Claudia brought Thomas and I bag to her apartment to lend us both clothing. She sent Camion, the dark skinned man, out for food for us.

I ran my fingers over the fabric of the dress she gave me. It was a black satin dress with long sleeves and a short skirt. She had requested I shower before putting it on because the material wouldn't come clean if I got into it as is.

Now I'm clean and dried off and staring at it, thinking of what I'm about to do.

Lacey? Where are you?


Luna Aggie sent word that you left her pack. Where did you go?

I'm south of their pack, looking for people to help. I think I've found someone.

This is too dangerous. Come home now.

I can't do that, Kain. Give Catherine my love and tell her I'm coming home soon.


I tuned him out. I'd be able to listen to his complaints all I want when I'm back in the comfort of my pack house. All I need is to seal the deal with these vampires and go home.

I pulled the dress on and zipped it up. My bare feet made a slap sound as they hit the ground as I wasn't provided with shoes. They were staring at the door expectantly when I entered.

What a sight I must have made! My wet hair draped over the side of that elegant dress, pale legs against the dark fabric and bare feet on the marble floors. I hadn't worn makeup in a few weeks so my eyelashes were short and boring and my face was tired.

There were 5 vampires scattered around the room and Thomas stood near the door with his hands tucked into the pockets of his grey colored suit.

"Lacey, this is Fredrick, Eloise, Marshall and Darius. My oldest friends and first changelings. The shining jewels of my clan."

They truly did look like jewels. All the men were handsome and strong, dressed mainly in suits and jackets, and Eloise was strikingly beautiful with bright blue eyes and hair as dark as night. Her cheeks were full and her face shaped like the most beautiful of hearts.

"Its a pleasure to meet you all," I said, trying my best not to sound flustered.

"And you," Frederick replied with a gentle taunt in his voice. His green eyes glittered with mischief.

"What is this offer you've come to tell us about," Darius cut in, deep brown hair fell in front of his face and an Italian accent soothed his cold words.

"I have come to offer you land in exchange for you help."

"Your land? The price must be quite hefty for you to offer up some of your precious Jade Forest."

"I hear there are intruders there," Marshall bumped into Fredrick to tell him.

"Now, Marshall-"

"He's correct," I interrupted," there are. I need your help to dispose of them."

They all stopped talking and stared at the Luna of one of the most powerful packs in the world as she asked lower beings for advice.

Claudia was the first to speak.

"Explain the details, please."

"A million square miles of land in exchange for you helping get rid of the current problem the pack house," Thomas walked a few steps over to her.

"Thats a lot of land, Luna. What else is there?"

Thomas turned to me, about to tell them that there was nothing else but I held up my hand. There is.

"In the months leading up to my packs take over and my change, my husband was away frequently in a fight against the vampires. Being that he is still missing, I assume that they have either taken him or broken the treaty we had only just made in our time of weakness."

"You want us to kill our own kind," Fredrick asked in a slightly astonished voice.


Claudia stared directly at me while the others moved uncomfortably in their spots and murmured among themselves. Eloise was the only one who didn't move in the slightest. 

Claudia reached over and touched her upper arm lightly with one beautiful hand, making her look up at the owner of said hand. Eloise's hair fell in front of her face and Claudia moved it out of the way.

"What do you think, Eloise?"

"Will we be free," she asked, blue eyes brightening against her tanned skin.

"Absolutely. We will be rulers. We will be true."

"Then do it."

Claudia turned to look at me now, leaving a hand on Eloise's knee. She nodded once. I straightened from where I was standing and glanced over the rest of the people in the room. Now, they are my warriors.

Frederick, Marshall, Darius, Eloise, Thomas and Claudia. Thomas has a small pack of rouges who will fight for what was once theirs. Claudia has a clan of vampires desperate to be free. What do I have?

I have my pack, my home and my heart to fight for.

And I'll be damned if I lose.
