
Lee Jaerin

Welcomed by the cold breeze of wind, I walked into the school building. The entire hallway was almost empty, for I had woken up early today. I even left Daehwi alone just so I could get some me time.

I rushed up to the rooftop, completely ignoring the students that had greeted me along the way. My black headphones were on and I was listening to some music. I fiddled with my music app and finally decided on a song I wanted to listen to, to calm me from some of my problems.

Now playing:

Spring Day- BTS

1:13 _________ 4:34

"Hey Jaerin, what are you doing here?" A soft voice was heard, and it seemed to be asking me a question, hence tapping me on the shoulder.

Jung Yerin

When I entered the school building, I saw a girl running to the door that led to the rooftop. She had black headphones on. Oh, I know who it was. Jaerin!

I opened the green door and walked up the stairs, reaching the top, I opened another green door, leading to the rooftop. I looked around, but I couldn't find Jaerin.

I closed the door and to my surprise, when I turned to my right, I saw Jaerin leaning on the wall, listening to music with her eyes closed.

"Hey Jaerin, what are you doing here?" I asked her in a soft voice, trying not to disturb her too much from her slumber.

Her eyes opened slightly and with a confused look, she asked, "who are you?" Her eyes opened fully and she sighed. "Oh. It's just you, Yerin," she said, taking a deep breath.

"Did you sleep last night? You look really tired," I asked her with curiosity.

"Yeah, kind of," she said back, regaining her usual cold attitude.

"H-how long did you sleep?" I looked at her, zooming in my eyes at her face. "You have really dark circles. You look like a panda because of your skin tone and those dark eye circles!" I exclaimed, teasing her.

She teasingly hit me and I took out something from my bag. "Here, have this. If you're gonna become a panda and not sleep, you should still eat," I said, giving her my hand-made cookie.

"Thanks," she said as she bit into the cookie. I bit my lip, anticipating her reaction to the taste of my cookie. She looked up and there was a twinkle in her eyes. "Mmm... Yerin! Did you bake this?! It's so delicious!" She squealed.

I nodded and patted her head lightly. "Eat well, Jaerin-ah," I said.

"When's your birthday?" She asked. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, before replying to her question. "19th of August. Why?"

She groaned and looked to the ground, hugging her legs with her arms. "You're older than me. So I have to call you unnie. But I'm still gonna use your name!"

I giggled. "Okay, Jaerin-ah!" I looked towards the door. "We should go back now. I think the others are gonna be waiting for us!"

She stretched her legs out and stretched. I pulled her arm gently to help her stand up and she did. She took her things and carried her bag.

We walked down the staircase together and chatted until we reached our lockers. "Jaerin unnieeeee!" A familiar voice shouted.

"Somi-ah! How's your day?" Jaerin responded.

"Somi, I thought you were older than us?" I asked the girl.

"Yes, but I want unnies! I don't need dongsaengs hehe," she replied.

"Okay?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Jaerin! Why'd you leave me at home?!" A voice boomed.

Lee Jaerin

Somi, Yerin, and I were having fun chatting, until someone disrupted us.

"Jaerin! Why'd you leave me at home?!" My brother, Daehwi, said, holding up the note I wrote for him.

"Aish, Daehwi. You know how our parents have been arguing right?" I paused as Daehwi nodded, "well I'm tired of it and so I had to escape reality for awhile," I reasoned.

"I can't believe they're gonna get a divorce, even after what they had to do to get together.

"Yeah, and it's not gonna be the first time my mother had a divorce, that makes it worse," I sighed.

Daehwi nodded while Somi and Yerin looked at us in confusion.

"What do you mean it's not the first time your mother has had a divorce?" Somi broke the short but awkward silence.

I sighed as I looked at Daehwi with a who-explains? You-or-me? sign. He pointed to me and I sighed again.

"Basically, Daehwi and I aren't real siblings." We heard the two gasp before I continued. "My mother had a divorce when I was really young, so I couldn't remember anything of it. A few years later, Daehwi and I met when we were 6, and our parents met. Daehwi and I were best friends but after we had to transfer schools, we could only keep in contact by messaging each other or calling each other. We bumped into each other when we were 13 and we reunited with each other. Daehwi's mom died due to a car accident a few months after Daehwi's 2nd birthday. We both knew our parents liked each other, but we didn't want them to marry each other yet, so we opposed to the idea. After we both turned 16, we finally agreed since we were tired of hearing them ask. After our parents divorce, Daehwi and I are just planning to move into a new house and live there together without any adults as we don't have any relatives willing to share their house as they have too many mouths to feed and too many children to take care of. Oh and since we were in different schools, Daehwi didn't know I bullied Jihoon. They became friends but Jihoon always had a grudge on me and Daehwi didn't know why, so he questioned him and almost injured him. Blah blah blah he forgave Daehwi and other things... Here we are standing here."

"Ohhh, have you two found a house yet?" Somi asked.

"Yeah, we found one a few kilometers away from the school," Daehwi said.

"We should probably get to class now," Yerin said as we all nodded.

"Hey guys! I'm walking to class, mind if I join you?" Woojin walked towards us and asked.

"No, we don't actually mind, Woojin," I said to the boy with slightly untidy hair.


Lee Jaerin

I was walking in the hallways with Yerin, Somi, Woojin, and Daehwi before I saw Jihoon."Hey Jihoon!" I shouted to Jihoon.

"Hi. Where are you guys going?" Jihoon asked us.

"Hyung, we're going to class! You?" Daehwi asked.

"I'm just going to look for Yuna. I'll see you guys in class though!" He said, hurriedly running away to meet Yuna.

"What's his relationship with Yuna?" Yerin asked.

"Jihoon hyung has had a thing for Yuna since awhile ago, but I just know that under those feelings, he has feelings for you too," Woojin said to me.

"Does Yuna have a thing for Jihoon?" Somi asked.

"Well you guys know that Yuna is the most fake person in the school right? Well, most guys don't know, other than the ones she's broken up with." Daehwi said as Woojin and him both sighed. Daehwi continued, "Yuna's next target is Jihoon. Noona! Please watch out. I'm pretty sure Yuna knows Jihoon also likes you, so you should watch your back."

"I'll be fine, Daehwi. If I could defend myself from Mina, it wouldn't be too difficult to defend myself from Yuna, right?" I stated, as all of them sighed.

"We just don't want you in trouble. Your safety is really important." Yerin said to me.

Somi patted my back as we realized that our chat had gone for far too long, which is the reason why our pace became slower, making us a few seconds away from landing ourselves in detention.

Ring! The familiar yet sad sound indicated the start of class. The second bell had gone off and thankfully, we were already stepping foot into the class a split second before it went off. "Glad you're all not late, or you'd be smelling the sad scent of detention. Now, as for Mr Park and Ms Choi. You're both heading for detention this afternoon. Two hours. No buts." Ms Kim said as Jihoon and Yuna entered the class.

Jihoon sighed and went to his place, with Yuna by his side. Yuna walked next to him, ignoring the glares from the female students sitting at the place where she had walked by. She pushed one of the students from the seat they were at and sat down, of course, it was the seat next to Jihoon, but Jihoon didn't notice.

Youngmin got up from the ground he was pushed to, and walked over to the empty seat by me. "Is this seat taken?" He asked.

"Nah, it's been empty since the start of the year," I said jokingly, "take a seat."

"Don't mind if I do," he said, whilst sitting down on his newfound seat.

The seat was practically empty as I had made sure to pick a seat to sit next to that no one wanted to sit at, that is of course, until Youngmin was forced by Yuna to move.


After that class, we still had a few classes to go to before lunch. Math class was boring as usual since I already learnt everything the teacher was teaching, but I managed to stay awake and took notes, being the good student I was.

"Jaerin-ah! Let's go for lunch!" I heard Woojin shout from the door of the classroom. Hearing his statement, I quickly packed up my things and walked to the group that was chatting.

"Jaerin's here! Let's go!" Jinyoung said as everyone nodded and followed along.

"I have to stop by my locker to put these things, hope you don't mind!" I shouted as I saw the familiar locker number.

"We have to too. Meet you guys at the usual place!" All of us parted ways after the statement was made. Somi, Yerin and I stayed together as our lockers were right next to each other's.

We put our things into our lockers and headed to the cafeteria. I still wasn't big on eating, so I just got a fruit salad and went to meet the others. Everyone but Jihoon and Somi were there and Yerin and I were just walking towards the table.

"Why's Jihoon hyung so busy today?" Daehwi asked as everyone but Woojin and me shrugged their shoulders, attempting to communicate the sign i-don't-know.

"Didn't you hear or notice?" Woojin asked the younger boy.

"Daehwi! It's so obvious! Jihoon's dating Yuna!" I said.

"Noona! Aren't you jealous?" Daehwi raised an eyebrow and asked.

"I've never had a crush on him or anything. Why should I be? Besides, if he's happy, let him be. His happiness is more important. Even though Yuna's gonna break his heart one day, he should still be happy on the days leading up to that one." I reasoned.

"Fine, whatever you say, noona," he said back energeticlessly.


New record! 1881 words!!!

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you very berry much for reading this story! Please go support and follow my friend, Xaylinkwek , she has a book named 'Fake love...', please go and check it out and give her lots of love!

I currently have 3 drafts for this ff but I won't be updating really fast as I don't have any drafts written for my Taehyung ff so I'll have to write a few. Slow update for that ff too and I'll work on more drafts to update. Thanks for reading up till here and have a great day ahead! Until the next chapter! (I'll be adding a lot of Yuna in my story.)

Word count: 2001
