Our ceremony was so simple, yet it somehow allowed tears to come to my eyes. Maybe that was me giving up my freedom, maybe that was my heart accepting that my father was giving me away.

I guess I'll never know.

This I all to say that even though I caught sight of my father, Zoey and some wolves enjoying my wedding, the majority of people there were not pleased and I was one if them.

I was able to meet the remaining Lunas, all ones who were opposed to my position as a human Luna, and all the alphas. Of course, this included Alpha Phillip and his Luna.

"Pleased to be meeting you, Mrs. Stone."

"The pleasure is all mine," I bowed my head gently.

Mike, who was standing next to me with his palm flat against my back, growled lightly and pushed my back to signal for me to stop. The Jade Forest pack was not to show submission to anyone.

"And you have met my Luna, Aggie?"

Aggie was almost as tall as Phillip ans thin with black hair cut short to her scalp. Her eyes were a lovely light green and her nose was thin and small. She was, in fact, gorgeous.

Her ma- I mean Alpha was quite handsome as well. He had hair only a shade or so lighter with brown eyes and high cheekbones. His jaw was sharp and his smiles short.

Granted, their son was more than beautiful.

Maldeo couldn't have been more than 5 years old but he was so tall and built that he could have passed for 10 easily. His hair was like his fathers but his eyes were near identical to his mom. He smiled more often than either which made him a winner amount the other pups who had run off to the creel shortly after the ceremony. He was a leader among leaders.

He was an Alpha of Alphas.

"We've met," she muttered. I nodded at her answer.

"I do hope you enjoyed the ceremony," Mike told them before shaking Phillips hand and going on to the next group of people.

"They were," I blew air out of my mouth," pleasant."

"They have to be. They're on our territory. If they disrespect you here they'll be punished. It would be the same way if we were in Greenland."

I hope we never have to go, I added in my head. Aggie would never be as cordial to me in her homeland.Maybe thats why Cassidy likes me, I thought, go back a generation and I'm of her land.

Cassidy was with her children at the cake, handing plates if vanilla cake to each of her fair haired boys. Mike caught me staring in awe at the small wolves running about.

"When you returned to the pack house this morning," he placed his head on my shoulder from behind," you stunk of hybrid. Did he come to you?"

I shook my head.

"Did you wander about?"

I nodded.

"Did you find their house?"

I nodded once more.


"Because," I sighed," I wished to return their things. The ones Tyler left at the pack house."

"I specifically told you no."

"Mike, in case you haven't noticed, most of the people here are only here to Lee up appearances. They hate me. The pack respects me because they'll be dead if the my don't. The humans don't even like me that much. I have no room to be judging people and choosing who I do and do not allow into my circle of trust. I'd be dead if I did."

"You've become so candid, Lucille. When did that happen?"

"About the same time you became okay with it."

He smiled and took my hand for a dance. Thats what we did.

We danced.

We danced until the moon was at its highest peak and my father and Zoey left.

That's when the ceremony began.

I went inside to change into the green gown that Catherine had gotten me for the ceremony. It was short and loose with a built top and bare feet. All of the pack members took their places in the audience and the Lunas and Alphas went off to the side to watch this sacred moment.

Jack and Catherine stood in the center of the open area. They walked circled around us once, twice and once more.

Then they stopped.

Jack's voice, though frail from sickness still managed to ring throughout the courtyard.

"Michael Octavious Stone, what are you here to do?"

"I am here to become Alpha of the Jade Forest pack."

At the sound of Mike's deep, throaty voice, at the sound of its pure dominance and power, Alpha Jack began walking again. This time without Catherine.

"Are you aware of what becoming the Alpha will expect of you?"

"I am."

"Will you do whatever it takes?"

"I will."

"Will you protect your pack, and the wolves in it, at all costs and no matter the personal price?"

"I will."

"Do you promise on the sacred ground of the Jade Forest?"

"I promise."

"Do you swear it in front of the moon goddess and all who worship her?"

"I swear."

"Then say it to the werewolves of the pack and their wolves."

"Wolves and people, I hereby promise that while under my reign as Alpha you shall be free and prosperous as the Huntress meant for us to be."

"Do you promise it to your Alpha?"

"I promise, father."


I've never seen Mike take an order so easily. He got to the ground and bent his head over solemnly as if asking for forgiveness.

"I grant my status to thee."

A soft light came from his hand. It looked like moonlight and vanished in seconds.

"Do you, Lucille Flora Thomas," Catherine stepped forward," take the same oaths as your mate?"

"I do."

Why does my voice sound so much meeker than Mike's?

"Say it louder."

"I promise," I said in a much stronger voice. To make up for my faux paux, I continued," I swear that I will stay with my pack and keep them safe as a Luna should. I swear it in front of the Goddess and I swear it in front of the pack."

"Who's pack is it?"


"Say it again."

"The Jade Forest pack is my pack."

"Kneel before me."

I stared at her a long moment before taking a single knee on the grass. I could feel a hundred eyes on me as Catherine placed her hand on the top of my head.

"I give my blessing to thee."

My head went warm from the angelic halo that came unto it from her hand. For mere seconds I finally felt like o belonged.

I felt like there was something new in me. Long after her hand left my head, it stayed. So long after the guests had gone and the Lunas and Alphas took up their pups and went to bed.

I felt like a wolf.
