

I felt a hand push me to the ground and I landed

with a thud. I looked up to see a face. A familiar face.

Guess who? Well, I knew I was gonna be bullied for

the whole year. Good luck to me. A person who

always stood up for others, being bullied.


Lee Jaerin

Park Jihoon.

Of course it had to be him. I bullied him. I deserve to be bullied, but I don't feel like it. I mean, I might as well get bullied. It's not like I care for my life that much. But I know Somi does and I don't want to see her sad. But go ahead Park Jihoon. Lay a finger on me to hurt me and I'll hurt you.


Park Jihoon

I looked at the weakling, Jaerin, on the floor. It was time for my revenge. Good luck, Jaerin. You're never going to escape me. I'm getting revenge no matter what.

Lee Jaerin

I looked at Jihoon. "Jihoon, why are you doing this? About the bullying, i can explain. Please, let me explain."

"Why should i?"

I felt like he was insulting me. I felt offended. I got up and walked away. I didn't care anymore. You know what? Since I've been struggling so much, it's better if you kill me. I won't have that much trouble anyway.

I felt a hand pull my shoulder and push me to the door. Well done, Jihoon. I was exiting! I hit the pointy and sharp metal part of the door and slid down, scratching it even further. I sat there and cried. What else could I do? I really didn't care if Jihoon saw me as a weakling. I felt hurt.

Park Jihoon

I grabbed Jaerin's shoulder and pushed her to the door. No way was I going to let her get away without me getting my revenge.

I walked away. I heard crying and I didn't care. But they were getting louder. I looked backwards and saw Jaerin grabbing her penknife from her bag, wanting to stab herself. I ran to her and grabbed her penknife before she could do anything. I wanted revenge but I didn't want her to kill herself.

Lee Jaerin

I sat there, crying. Jihoon had already walked away. My parents are thinking of divorcing and I already had a cut on my arm. I couldn't take it anymore. If Jihoon wants me dead so badly, I might as well save him the trouble. I grabbed my penknife from my bag and wanted to stab myself. I felt someone take away my penknife.

"GIVE IT BACK!" I shouted.

"Fine," He said and he dropped the penknife on the floor.

"Are you going to listen to my explanation? If you aren't, i suggest you leave me alone before i stab you too. I have had enough troubles," I said soullessly. Second time today.

"No, i'm not going to."

"Then get lost," I said to Jihoon.

"Harsh. What's wrong? You're usually not as soulless as you are today."

"You don't need to know. Just mind your own business," I said.

"Tell me, or else i'll have to push you to the floor again."

"My parents want a divorce, okay?!" I yelled.

He looked at me with an 'i'm sorry' face but I didn't care. I couldn't care anymore.


I came out of my room and entered the dark living room. I had heard screams and shouts from there.

It was my parents.


I walked to the light switch and turned on the lights to get their attention.

They looked at me, shocked, and I looked at them, disappointed.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'm disappointed in the both of you. If you both want a divorce so bad, then get one. Sign all the divorce papers and leave Daehwi and me alone, we're not going to let you take custody of us. We're not gonna pretend that we didn't hear your arguments anymore. You're both people who need to get a life. And we both thought that you loved each other. You're both selfish. After everything you had to go through just to be together, you decide to divorce. You don't need to pretend that we're a happy family anymore. Just divorce and let Daehwi and me take care of ourselves," I said as I walked back to my room. I had no tears to cry out anymore. Daehwi and I have been listening to their arguments for the past year and we couldn't care anymore.

I sat on my bed, sighing. "What a great way to start my day. Them arguing at 2am in the morning. Ugh," I muttered under my breath.


I told Jihoon everything. I let it all out. I ranted.

"And you know those friends i had back then? They were forcing me to bully you. I didn't have any other friends other than them and you, so i had no choice but to do it. I'm so sorry, Jihoon," I said in between sobbers.

"It's fine, i understand,"he said.

He pulled me up and brought me to the infirmary room to clean up my wound.

"Thanks," I thanked him.

"It's nothing."

Once I was all done, I walked out of the infirmary room with Jihoon by my side. It felt nice to have him forgive me. It was like a huge load was lifted from my shoulders. We walked to class together and were greeted by an angry teacher, whom had written the words 'Ms Kim' on the board, so I assume that's her name.

'We're sorry we're late, Ms Kim. Jaerin got injured and i had to send her to the nurse to get her cut treated and stitched," Jihoon said.

I saw a group of Jihoon's fangirls murmuring, which I assume is about me.

"Why is Jihoon with Jaerin?"

"I know Jaerin is popular, but she doesn't deserve to hang out with my Jihoonie," a girl from the group said, loud enough for me to hear.

I almost gagged by what she said. Your Jihoonie? Girl, he probably doesn't even know you exist. But then again maybe he does, since you go up to his table and disrupt everyone from eating in the cafeteria, every single day.

"It's fine. Please sit down, the both of you. So we were just discussing things for our group project. Now that you're both here, i can assign the pairs. Is that fine with everyone?"

Every one of Jihoon's fangirls started shouting at the teacher. "I want Jihoon!" "No! I want Jihoon! "You both can't have him, he's mine!" "Pick me, pick me, pick me!" (See what I did there? ; ) no? okay.)

I rolled my eyes and just waited for Ms Kim to shut them up.

"Okay, students. That's enough. You shouting won't affect my decision. All the assigned pairs have been pre-decided by me and were written down here, on the piece of paper on my clipboard."

Please don't make me pair with one of those crazy fangirls!

She assigned pairs until it was finally the last few people, including me.

"Mineun and Leejae. Daehwi and Somi. Hyunjin and Jihoon. Seulgi and Mark. Jaerin and Yerin."

Yes! It wasn't one of the fangirls! I love my life so much! I'm glad I didn't stab myself.

"Please get into your pairs and discuss with each other about the contents of your project."

"Jaerin! Can you some here? I sprained my ankle while doing track and field earlier on," Yerin said to me.

I sighed and got out of my seat, walking to Yerin's.

Jung Yerin

As soon as I heard my name called for our project assignment, I scurried to get up in the fit of wanting to discuss our project and not wanting the popular yet cold girl that I would be doing the project with wait too long. Unfortunately for me, I fell back into my chair and tried to get up again but to no avail. I dreadfully recollected the mishap of me injuring my leg and called Jaerin to come to my desk.

"Jaerin! Can you come here? I sprained my ankle while doing track and field earlier," I said to her.

She walked over to my desk and I heaved a sigh of relief that she wasn't complaining like any of the other girls whom had been assigned with me for the past projects. Man, I pity them.

"May i know what was the theme? I wasn't around when Ms Kim was having the discussion for our project as i um... had an accident," Jaerin kindly asked me, pointing to the stitch on her skinny arm.

"Well, the theme was natural world. We have to make something to resemble any part of the natural world and explain why it is part of the natural world and the effects and the feelings of humans or animals as well as what source it comes from. I was gonna ask Ms Kim a question, but she was too quick to pair us up so can I ask you? And why are you so skinny?"

"Sure, what is it? And, i guess i'm skinny because i'm not big on eating."

"What are some things that are part of the natural world?" I asked.

Lee Jaerin

"What are some things that are part of the natural world?" Yerin asked me.

"Well, electricity is one. And basically anything that is naturally formed are part of the natural world," I said simply.


"Okay, students. Please return to your seats and i will arrange your seats on behalf of your home room teacher, Mrs Jung," Looking back from her phone and placing her focus on the class, Ms Kim said.

I returned from Yerin's seat to mine and found a grinning Jihoon sitting behind me. "Yah! Don't do that! You look creepy!" I whisper shouted to Jihoon with a still straight face.

"Okay," he said, as a concentrating face appeared on his face.

I turned back to my seat and paid full attention to Ms Kim since I was always a concentrated person and an A student.

"Okay, class," Ms Kim paused, leaning on the whiteboard, listening to the shrill sound of the bell, "I hope you all like your new seating arrangements and class is now dismissed," she continued.

I packed up my things and went to my locker, with Yerin standing behind me, along with the other students aggressively pushing each other, wanting to be the first to the cafeteria for there was pizza for lunch, a favorite amongst the students.

"Hi, Jaerin. I was um wondering whether you wanted to be my friend since i don't have many friends," Yerin asked from the locker to my right, Somi walking to her locker on my left.

"Sure, i guess," I replied to her question, keeping my bag and books in my locker, before shutting it tight.

Yerin nodded, a grin appearing on her face as she opened her petite mouth to speak. "I'll meet you at your table for lunch? Somi and I are going to the cheer auditions first."

I nodded my head in understanding and Yerin walked away, with Somi at her side.

"Hey loser, do this for us. We have a party to go to," a high pitched voice said to me as I turned to face them.


This was a very long chapter, the longest one I have ever written for any of my ffs :o

1834 words...
