Chapter 68


Yoza smiling at Elder Yang
"Elder Yang , im sorry but the Yang Empire is my wife's now . Will you kindly leave this house and the office ."

Elder Yang look at him mocking him with his eyes ." Hahahaha someone like you wanna take over my Yang Empire ? Keep dreaming ...."
But then a few people come inside the room and give Elder Yang some papers .

" Good evening Elder Yang , my name Luke and I'm from Maruyama's lawyer team. We here to tell you that some of the shareholder in Yang Empire already sold their shares to Mr . Maruyama Yusuke , here is the document . They already sign this. So right now Mr. Maruyama own 51% of the shares , and he is the new owner of the Empire. Any Question Elder Yang ?

Elder Yang and the rest of the Yang family can't believe it. But the document is real , they even call their sharesholders to confrim them. They said its true they sold their shares.

Seem like The Yang Fsmily finally meet their end

Maruyama Yoza look at Elder Yang . Then he stand up from his sit with his wife ready to leave , but he took a glance at Elder Yang." Elder Yang。。。i respect you , in business , but as a father you got zero respect from me. Since you Xu'er father i will still let you lead you the company , but in one condition leave my family alone . "

Then Yoza lead his wife outside , leaving the Yangs .


Mountain Peak Estate

The Lin's House still have the light on . They ...the in laws sat together with YU and Sam .

YU feel so happy that he can't leave his mother arms , making Sam and Yoza jelouse , but they can only pity themself .

Mr Lin Hong , Sam father looking at Sam with smirk at his face , then look at Yoza mockingly .

The family they stay together , from now on , in the future they will support each other , no matter what they will have each other back .


A few minute later YU fell a sleep in his mother arms. Just as she was about to wake her son up, Sam said gently, "Mom, let me take over. You guys go to sleep first, the guest room is ready." After speaking, he gently lifted YU's head with his hands.

Their parents stood up to leave the room. Meanwhile, Sam gently rested YU's head on the sofa so he could lie horizontally.

"I'll leave you to keep him company then." After speaking, Xu'er entered the guest room. However, just as she shut the door, she saw Sam lean over to carry YU in his arms. Her lips subconsciously curved upwards.


"Huh?" Sam carried YU back to the bedroom and lay him on the bed.

"I want to kiss you,"YU suddenly opened his eyes, hooked his arms around Sam's neck and presented him with a passionate kiss... He then said seductively beside his ear, "I also want you!"

The bodies were inseparable: combining with an unfathomable force and held together by an undying affection. But, even this was not enough to fully demonstrate how deeply they loved each other.

After their moment of pleasure, Sam held YU in his arms as they calmed down. Although their bodies were covered in sweat, they still hugged each other tightly...

They had already been married for over half a year, but their love for each other had not faded the tiniest bit. In fact, it had grown stronger.

How strong?

Their love was already at the stage where either of them would give up their life for the other without hesitation... long as the other person loved them back...

"I'm about to start the runway again . Until then, I want to stick by your side every day!"

"OK," Sam smiled as he ran his hand gently down YU's hair.

Three months later

Sam and YU have their peace of life
And YU birthday is coming , on Tuesday , YU was having a photoshoot in Bali it
didn't take long before Tuesday night came around. On this day, filming stretched on late into the night, but Sam arrived early to surprise YU and waited patiently on set. He wanted to be the first person to wish his wife a happy birthday as soon as the clock struck midnight.

Yu completed his photoshoot. Seeing Sam's noble figure in the distance, he immediately ran over and placed a kiss on his cheek, "My first kiss after turning 27 is for my most loved."

"Mrs. Lin, I am here to present myself to you," Sam took the opportunity to hug his waist and continued, "Will you accept this gift?"

"I thought I'd receive jewelry or a diamond ring..."

"I thought you'd be more pleased with my stamina."

YU joined Sam in laughter. The couple's affection quickly attracted the attention of the crew.

"Yuteng , happy birthday!" the crew cheered.

"Yuteng, happy birthday!" Evan also said as he smiled at him. He raised a thumb at him, "My present for you, is to give you a few days off. Do you feel the love?"

"Thank you," YU pulled away from Sam's embrace and bowed to everyone, "Thank you everyone. Is it OK for us to leave now?"

"Hurry and get going, President Lin has been waiting for you in anticipation..." the staff teased. Unbeknownst to him, they had all placed gifts in his room. But, he wouldn't find out until he returned.

After returning to hotel , it was already late at night .As he pushed open the bedroom door, YU was greeted with a floor covered in rose petals. He was a bit surprised. A moment later, Sam approached from behind and wrapped him in a hug.

"Do you like it?"

Looking down at the candles on the floor and then up at the present sitting on top of the bedside table, YU nodded his head, "I love it "

Sam carried YU in his arms and placed him on top of the bed. He pressed his body on top of him as his deep and sexy voice resounded in his ear, "wifey , it's bad for a man to resist his desires for so long. You need to make up for it."

YU giggled as he lifted his head and pressed his lips against Sam's...

The passionate fire in the room was lit.

Perhaps it was because of the fragrance in the room, or perhaps it was because they hadn't been alone together for a long time, the couple's entangled bodies moved together intensely. Afterwards, they hugged each other for quite some time, unable to calm down.

"Give me your right hand."

"Huh?" YU lifted his hand curiously.

Sam let go of YU and turned around to grab the box sitting on top of the bedside table. He then pulled out a pair of gold bracelets from the box.

"This is the last remaining set designed by the international jewelry designer, OffGun. There is only one set in the entire world. The design isn't extremely special, but it has a lovely meaning: 'Together Forever'. This was originally a present from Off to his husband Gun . It was auctioned off in London and eventually ended up in my hands. I am now giving it to you."

This was created by Off in his later years. At that time, he was already old and had bad eyesight, so he could no longer create extremely detailed pieces. As a result, apart from making the bracelets resemble vines, he didn't do anything else to them.

"They're beautiful," YU cheered. He imagined how vines intertwined with each other and did not separate.

Sam helped YU put on the bracelet and then YU helped Sam put on the matching one. Afterwards, the couple clasped their hands, leaned on each other and chatted the night away.

"At the end of this year, we will have our wedding ceremony ."

"Why at the end of this year?"

"Because our moms said the good days is at the end of the years "

"Hubby, you sure are good to me."

"You've only just realized? It seems I will need to treat you even better in future."

YU lay on Sam's chest as he absorbed his unique fragrance. This birthday was enough to make him forget all the past unhappy ones and his life felt like it had been reborn with new meaning and hope.

This man who had helped him with his career, given him a second chance at life and given his happiness, he was going to do all he could to keep him forever by his side...

Dec, 12 20xx

Maruyama Mansion , Japan

A ray of sun light peeking through the opened windows, it shined right to a sleeping figure on the bed. The warm light caressing YU beautiful white skin, soon, the bright sun made its way toward his eyes sending him to consciousness. He opened his eyes slowly when he heard his room door being opened gently. His head tilted to the side and smile adorably too the person that was just entering his room.

"Good morning, my prince ." Xu'er said while smiling to her son and sat at the end of the bed where her son was still lying. "Wake up, baby. Today is your big day."

YU smiled at his mother . He sat up on his bed immediately and looked at his mother happily like a little kid.

"My Wedding!" YU squealed .

"That's right, Yusuke . It's your wedding today. Come on, go take a shower. You don't want your Sam to wait for you long and thinking that you stood him up, right?" Xu'er said while pinching her son cheek.

"No~ I will go to shower now!" YU said and jumped up from his bed and quickly ran to his bathroom, "Good morning, by the way, Mom." He added cheerfully.


Sam anxiously paced in front of the pastor.Every few minutes or so, he would look up to glance at the twin oak doors with flowers decorating beside it, anticipating them to open as he waited for YU .

He felt a tinge of disappointment every time they didn't.He dejectedly stared up at the clock and sighed.
"When will my YU get here? Did somerhing happen ? YU should be here by now " The almighty and handsome President Lin began to pace again, making the two men behind him become nauseous from his continuous movement.

Ray grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Sam , will you stop? You're making all of us dizzy with your constant pacing,"

Sam sheepishly smiled at him as he bit his lip in embarrassment, "Sorry..."

The pastor just chuckled back, "Don't apologize, you're just worried that he won't show up. I'm very sure he will, so don't worry. But President Lin , you guys already married ,why you so nervouse ? , relax ok .

Sam just nodded his head at the man, still feeling tense. He was starting to feel frightened that something did happen to YU . God, he hoped not! The insecurities he felt though were chewing up inside him with each passing minute YU didn't appear. He absently wiped his sweaty palms on his black tux. Richard understood and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder,as he said softly,

"Don't worry, Sam, he'll come."

"Are you sure?" Sam asked nervously while staring longingly at the door, "What if something happen to him and doesn't show up? What will I do then, Richard ? I don't think I could live without him."

Ray and Richard sighed lightly .
Then Ray fixed Sam gold lapels. He said with a firm voice, "He'll come, so you need to calm down or else you'll get sick during the ceremony."

Sam obeyed his best friend. He took deep breaths, soothing his frayed nerves, "You're right, Ray . He'll come...He has to."

Ray patted his back as he gave him a reassuring smile; suddenly, his phone rang, notifying him of an incoming text. Sam watched him take it out to check it.His fingers flexed in anticipation as he waited for Ray to finish reading. Finally, Ray looked up with a bright smile.

"They're here."


YU walk down the aisle anxiously as the crowd cheers on him. His mother are there, smiling brightly to him, his mother has tears a little on her eyes, feeling happy and sad at the same time for her son getting married .

His father beside him walking him down the aisle.

Chih Tian and Evan looking proud and happy for their friends marriage.

Sam couldn't take his eyes off YU . His ethereal beauty exuding from him just like when they first met. Yang Yuteng ... no's Maruyama Yusuke soon to be Lin the epitome of handsome in his white tuxedo that Sam had chosen for him.His long hair styled with a little bit of wave , enhancing his looks.

YU beamed at him, making Sam chest clenched in happiness at his beautiful smile.God only knows how much he loves this man. This beautiful man who has stolen his heart, making it willingly dance for only him.The only one who has that power and could make him feel this way was his YU. Sam knew this man was his soulmate-that they were meant to be together, and knowing that YU was his and no one else made him possessive beyond belief. SAM bit his lip when the other finally reached him.

He barely heard the pastor speak, too busy greedily drinking in the sight of his YU ,

"Who gives this man to this man in marriage?"

"I do." Mr Maruyama said

Maruyama Yoza reached for his son right hand with his own and placed it into Sam left hand and then step back, and sat at the chairs that was ready for them but not before sending a gaze to Sam that telling him to take care and make his son happy.

Sam felt an electric shock shoot up his arm when YU hand intertwined with his. They locked eyes for a moment then turned to face the Pastor who began the ceremony,

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Lin Zihong Sam and Maruyama Yusuke YU in holy matrimony... Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."


"Alright, then let's proceed to the vows!" the Pastor said smiling, "Do you Lin Zihong take this man Maruyama Yusuke as your wife and promise to love him no matter what until death tear you guys apart?"

"I do." Sam answered firmly while looking at YU eyes lovingly.

"And do you Maruyama Yusuke take this man Lin Zihong as your husband and promise to love him no matter what until death tear you guy apart?"

"I do." YU answered with his beautiful sweet melodic voice and smiled lovingly to Sam.

"Now, for the exchange of the rings."

Both parties faced their best men who held their rings that they had specially made for each other . Chih Tian handed YU his ring while Ray gave Sam his. They faced each other again with love in their eyes as they gaze deeply into one another, reaffirming what they felt while exchanging the rings. The cool metal felt warm on Sam finger when YU slowly slid it on.He let the warmth fill his chest while sliding his onto YU .The insecurities he felt in his head steadily faded away at the pastor's next words,

"And now, by power vested in me. I
hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss."

Sam heart pounded as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on YU soft lips. Fireworks shooting up between them as they sealed their love with a kiss. Sam held YU tight whilst vowing in his heart and soul to protect his wife and never let him go. Maruyama Yusuke Lin was now and will forever be his. Let the whole world know that.

The kiss almost turned heated until Chih Tian and Ray cleared their throat, subtly telling them that they weren't alone. The two newlyweds broke away, giving sheepish looks while blushing. The judge chuckled in amusement, used to seeing fervent kisses.He then announced them,

"Family and friends, I present to you Mr. and Mr. Lin ."

Their wedding was broadcast live for YU fans to witnes it . For Sam this opportunity was so he can tell the world Yusuke is his , his only .

Their wedding dubbed by the media as "Wedding of the year "

"Lin and Maruyama rules the world with the united their heirs"

They become trending around the world, some of YU famouse friends also congrats them on their own social media .

They becoming the topic every people talking about , every magazine , news , covering their wedding , their story .

After the wedding they have their honeymoon . At Maldives

Sam post on his sosial media after a while , photo of his and YU holding hands, and their wedding rings was visible for everyone to see , his caption only said

"Forever Mine "

All people going crazy with his post , they leave coment on his post
" president Lin we know Yusuke is your , your wedding was broadcast live for us to see "

"President Lin please have mercy to us single people "

"President Lin is too early for you to feed us dog food "

"Yusuke please control your hubby "

So many people give their blessing . Wish them happiness .

YU fans feel happy for YU . After so many up and down in his life , he finally has his own happy ending

