"You're back sooner than I thought."

"They were in the done talking when I got there, figured I'd come back on my own."

"Okay then, your father is talking with Jack in the living room if you want to join them."

"No, thank you," I started out of the kitchen I'd just walked in through. Catherine turned to work on the dishes once more," Could you tell Mike that I'm in his room when he gets back?"

"Of course, dear."

I went up the stairs as quietly as I could past my father and Mike's, heading up the stairs as I head their calm and harmonious talk floating in the air behind me. 

There are so many doors in the hallway that I got confused, it didn't help that I had  no idea which one was Mike's in the first place. I chose a random one and cracked it open to take a look. It was the room I stayed in the other day. I tried another one and found out that it was Holly's room. That meant Mike's was one of the other 5.

This time I went for a door a little further down and found myself standing in a cream painted room with a large bed in the middle, a grey colored carpet dressed the floor and a dresser stood off to the side. That's not what caught my attention, though. The open window by the bed made me walk into the room to close it. 

Well, I was going to close it until I heard the floor creek off to the left of me. My eyes flashed over to see none other than Tyler standing by the closet with a bag half full on the floor. I gasped and took a step back, almost falling out of the large window in the process.

Tyler grabbed my waist and pulled me back in before I even saw him move. I could barely breath or else I would have screamed.

"Are you okay," he asked, his eyebrows pulling together as he looked me over.

"W-what are y-you doing here?"

"Nova needed some things, but she's so far into her pregnancy. I didn't want her moving too much," he grabbed the bag off the floor," See? It's just a blanket and some clothes."

I looked into the bag and sure enough there was a large blanket and a few larger shirts and pants. I also saw a small blue blanket tucked into it along with a stuffed bunny with a bow around his neck that must have once been red but was now a faded pink.

"How's the baby," I found myself asking as I reached in and picked up the bunny. His face was dirty and he looked like he'd seen much better days. One ear was completely gone.

"Good. Both of them. It took a lot out of her to get that knife out, but they're all safe."

"I'm glad," he looked a little skeptical," Truly, I am. I know that things haven't been very... normal but I don't want babies to pay the price. Don't get me wrong, you're still terrifying, but that doesn't mean the kids should pay for it."

"Ethan and Eve."


"They're names, Nova and I decided on Ethan and Eve."

"Beautiful names. If you want," I held up the rabbit and pointed to the ear," I know a little about sewing, I could replace this for you?"

"That'd be wonderful, Luna."

"You don't get to call her that!"

We both turned to see Mike standing in the doorway, pissed. He was absolutely fuming when he walked into the room and pulled me away from Tyler. I still had the bunny in my hand.

"I allowed you to stay on the territory for one reason and one reason only- Nova. If you can't agree to the terms and stay the hell away from the pack house and my mate then I'll have your head on a pike. Understand, hybrid?"


Mike stared at him for a long moment while a beat looking Tyler bent down to pick up the bag. 

"Leave it."

Tyler stared at him for a long moment before he straightened and went to the window. He was gone in a moment.

Mike released me and ran a hand through his hair. I looked at the rabbit, caressing the nose softly before it was ripped from my hands and thrown across the room. It hit a painting and knocked it off the wall so it landed on top of the child's toy.

"Don't mess with anything he gives you," Mike growled at me. I stared up at him meekly before he pulled me in for a hug," We're getting married. Your father agreed to the arranged marriage. My pack needs you here as a Luna and you need to be here to be safe."

Words froze in my throat. Married?

"This used to be Nova's room. She and Tyler are living in a house he and Luke are building on the skirts of my territory. Your things will be moved in as soon as possible to the one you stayed in before. Take a long look at this room because you won't be seeing it for a long time, it will be locked off by daybreak tomorrow. Got it? I don't want to hear of you in this room ever again."

I found myself nodding.


"My mother will start planning with you tomorrow. For now," he looked around disgusted at the room," Get some rest. I'll have someone come in later to clean out all of her stuff and place it in storage."

I found myself nodding.


He glanced around the room once more before leaving. The door slammed behind him on his way out and I found myself sitting on the floor. My heart felt like someone was squeecing it.



What happened to the Mike I had just witnessed? The one who loved my eyes? The one who could describe them to Papa so he could see them and be satisfied? Where is he? Why would Papa agree to this? Why would he condemn me to a life without freedom of choice? What is going on?

