with malicious purple miasma.

Scaramouche's grin morphed into a much more malicious one, one promising violence. "There's nothing you can do now. He's a lost cause... just like a bubble in the water. Beautiful for a moment, gone the next." He chuckled in disgust and pity. "The more it takes from them, the more tightly they hold onto it. And the more incompetent they are, the more determined they are to fight it! Haha! It's such a farce... so pitifully laughable!"

"YOU LITTLE SH*T!" Lilith screamed in anger, fully prepared to run him through with her sword. Suddenly, intense waves of pain reverberated throughout her body, knocking the breath out of her. It was as if the boiling fury inside of her had erupted like a volcano, searing the inside of her body with boiling lava and filling her head with clouds of ash and soot. The miasma circled her like a tornado, eventually condensing into a dark purple aura clinging to her, weighing her down.

"Hahaha! That's it... just like that! Embrace the anger... embrace it!" Scaramouche demanded. "The wrath of the gods fills this factory and feeds on your anger...ahahaha!"

Scaramouche cackled gleefully as Lilith dropped to her knee, crippled by the sheer negative energy surrounding her, filling her, corrupting her. She clutched her head as agonized screams ripped out of her mouth and echoed throughout the room, drowning out Scaramouche's crazed laughter.

Suddenly, she stopped.
Her arms fell to the ground with a thud and her head hung forward, her hair hiding her eyes.

"Aw, have I already broken you?" Scaramouche asked in mock concern, then chuckled again. Paimon panicked, circling her friend frantically and begging her to answer her calls.

Everything fell quiet when she began laughing.

"Pfft.. ahaha... ahahahahaha!" she giggled, staggering to her feet. A shockwave erupted from her, pushing away the aura clinging to her. At the same time, her long hair was dyed pitch black as if she had dipped it into the darkness of the Abyss. Her eyes though... instead of matching her brother's silver eyes, hers were nearly completely red. Her iris was ringed with silver, but her crescent moons were glowing with such an intense scarlet shine that her iris was almost entirely engulfed by it.

"L-Lily?" Paimon stammered hesitantly.

"Oh, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, Scaramouche," Lilith growled out the last repetition, her bloodlust that was radiating throughout the room narrowing into a sharp point, stabbing right into Scaramouche's heart. Lilith tilted her head, a soft smile gracing her face belying the fact that her bloodlust made Scaramouche feel like his heart was being slowly ripped out of his chest. "Fandango aside, you really are an amusing child."

"What did you just say, mortal?!" Scaramouche managed to spit out in fury and disgust; fury at being dominated by this small, delicate mortal and disgust towards himself for allowing this to happen.

"You don't honestly think that I'm mortal after all I've done," Lilith tilted her head back with a short laugh, then allowed it to loll down to the side while closing her eyes. "Answer a quick question; how old are you?"

"I never bothered to count, but I vaguely remember the fall of Khaenri'ah," Scaramouche answered reluctantly.

"So honest! What a good boy," Lilith chuckled. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and bore into Scaramouche's own, the pressure of her animosity nearly sending him to his knees. "A snot nosed brat who's only lived a paltry five hundred years dares to think that miasma of this level can break me? Don't make me laugh."

"How dare you-!" Scaramouche narrowed his eyes in anger, then forced himself to relax. It would be beneath him to get so worked up over this woman. "Even if your claims of immortality were true, I doubt that a happy-go-lucky dog such as yourself, even if you were a couple hundred years older than I, could possibly know true sufferin-"

"Nine thousand years," Lilith interrupted.

"Hah?" Scaramouche said with annoyance at being interrupted.

"The first three thousand years of me and my brother's lives were spent abandoned by the entirety of our kingdom, including our father. The only person who loved us was our mother, but she couldn't even tell us that she was our mother until right before she died. We were betrayed by our father and practically everyone else in the kingdom, and even almost sentenced to death. Even after we left, because of my wretched eyes I was drowned in human animosity until I got so desensitized that I can't even tell what my true feelings are. Even now... I can't tell if the bloodlust I'm feeling is that of these so-called gods or my own!!" She screamed out the last two words as the purple mist clinging to her skin dispersed into thin air.

Paimon was visibly terrified at her outburst while Scaramouche was rather distracted by the line of bloodlust that migrated from his heart to wrapping around his neck. Even though he couldn't see anything... there was just something deadly about the pressure choking his neck.

Lilith sighed, cracking her neck. "Ahhh... that feels so much better. Scara, you really should care more about the environment. Air pollution is a no-no!"

"Who... the hell are you?" Scaramouche demanded, taking a strained step forward.

"Me? I'm just a girl. Just as you're just a boy. The only thing that sets us apart from others is our lifespan and experiences. And do you know the other thing that sets us apart, dear Scara?" Lilith smiled sweetly as she walked forward. Scaramouche couldn't move away as she approached him, her malicious intent unhidden by her smile. She stopped right in front of him and lifted a hand, gently caressing his cheek. He flinched away, looking to the side, but Lilith roughly grabbed his chin and jerked his head back to face her. Her eyes were steely and her smile was long gone. "Controlling the world? Supreme power? What kind of BS are you spouting? As if a single life can actually be enough to sacrifice in order to obtain those. No, thousands of lives, dreams, suffering, and years are needed to reach the very bottom step of the path to overwhelming power. Tens of thousands more are sacrificed to climb up, step by step, with a single misstep sending you over the edge. Do you honestly believe that a single gadget could replace all that?" It was Lilith's turn to laugh mockingly as she strolled behind Scaramouche and wrapped one arm around his shoulders, the other tracing her pointer finger across his neck. "Oh, and to answer your question earlier..." she pressed her nail against his skin, drawing blood. "You didn't break me. After all..." she raised her finger to her lips, gently licking off the red blood, "... You can't break what's already been broken."

"You crazy bit-" Scaramouche growled before Lilith shoved him away, kicking him down once he was imbalanced. He crashed into the ground with a grunt, and before he could jump back up Lilith slammed her foot into the small of his back. He coughed, a small spot of blood splattering against the ground as Lilith slowly twisted her foot down.

"You should've known what kind of monster you woke up before you let things get to this point," Lilith said with a light scolding tone. "I really should teach you a lesson... I wonder which bone will do the jo-" She paused, then sighed. "Aw, I guess my game is over. A little fox got here before I could have more fun... I suppose I can settle with this much. You're so lucky, Scara!" Lilith giggled as her black hair faded back to silver, the color seeping into her eyes until they were completely immersed in the darkness. Those same eyes slowly lowered as she lost all strength in her body. As she crashed to the ground, she could just barely make out the figure of Yae Miko walking towards the coughing Scaramouche, who was staggering to his feet.

Ah... as expected...

I just can't control my emotions as well as I used to.

Haha, I guess that love really does make you weaker.

I really want to see you...

