Chapter 4

Just as everyone thought the show had reached it's climax, Yang Yuteng  descended gracefully to the stage on a chair. All the spotlights immediately focused on him
Even he wear a mask everyone know he is a beauty


The jewelery nowhere to be seen
Everyone looking for it
Until someone spoted it on Yang Yuteng ankle

The bracelet appeared around YU ankle sprakling magnificently

Wow .......

That beautifull legs....
That legs only belong to 1 person
That give up his modeling carrier 3 years ago
That legs once was the most beautifull legs in the world and still was

Everyone become aware who behind the mask
But it is really their YU
Their lovely YU

Until YU reach his hand to remove his mask

Everyone froze in amazing to his beauty
The way YU remove his mask ... he seamlessly pose lying on the chair ...every pose he make was unforgetable

Most impressive of all, every single pose YU pulled, the bracelet would be presented in a different light; showing off it's beauty over and over again...

The audience rose to their feet and gave YU a standing ovation...

Amongst the crowd, in a high but hidden position, Sam Lin's gaze was focused on Yang Yuteng .  His new wife, once Taiwan's top model and singer , was here standing in on behalf of a B-Grade model.

There is no denying it , no matter 3 years ago or 3 years later
He was still the same model
The same person who always make his heart beat so fast

His wife born to be on runway ...

After the final pose

Everyone became aware the model is really YU not Jake
The jewelery founder become angry
He feel like he got cheated by them

He appeared behind YU
And yank him from the chair

" Who are you ? " he yell at him in angry voice

"My name YU sir , i come because Jake can't come "  YU reply him with soft voice

That make him got angrier
"How dare a blacklisted model like you wearing my jewelery... u just supercheap model "

"Im going to sue you for this... im going to sue WU entertainment for this ...i ask for Jake how can they give me this cheap model.... "

The desainer has no idea who he insult

"As for you get out from my runway ..see u in the court for ruining my runway "

Yang Yuteng  already prepared himself for this moment, but still struggled to hold back the humiliation. It was at that moment, a deep, attractive voice resounded from the end of the stage, "Yes, someone should get lost indeed..."

In surprise, the reporters turned to where the voice was coming from. There, standing at the end of the stage was Sam Lin Everyone's eyes opened wide in shock... Isn't this the CEO of Lin.Corp? Why is he here?

Everyone held their breath, certain that Yang Yuteng was out of luck. But to their surprise, SamLin walked over to Yang Yuteng  and stood by his side. With the intimidating tone of a king, he turned to the designer and continued, "...but, he is not the one that should get is you!"

"I could make your jewelery  store  disappear from Taiwan if I want to. Your manners appear to be on a different level to your jewelry."

Yang Yuteng's heartbeat stopped for a moment. Who would have thought...his new husband, who he had only met for the third time, would stand up for him.

Everyone then began to worry if they know that YU have connection to Lin.Corp then they won't have been so rude

The desainer knew , he couldn't offend Lin.Corp . So he reluctantly apologized,"
sorry president Lin... i didn't know your relationship with.....

"You are wrong ... i dont have any relation to him ... i just simplely questioning your character !" Sam Lin denied it and begin to walk away

But before he left, he turned around and announced to the reporters,

"There is, however, one thing I cannot deny. He will definitely become a rising star in the modeling industry!"
