Days passed by and Arturo and Ariana left for Mexico. It was a sad farewell, but it brought upon the next steps of my being a Luna.

Nicole and I spent more time training, I was getting stronger and faster. Catherine and I took the time to set up a new orphanage as there was already a few children without parents after the battle almost 3 months ago.

It was creepy setting up that old house for new children. We started by painting over the pictures on the doors and sterilizing the rooms completely. Soon after the house was set up we decided that on Alicia and Jordan, an older mated pair  who's "pups" have all moved on, to watch over them. 

I don't go over there anymore.

Now that I have taken over the position of Luna, I've noticed so many of those wolves who hate me that Alec was talking about. The border patrol, some scouts, the major warriors and some random one's I met at the store all hate me. I haven't even met the rest of the pack and I never will. Mike hasn't even.

The pack has almost 12,000 wolves in it in total and I've met roughly a hundred including the ones at the wedding. I learned that they seperate each section into different legions. The east legion has roughly a 3,000 wolves in it and a specific leader in there. That leader had 3 others under him so each wolf is only in charge of 1,000 wolves. It seems so efficient. Jack's father came up with it.

Mike is kind of the Alpha of Alphas, considering that the other 3 are also Alphas. Just less powerful. They are named Julian, Hayes, Bane and Carson. They all have Lunas and Betas. It's like a pack inside a pack.

That's what I have mainly been doing, fighting and studying. I'm expected to know everything about everything and I have almost no time to learn it. 

We have to travel into to Canada to Baker Lake for the first pack meeting of the reign Mike and I tomorrow. I'm packing now.

Carefully, I chose nice outfits and makeup to use for the meeting. We have to go over everything that's happened in the last year. Apparently it's been a busy year.

First there was the mating of the youngest Stone child to the youngest Sterling, both powerful families in the pack. Then there was a small battle which caused a much larger one. There was the sickness that killed off nearly all the pups in the region along with the second Sterling mating with a hybrid and the last witch being killed. We had the mating between Mike and I and the first marriage in the Jade Forest's history. Now here we are with the first human Luna.


So instead of spending the day in the gym with Nicole, trying to avoid Jazz or with Catherine, learning about the million different ways I could fuck up and start a war, I'm packing a blue blouse and white pencil skirt into a suitcase and putting a pair of black heels that are too high into a separate bag. Just like I was taught.

There is actually a she-wolf in the bathroom packing my cosmetics for me. She was careful enough to slip a few condoms into them that I immediately threw away. 

First off, we don't need those. Mike has barely touched even me since our wedding.

Secondly, don't think I didn't see her poke holes in them.

My bag was packed by the end of the hour and we were receiving our well wished by twilight. Mike and I stepped into the harsh looking, bullet proof SUV and sat next to each other in the back while another wolf drove with Alec in the passenger seat. Kian and Luke followed in a car behind us.

"Let's go," Mike said to the driving wolf.

"Yes, Alpha."

It took me a long minute to realize the wolf driving was in fact one of the border wolves who had had such a hard time with me being Luna. Eli.

We drove along the rocky road in silence for a long while, the only noise being when I tried to rolled down my window.

I placed my elbow on the edge of the rim and rested my chin on it to watch the passing scenery. It was such beautiful day outside, I barely even noticed that it had started to drizzle until Mike laced my shawl over my shoulders. I thanked him but didn't turn away from the trees.

Soon enough we entered the town I used to live in. Most people were indoors or running out to their cars, I'll never understand why so many people just hated the rain. The only other one who thought like that was Amilee, a weird girl in school. She was into all sorts of strange Pagan stuff.

We drove past the bakery and I got the chance to see Zoey behind the counter helping Papa with an order. A small smile crossed my face. We went past the gym. Jazz was outside, gaping at me as I passed by her in the nice car with my made up face, expensive outfit and curled hair. 

Mike reached across my lap and pressed the button to roll up my window. She followed us a few seconds and I wondered what she was most shocked by; my looking this well off or Mike's hotness.

"You need to be careful about the humans you interact with," I heard from my left," What would happen if they find out about my kind?"


"Maybe's don't work for us, Lucille. Just be careful about who you talk to, okay? You are a very important person now."

"I guess."

"Thank you."


He gave me a small smile that was just a little too sweet to resist. My hand went to rest on top of his larger one. Mine was a little cold from being so near the window but his was so warm that it didn't take more than a few moments to heat up. 

I am sorry I've been so off on updating lately, I'm still getting used to not having a study hall yo update and write in anymore.
