Chapter 7

(This chapter is the start of the reason why Rex Lapis is included in my tags nyehehe)

"We're in Teyvat," Lilith deadpanned.

"It seems like the Fates are laughing at us," Lucifer shook his head.

The twins had found abandoned ruins near the plains that they had first landed in. There were faint traces of people living there, so the twins assumed that the previous residents had recently moved out. Their suspicions were confirmed when they discovered a small village a couple miles away. Donning stolen cloaks and hastily whittled masks to hide their fancy clothes and unusual features (especially Lilith's beauty and Lucifer's silver eyes), they gathered information from the small population. From what they could gather, they were in a small unnamed area on the east side of the continent.

They went back to the ruins, deciding that it was the best place to stay in while they were strangers in a strange land, not knowing who to trust.

*timeskip 'cause I'm lazy af*

A couple of decades had passed since the twins found themselves in Teyvat. They decided to stay away from all human settlements since they didn't know how they would react to two unaging strangers with unique appearances. Instead, Lucifer used his fountain of knowledge to construct a small farm on the roof of the ruins so that no animals or humans could steal from them while the twins were asleep. While there was no river in the immediate vicinity, the twins weren't worried.

"Pisces," Lilith chanted, holding her hand over the field. A small rain cloud formed, sprinkling rain over the crops.

"Aries," Lucifer whispered, shooting a tiny fireball out of the tip of his finger into the pile of kindling under their cooking pot.

While they constantly trained their powers for combat, they weren't afraid to get creative with them. Libra was surprisingly useful for drying laundry; they could wash all their clothes and put them in a barrel, then cast a small Libra and shut the lid with small holes drilled on top. They would then surround the barrel with heated rocks so the water evaporated away.

"Luci, I'm going to go hunt down some slimes. I'm starting to run out of pyro and hydro jellies," Lilith said, grabbing her mask and cloak in case she accidentally ran into a hunter. Lucifer had made it a hobby to create more and more intricate masks from any material he could find, and Lilith loved every one of them. This time, she was wearing a black mask with golden trimmings.

Why would they need pyro and hydro jellies, you ask? The answer is simple. Cosmetics. Lilith loved to experiment with different slime jellies to concoct different cosmetics. Her current favorite was to make pyro-hydro slime face masks to steam her pores and cleanse them. Any normal person would've gotten majorly hurt by the vaporize reaction, but the twins weren't normal humans. It was as dangerous as sitting in a sauna for Lilith.

"Gather some herbs while you're at it," Lucifer said. "I'm running out of mint and sweet flowers. And come back before lunch!"

"Aye-aye, Cap'n," Lilith mockingly saluted, then walked outside. It was a beautiful day, with almost no clouds in the sky and a gentle breeze caressing the grass. Lilith leisurely strolled across the plains, killing slimes that came across her path and picking the herbs her brother wanted. Just as she was about to turn back, she paused.

"Rrrrrrrgh," a tiny voice half growled, half mewled. Lilith turned in a circle, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound.

"Rawwrrrrr," the same voice sounded, and Lilith finally spotted a tiny figure curled up under a slightly raised rock, Cor Lapis ores scattered around it.

As she stepped closer, the body shifted, and the growling became more distressed as her intimidating mask came into view.

"Shhhhh, it's okay baby, I'm not going to hurt you," Lilith crooned, crouching and removing her mask, revealing a sweet smile. She slowly crawled forward, making sure to not startle the creature. As she got closer, the body lifted its head and looked towards her.

She gasped.


It was...

"Soooooo cuuuuuuuuute!" Lilith squealed, forgetting her plan to not startle the creature. It slightly jumped at the raise in volume, then growled. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you..." Lilith hurriedly said quietly.

She waited for the growling to subside, then scooched forward some more. She stretched a hand towards it hesitantly, and when it gave no sign of growling, she gently stroked it. She marveled at the glistening earthy scales covering its tiny, slightly pudgy body and the tiny curled, branched twin horns that protruded from either side of the creature's head.

"You look like a dragon from the fairy tale books back home," Lilith murmured, scooting even closer. She gently scooped the dragon up into her arms, then stood up. It was tense for a moment, then melted into her loving embrace. Soon, it was fast asleep.

"I need to get you to Luci. He'll know what to do," Lilith whispered reassuringly at the dragon, starting the trek back home.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"...So you're telling me that in the span of a single hour, you picked up a baby dragon and brought it back with you?" Lucifer sighed incredulously, facepalming.

"It was so cute! And alone! I couldn't leave such a cute creature alone!" Lilith pouted.

"Did you ever think about if the mother came back? I really don't want to deal with an angered mama dragon," Lucifer deadpanned.

"No mother deserves to raise a child if they leave them alone, in pain, under a rock!" Lilith protested indignantly.
"Do we even know what this lil' guy eats?" Lucifer looked reproachfully at the sleeping dragon, who was currently curled on Lilith's lap. The two had quickly checked the gender a few moments ago and discovered that he was a little boy.

"I'll figure it out!" Lilith said confidently. Lucifer sweatdropped at his sister's confidence, then sighed.
"If he ruins the crops, he leaves," he finally said.

"Yesssss! You're the best, lil' bro!" Lilith cheered, pumping her fists in the air. The poor baby dragon woke up with a confused squeak, and Lilith panickedly cradled him in her arms to soothe him. "I'm sorry for waking you up! Here, I'll make you a bed and let you sleep in peace," She slowly got up and walked towards one of their baskets that they use for gathering sunsettias and apples. She filled it with a couple blankets and set the dragon into it. He immediately curled up, let out a squeaky yawn (making Lilith squeal at its cuteness), and fell back asleep.

"What are you going to name him?" Lucifer asked.

Lilith began to ponder. "I found him near some Cor Lapis, and he'll grow up into a giant reptile, so.... Rex. Rex Lapis!" she announced with a huge grin. And that is how baby Rex Lapis joined the small family.

Hi, and welcome to the start of my obsession with fluffy scenes and adopting all that comes into sight (except Alatus, he's the love interest)


...for the love of Alatus THE FORMATTING ON THE WATTPAD APP IS BEING MEAN, why is it randomly making paragraphs centered :^:
