Chapter 17


The news quickly spread to Evan ,  the desainer had made a call to Chris's office requesting to swap spokesperson. So, when he spoke to Yang Yuteng on the phone, he was exceptionally exited . " Yang Yuteng,  you got the deal!"

"Don’t get ahead of yourself, Jake isn’t going to let this happen so easily." Yang Yuteng didn’t let his guard down, even though he had the situation in the palm of his hands.

News of the desainer  request to swap spokesperson quickly spread throughout the industry…

Sam also heard the news during his downtime. To him, if his company received the desainer spokeperson deal, even the lowest ranked model wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

But, to YU , it meant he had successfully retrieved what belonged to him from Jake Hsu .

So, he immediately made a phone call to YU "You did well baby ."

YU gave a gentle laugh and then gratefully replied, "To be praised by you makes me happier than anything else."

"I will wait for you…to get back to the number one spot."

This time, YU simply responded with two words: "I will!" It was time to return to WU to face Jake’s ugly attitude.

At the time the word was being spread, Jake was still sleeping sweetly in Chris’s home.

Last night, he had run directly from the hospital to Chris’s home and used guilt to hold on to him for the entire night – not letting him make any phone calls to Yang Yuteng. Anything he had in his grasp, others…shouldn’t dream of taking – especially Yang Yuteng, who always seemed to be against him.

His assistant was impatient and flustered as he reached the house.
He opened the news for Jake to see and his first reaction was one of disbelief, "the spokesperson was already set, there’s no way they could change it."

"Jake,  this is real.
President Wu received a phone call from them this afternoon.
They personally told him they wanted to swap the spokesperson to Yang Yuteng, or else, they would rather work with another company."

His assistant pointed to the news in front of them with an urgent and angry expression, "What exactly did Yang Yuteng do? If he wanted to secure a deal, why did it have to be your deal?"

"Let’s go back to the office. This incident, I want Chris to give me an explanation in person." Jake knew that if he was to discuss the matter with Chris over the phone or at home, he would somehow sweet talk his way out of it.

So, he decided to return to the office and face the issue head-on, this way he would be forced to deal with it professionally.

Meanwhile, Chris was already bruised and battered. They were so determined to directly swap Jake for Yang Yuteng , but he knew this was going to hurt Jake greatly. However, did he have the right to say no? In the end, he wasn’t going to go against money.

Just as he was thinking of a way to comfort Jake. Jake with the aid of his assistant, entered the room in a wheelchair. He arrived just before Yang Yuteng with a difference of a few hundred meters.

"Chris, what is all this? How could the spokesperson deal, that belonged to me, get taken by Yang Yuteng?"

Chris  gestured for his assistant to leave the room. As soon as the room was left with just the two of them, Chris approached Jake and embraced him in a hug,

"Jake, this was beyond my control. I’ll help you secure an even better deal."

"You know as well as I do that Mr. Zack
is the fiance of Miss Bella , who is one of the judges at the Top Ten Model Awards.

This deal was really important to me and most importantly, how could you hand it over to Yang Yuteng?" Jake angrily pushed Chris away, his voice was shaky.

"He already stole you from me, wasn’t that enough? Why does he have to fight over everything with me? I don’t care…if I lose this deal, then  I won’t stay at WU either."

"Don’t speak out of anger," Chris tried to control his temper, "How could you give up easily? You know that I’m on your side, however, this time, Mr Zack was determined…"

Yang Yuteng’s already given up so many times in the past, what’s another time? He's about to get married to you, why does he need the deal anyway?"

After hearing Jake reasoning, Chris felt it made sense. According to Yang Yuteng’s personality, he has given up his chance at a lot of things in the past, one more time isn’t going to matter to him. He was certain he would agree, so he comforted Jake "I will speak to him about it. Don’t be angry, OK?"

Jake bawled his eyes out as he fell into Chris’s arms. At this time, there was a knock on the door; Yang Yuteng and Evan had returned to the office.

Jake immediately held back his tears and distanced himself from Chris looking at him like he was being treated unfairly.
"Yang Yuteng,  where did you go last night? Did you know I looked for you all night?" Chris asked one question after another.

Yang Yuteng glanced at him and then at Jake .

"It’s all a misunderstanding between Jake and I. I’ve already released a statement to clear it all up. Don’t make a fuss over it, will you?"

Yang Yuteng looked away without a word. He  knew very well what Chris meant by 'looking for him all night'. He had obviously been searching so hard he ended up searching in bed with Jake .
Otherwise, there was no way he wouldn’t have noticed he no longer lived in his original home.

"Too bad, the issue with Mr Hsu and I isn’t a misunderstanding…" Yang Yuteng  spoke calmly, "I helped him so many times, yet he turned around and bite me. In both your eyes, am I that easy to bully?"

"Yang Yuteng, Jake was worried there were reporters around, so that was the only thing he  could do!"

"Really?" Yang Yuteng questioned suspiciously.

"Regardless, this incident is over, let’s not dwell on it. As for the  spokesperson deal, how about you return it to Jake. This deal is very important to him. You’ve already retreated and won’t be doing any shows, so…you have no use being spokesperson," Chris said straightforwardly with the tone of a superior, forcing Yang Yuteng to hand over the deal back to Jake Hsu.

"Exactly, Yang Yuteng,   you haven’t done a show for so many years, you’re not even familiar with the stage anymore…" Jake added, "On top of everything, the deal was originally mine anyway. They must have thought, since I was injured I wouldn’t be able to recover in time, that’s why they chose you. You don’t want to be a substitute, do you?"

"These words, coming from Mr Hsu, sound a bit ironic," Yang Yuteng responded coldly forcing Chris to snap back,

"Yang Yuteng, you weren’t like this before.

If you still love me, you wouldn’t take on this deal. For the sake of the company’s future, we need Jake to win the award so we can elevate our company’s standing in the industry."

Chris’s words obviously carried a threatening tone. He had gone so far as to use love as a reason.

Listening up to this point, Jake was laughing on the inside. He knew Yang Yuteng would do anything for Chris, let alone give up a deal.

"Chris,  quick, give thema call. Let them know Yang Yuteng  is too busy planning his wedding and can’t take on any new jobs…"

Chris nodded reaching for the phone. But, just as he grabbed hold of it, Yang Yuteng stopped him, "The deal…I have already accepted it."


Chris exclaimed in shock, Yang Yuteng had never gone against any of his decisions before.

"Don’t forget, I am also a model  of WU Entertainment. Actually, I’ve already spoken to hf’s founder, Mr. Zack , and he is looking forward to working together."

Yang Yuteng , I am the president of WU Entertainment. The power of decision-making stands with me, not you!" Chris was filled with anger as he looked at Yang Yuteng, "Why must you take Jake's deal?"

"You think I took the deal just because I wanted to? The desainer requested for the swap. I was just worried in the end, we would be left with nothing, so I tried to hold on to the contract for you. Originally, I didn't believe any of the rumors regarding you and Jake , but the fact that you'd rather make a loss than have him lose his  spokesperson deal, makes me wonder if the two of you..."

"Of course not! What are you thinking?" Chris  immediately denied any relations, "I just felt that since we are about to get married, why can't you just stay at home and look after our family?"

"Then, will you go explain to Mr. Zack?" YNg Yuteng loosened his grip on the phone. He had a look of disappointment, "Also, what do you mean by I TOOK the deal from Jake Hsu ? Haven't I allowed him to take enough from me? For the sake of helping him, I've already offended everyone...who would have thought, in the end, he wouldn't even acknowledge my kindness..."

"Yang Yuteng, at that time, you were the one that suddenly announced you were retreating from the limelight, hence your jobs were given to me. What do you mean by you allowed me?" Jake was not backing down as he started an argument with Yang Yuteng - the thing he hated the most was people saying he cleaned up after Yang Yuteng.  "Also, with your ability and popularity right now, if you were to say you allowed me to take anything from you, no one would believe it."

"Fine, if you are able to convince Mr. Zack into changing his mind, then I step down. No comments."

Chris  was stuck in a difficult position between the two men. Most importantly, Yang Yuteng  was still angry, or else he wouldn't have disobeyed his orders - something he had never done before.

The desainer  had indeed requested for the spokesperson to be swapped to Yang Yuteng,  so, in the end, Chris stepped in and split the two apart,

"Stop arguing, since it was their's request, then we will just go with what's been decided. The spokesperson will be swapped to Yang Yuteng."

"President WU!" Jake whined.

"It's decided. The two of you can leave first. Yang Yuteng, ask Evan to come in," Chris  ordered coldly. It was obvious that, although he had no choice but to swap to  Yang Yuteng, he hated the feeling of being stepped all over by him.

Yang Yuteng  was clever and knew exactly what Chris was thinking, but, if he was expecting him to carefully consider his feelings...

...he was dreaming!

Jake  followed closely behind Yang Yuteng, he was boiling up inside and it was obvious from the expression on his face, he could barely control his anger.

Luckily, even though Yang Yuteng appeared to be making a comeback, in actual fact, he wasn't very popular. If he was to tear down this outdated model, it would be too easy. So, he turned to his assistant and said, "In a moment, take a few photos of me working hard to recover and post them online. Let's create some commotion amongst my fans and get them to complain that Yang Yuteng has stolen my deal. If I can't have it, I won't let him have it."

"Don't worry, I know what to do," his assistant nodded knowingly.

