A.N. The title says everything. Enjoy the fluff!!






"Pretty please?"


"Just drink the Archonsforsaken tea!"

"How about... no."

Lilith screeched in exasperation, at her wit's end trying to convince her brother to taste test a special potio- I mean tea she had made from a random burst of boredo- I mean inspiration.

"For the love of peanut butter, it's not like I'm going to poison you or something," she sighed.

"The fact that you even mentioned poison is suspicious in itself," Lucifer eyed her, then the cup in front of him. It was a clear orange-red color with the scent of hibiscuses, but he was still skeptical.

"I swear to FU-" Lilith began to scream before Alatus teleported behind her, slapping his hand over her mouth.

"I swear... How is it that I always walk into you about to desecrate the ears of the innocent with that foul mouth," he sighed, removing his hand once he was sure she wasn't going to finish her sentence. (THROUGH THE POWER OF PLOT, BI-)

"Magic. Sparkle✨," Lilith said, doing a sideways peace sign beside her left eye..

"..." Alatus ignored her antics, instead deciding to focus on the two cups full of strange liquid sitting on the table in front of him. "What foolishness are you up to this time?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"It's not foolishness, it's science! Magic!" Lilith protested, pouting.

"Poison..." Lucifer mumbled before Lilith karate-chopped his head.

"Oh, perfect! Since my brother is too much of a chicken to drink my tea, you have been volunteered to be the substitute vict- I mean, taste tester!" Lilith said, grabbing Alatus by the arm and dragging him to a chair. She slammed a cup in front of him, a dark look in her eyes. "You won't refuse me... right~?"

"Your noble sacrifice won't be in vain," Lucifer said, wiping away a single tear.

"Mortal poisons do not work on the adepti," Alatus huffed, yet he was still a bit skeptical.

"Don't worry~ I don't make it a habit of poisoning close people! My enemies are a whole 'nother story though..." Lilith giggled crazily.

"I'll only drink it if you do it too," Alatus demanded.

"Fair enough! I was planning on doing that anyways," Lilith said, grabbing the other cup. She eyed Alatus mischievously before saluting him with the cup. "Bottoms up!"

They downed the liquid in one go simultaneously, and the room became silent. "The taste wasn't as bad as I tho-" Alatus began before he was covered in a puff of teal smoke. Lilith yelped as she was also covered in silver smoke.

In their places were a small black and teal cat and a smaller version of Lilith.

"..." Everybody was silent once again.

Until Lilith shouted, "FU-"

The cat jumped onto her shoulder and slapped his tail across her mouth, making her sneeze. He sighed as well as a cat could possibly sigh.

"What in the name of sunsettias did you make," Lucifer groaned.

"Nothin' much... just a potion that makes your outward appearance match your personality..." Lilith mumbled. She reached up and grabbed Alatus from her shoulder. "I didn't expect you to turn into a cat, since you're a bird adeptus..." She shifted her arms so she could hold Alatus in one arm and began tickling the underside of his chin with her free hand.

Alatus began purring despite himself, and once he realized his action he began struggling to get free. He didn't unsheath his claws, however, because he couldn't bear the thought of harming Lilith (you simp-).

"I'm not letting you go~!" Lilith giggled, cuddling him closer.

"Your personality thousands of years ago and your personality now are almost completely the same," Lucifer said, facepalming. "I seriously wonder if we're really twins."

"You're just salty that you grew up to be such a stick-in-the-mud!" Lilith taunted, sticking her tongue out. "Wha- Hey! Stop struggling!" she yelped before Alatus finally freed himself and raced out the door. "Waittttttttt!" she shouted, racing after him. Lucifer looked at the door, contemplating chasing after them. He shrugged then went to the kitchen to make himself some proper tea.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Alatus~! Heeeeere kitty kitty kitty!" Lilith trilled, trying to lure Alatus out as if he was a real cat. Since he was not, in fact, a real cat, he knew better than to reveal himself to this giddy child. However, when he tried to creep away, some gravel crunched under his paws. He froze, but it was too late. With a shout, Lilith pounced on him, causing them both to fall to the ground. She rolled onto her back, lifting Alatus into the air triumphantly. "I caught you!" she shouted.

Alatus just dangled from her hands, his entire body signaling that he was beyond done with the situation.

"You're so cute as a cat! I've always wanted a cat.... But I really want you back to normal too! Hmmm, what a dilemma," Lilith hummed. Although his outward appearance didn't change, on the inside Alatus was losing his mind over the fact that Lilith called him "cute". "Oh well, I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!" Lilith shrugged, then playfully pecked Alatus's muzzle.

Suddenly, they were both surrounded by smoke, and once it cleared they found themselves in a rather... compromising position. Alatus was lying over Lilith, his hands propping himself up and their faces inches from each other. Alatus's face burned bright red and he scrambled to get off, but Lilith wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down.

"Noooo, I wanna cuddle more!" she said, her voice a bit loopy.

What is with this potion? How much trouble does it insist on causing??? Alatus thought furiously. He tried to push off Lilith but froze when she started petting the back of his head. He somehow managed to resist purring, but he lost all strength in his arms. He groaned then flopped down, crushing Lilith underneath his weight.

"Heyyyyy! Gerroff, ya great lummox! I said cuddle, not crush!" Lilith grunted, smacking Alatus's arm. He grinned, a feral part of his mind momentarily taking over his body.

"I thought you wanted to cuddle more? I'm just granting the little princess her wish," Alatus murmured, snuggling into the crook of Lilith's neck.

"Prin-" Lilith began before she yelped, quickly pushing Alatus off her with a spurt of inhuman strength and scooting backwards, slapping a hand over her neck. "Did- did you just bite me?!?"

Alatus sat up from where he was forcefully rolled over, scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish expression. "The... potion. Cat instincts. They bite as... play," he said brokenly, his face flushing as he realized what he just did, the effects of the potion lightening from the slight tumble.

"P-play...? Oh yeah! Like those stray cats in the alley!" Lilith's face lit up, her potion-induced childishness preventing her from thinking straight.

"Yeah... like that..." Alatus said, looking away. He felt slightly guilty for taking advantage of Lilith's disoriented state, although he didn't exactly lie. He just... withheld information. Such as the fact that cats also bit others to establish dominance... and as a mating ritual. Basically, the feral part of him was marking Lilith as his. He cursed the cat adeptus blood in him for making him even more susceptible to the effects of the potion. He stood up, dusting himself off, and held out his hand to Lilith. "We should probably go. Lucifer is most likely worried."

"Okaaaaay!" Lilith giggled, the previous incident immediately forgotten. She grabbed the proffered hand but, unable to maintain her balance, immediately crashed into Alatus. He grabbed her shoulders, barely able to keep the two of them upright. "...Upsies," she said, looking at him with puppy eyes.

"I- You- Rgh, fine," Alatus grunted, turning around and crouching.

"Yaaaaaay!" Lilith cheered, climbing onto his back. She hummed while braiding random locks of Alatus's hair as he trudged home.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"...I don't think I want to know what happened," Lucifer deadpanned while sipping a cup of perfectly normal tea.

"Indeed, you do not," Alatus sighed, the braids in his hair sticking in multiple directions as Lilith giggled at his disheveled state.

"I'll just- urgh- collect my ridiculous sister," Lucifer grunted as he picked Lilith off of Alatus's back. "Sis, lay off the sunsettias wouldja?"

"Meanie~ I'm not fat~" Lilith pouted as Lucifer set her on her feet. She wobbled once but was able to stay upright this time.

"I'll take my leave now," Alatus said, turning around. Before he could teleport away, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

"Bye bye Birdie~" Lilith said with a sleepy smile. She leaned towards his ear and whispered, "By the way... I was completely sober after you bit me." She pulled away with a s**t-eating grin as Alatus flushed an uncontrollable red and teleported away without another word.

"What did you do to him," Lucifer groaned while facepalming. Lilith shrugged with a giggle.
