Chapter 3

*Two months later*

"Get out of here! The Silver Demoness is attacking!!" a man screeched desperately, blowing on a horn as loud as he could.

"I really do wish that you'd stop with all these embarrassing nicknames," a silky voice rasped into his ear, the last thing he heard before a blade pierced his throat and killed him instantly.

"Isn't it your own fault for traumatizing all these people?" Lucifer chuckled, landing beside her.

"All I did was raid their bases and kill everyone," Lilith pondered, placing a finger on her lip. "It's a wonder anybody lived to tell the tale."

"Even if nobody did, rumors will spread with the flashy way you bomb their camp with your fireballs."

"It's fast, easy, and pretty to look at! See?" Lilith snapped her fingers and shouted "Aries!", forming dozens of large fireballs to appear above the camp. They began raining down like shooting stars, a beautiful sight despite the agonized screams echoing from the burning camp.

"Definitely spent way too much time with Merlin," Lucifer shook his head, amused despite himself. "Sis, you do realize that if you kill everybody, you'll lose information that might lead us to the evil god and Alatus?"

"Oh, I already have some," Lilith replied nonchalantly. "The base leader before this one told me that the evil god was in Inazuma to try and curry favor with the Electro Archon. If I'm fast enough, I can catch her."

"'I'?" Lucifer questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I also got word that the evil god is setting up hidden bases in Mondstadt and Sumeru in order to stockpile supplies away from the front lines," Lilith replied sheepishly. "I need you to crush them, even though I know it's a tall order to deal with both nations."

"I don't exactly mind, but it's true that it would be hard... by the time I'm done with one nation, the bases in the other may relocate and make things harder," Lucifer contemplated, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Rexy is needed in Liyue... We could ask Venti, but he's already plenty busy dealing with the aftermath of the whole Decarabian-Andreas debacle. Ugh, it's times like this I wish we weren't such recluses and had a wider social circle," Lilith groaned, roughly ruffling her hair.

"I believe that this is my time to shine, then," a sweet, familiar voice called out to the twins, who quickly whirled around. Standing there with a wry smile was the one and only Guizhong.

"Gui-Gui!!!!!!" Lilith squealed in excitement, launching herself into the arms of the Goddess as she had done all those years ago. "Where were you for two months?! I thought Rexy told you about us coming back the day of!"

"My dear Lily, I'm sorry for being away. I was on the other side of the land, negotiating with some of the nomad tribes to join our forces, so I couldn't come back until now," Guizhong replied sadly. "I'm here, though!" she added a bit more happily, squeezing the slightly smaller girl and twirling her around in her arms.

"Gui-Gui, I think I'm a bit too tall for that to work," Lilith giggled as Guizhong struggled a bit to lift her up enough.

"Honestly, what on Teyvat did you eat to get this big?" Guizhong huffed, setting Lilith down.

"It's less eating and more waaaaaay too much training and muscle gain," Lilith sniffed proudly, flexing her biceps a bit.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Guizhong," Lucifer said formally, finally deeming it a good timing to interrupt their touching reunion. He gently grasped her hand in his and bowed, pressing a delicate kiss against the back of her hand.

"My, my, you've grown up quite nicely, Lucifer!" Guizhong giggled, amused by his formality.

"I swear to the Archons, he picked up all these ladykilling habits just to prove that he's more popular than me," Lilith huffed. "We swing both ways, but he gets more bit- attention than me! Why?!"

"It's merely a matter of attractiveness. You, my dear sister, are very lacking personality-wise. It's such a waste of a pretty face," Lucifer shook his head with a mockingly disappointed face.

"At least you admit that I'm pretty," Lilith scoffed, then turned towards a giggling Guizhong. "Returning to our previous conversation, what do you mean by it's your time to shine?"

"I like to think that I'm the brains between Rex Lapis and I," Guizhong said. "I have a decent circle of acquaintances in Mondstadt. If you need it, I can reach out and ask them to take care of those bases while Lucifer takes care of Sumeru."

"...Forget Rexy, marry me Gui-Gui," Lilith pleaded, her eyes sparkling as she grasped the taller woman's hands. "I will worship you forever."

"Aww, I appreciate the sentiment but my heart is already spoken for... even if the object is as dense as the pillars he creates," Guizhong said with a long-suffering sigh.

"For someone who likes to poke his nose into my relationships, he sure likes to deny his own love life," Lilith also sighed and let go of her hands, exasperated with the antics of her younger brother.

"So you admit that you have a relationship with a certain someone?" Lucifer smirked.

"Shush, child," Lilith grumbled, smacking him on the shoulder.

"As much as I would like to have a nice girl's talk about the object of your affections, I believe that we must move back to the problem at hand. You also need a ride to Inazuma, yes?" Guizhong asked Lilith, who nodded. "I'll get in touch with a friend. The Kaedehara clan is very generous and should be more than willing to send a boat here. "

"Seriously, Guizhong, I'll definitely find a way to return this favor," Lilith said with a grateful smile.

"A nice, long chat over tea about all I missed and a little heart to heart will suffice," Guizhong winked mischievously as Lilith groaned.

"And I thought Luci was bad..."
