7 |

Lee Jaerin

Sleeping soundly, I was soon awoken by the chirps of birds near my window. I sat upright and took my phone from my nightstand to check what I had missed for the past 8 hours when I had been sleeping.

It was already 7 am and I had only an hour left to eat my breakfast and to get ready. I got out of bed and walked towards the room Yerin was sleeping in. She was still asleep.

"Yerin unnie! Wake up, we only have an hour before school starts so you need to wake up now," I shouted to her from the door.

"Five more minutes!" She shouted back.

"Aigoo unnie! We're going to be late if you don't wake up now!" I shouted.

"Fine, fine. I'll get up. But one question. Where do I get a uniform?" She asked.

"I have a few extras of different sizes that I don't wear. You can wear one of those." I paused. "Now get out of your bed you lazy pig!"

She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. I did the same thing after reaching the bathroom of my room.

I took a few pairs of uniforms from my closet and called Yerin to come to my room. "Which one fits you?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm one size bigger than you so...," she stated.

"I'm pretty sure you can fit in the same size as me. My waist isn't very skinny."I reasoned with her.

"You're right, it does fit!" Yerin squealed.


I made waffles for Yerin and myself for breakfast and then made bacon and eggs for Daehwi, who had yet to wake up.

"I swear. If that boy wakes up late and eventually is late for school, I'm gonna make him wake up at 6:30 am!" I shouted but not too loud, so that he wouldn't hear me.

"I heard that," he said while walking out of his room.

"Finally, you're awake," I told him.

We started eating our breakfast and paired it with glasses of juice. I finished my breakfast first, so I went to the kitchen sink and washed my plate. I then walked over to the two that were still eating, glancing at the clock. "It's already 7:38, you have two minutes before we have to leave for school."


This wasn't part of my big picture for a long chapter, but the next one is about 900+ words. Since I promised a long chapter, I'll post the chapter really soon, so you guys can read it earlier!

See ya!
