16 |

Third Person's View

"Hey, whatcha up to?" A familiar voice spoke to the girl who was keeping her phone in her bag.

"What do you want?" The girl asked the boy with her cold tone.

"Wow. Last time i saw you, you weren't cold anymore. I thought you changed. And you weren't cold on the phone. Moving, huh?" The boy asked her.

"Listen, Daniel. I don't have time for these things. Just get to the point so i can get home and study and such," the girl said to the boy and walked to her locker.

"Well, i was actually planning on going to the bubble tea shop, you wanna come? I don't take no for an answer," Daniel said to the girl.

The girl just shrugged, "bubble tea sounds good. I'm in! I haven't had bubble tea in so many months."

"Jaerin, i wanted to ask you a question," Daniel said to her, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Shoot," Jaerin said, shutting her locker tight.

"Well, i was thinking. The dance is coming soon, and i heard that you don't have a date," Daniel started, before pausing.

Jaerin opened her locker, revealing the numerous confession letters asking her to be their dates, but she rejected them all, but kept the letters as she thought they were cute.

"Wha- how many do you have in there?" Daniel asked the girl.

"I haven't counted yet, but it looks like maybe about 78?" Jaerin said to him.

"Wow, so specific."

"Anyways, what were you talking about before i showed you my locker?"

"Well, i was wondering if i could be your date."

"Wha-" Jaerin cut off herself, in case she would say anything she didn't mean and hurt Daniel's feelings.

Confessions. She rejected them all, because she didn't want them to get hurt, like how she hurt her first crush, and she knew that he liked her too. Long ago. Now, he just thinks of her as a friend. She erased all memories of even having a crush, knowing that in the end, even if she gets accepted, someone would get hurt, and she didn't want the other party to be the one getting hurt.

"Sorry, Daniel. But i actually can't go to the dance anyway, i'm really sorry. And don't you have training to do? What are you doing here?" She asked the no longer smiling boy.

"Too bad then, i was kinda looking forward to spending time with you there."

"Don't you have a date?"

"Nah. I don't like any one of them."

"Oh, well maybe next time then."

"Yeah. So, bubble tea?"

"Sounds good."


I stepped into the house, holding the plastic cup with my favorite flavor of bubble tea. Peach green tea and tapioca pearls.

I grabbed my phone and texted Daniel.


Danny boy

Danny boy
What's up?

Nothing much

Just wanted to say thanks for the bubble tea

Which by the way tastes great!

Dood, don't leave me on read

Are you mad at me or something???

Mr Kang Daniel, I'll give you ten seconds to answer or else I'll never speak to you ever again

Danny boy
Sorry sorry I'm not Daniel, I'm Jisung. I didn't know how to respond to you and I felt bad so i didn't reply

Oh. Hi Jisung!

Danny boy
Hi. Hold on, lemme add your hotline onto mine so we can chat and Daniel won't be mad.


Yoon Jisung

Hope Daniel isn't mad when he finds out i looked through his phone! I thought to myself.

"Jaelly. Such a cute name. Ahah! Found it!" I shouted as I clicked on the contact after searching for 'Jaelly' on my hotline app.

Momma Jisung

Momma Jisung
It's Jisung!

'Jaelly' logged in

Momma Jisung
Oh you're online!

Yeah. So, you're a trainee at MMO?

Momma Jisung
Yeah, I train there with Daniel

Ahhhhh okay

Can we meet in person? Any friend of my friends is my friend.

Momma Jisung
Sure. Can you come to the building where produce 101 season is hosted? We're there checking out the place with a few others.

Sure! My brother's taking part too

Momma Jisung
Really?! Who?

Have you met Lee Daehwi yet? He's my brother.

Momma Jisung
Ah yes. He's so cute!! And his dancing is no joke.


Momma Jisung
Are you by any chance, a trainee from a label?

Not yet but I'm getting in one soon.

I have to go for now, I'll meet you later!

Momma Jisung
Okay, please remember!

I will!

'Jaelly' has logged off

You logged off
