Chapter 17

"What are you doing here, Top?" Chloe asked as she stared the boy down. Topper stepped up off of the ladder and onto the wooden floor. Chloe clenched her hands into fists and stepped closer to the boy.

"Hey take it easy Chloe."

"Don't fucking move!" John B exclaimed. Topper held his hands up in surrender.

"I just need to talk to Sarah," Topper muttered. "Please."

Chloe surveyed the boys face and he seemed to be sincere. "Fine."

"What do you want?" Sarah asked as she stepped next to Chloe. Topped stepped forward; closer to Sarah.

"It's not too smart, is it, meeting up with a fugitive like this?" Topper asked. He took another step forward so Chloe stepped in front of Sarah; getting in Topper's face.

"Hey. I'm not... I'm not... I'm not gonna do anything, all right?" Chloe scoffed at that comment. John B stepped closer to Topper as well, the boy looked into John B's eyes. "What? Are you gonna try to kill me too, man?"

"He didn't kill anyone!" Sarah exclaimed, she once again pushed Chloe back behind her.

"Are you serious! They've brainwashed you Sarah!" Topper exclaimed. "Chloe has you so far up in her trap!"


"Snap out of it Sarah!" Topper reached for the string of the bell and started pulling down on it. "Hey everyone! He's up here!"

The bell started to ring multiple times and it was very loud. Topper was going to give away their hiding spot.

"Stop!" Chloe exclaimed. "Please!"

The boy kept ringing the bell so Chloe swooped in and punched him in the arm. "Okay! Okay!"

"Topper knock it off!" Sarah exclaimed!


"Are you done?" John B asked; giving the boy a rude glare. Chloe grabbed the boy's arm to make sure he didn't ring the bell again. Topper shook his hand away and shoved Chloe backwards.

"I said alright!" Topper yelled. "Sarah, I warned you about these Pogues, didn't I?"

"John B is innocent and Chloe is not a bad person!" Sarah exclaimed. "She's actually really amazing."

"Then who did it Sarah?" Topper asked as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Hm?"

Sarah took a deep breath and sighed it out. "Rafe."

"What are you talking about?" Topper asked as he looked Sarah in the eyes.

"Why would I say that my own brother did it... if it wasn't true? I was there Topper! I saw it happen right in front of me."

"Don't lie to me Sarah!" Topper yelled.

"Don't yell at her," Chloe muttered. Topper glanced over at Chloe and nodded.

"Sheriff Peterkin was trying to arrest my father, and then Rafe shot her. That's my brother... Why would I lie about that?"

Topper's jaw dropped, Chloe could tell he believed everything Sarah was saying. Topper was smart enough to know Sarah wouldn't lie about her family. Suddenly sirens started to get closer to the building, and the red and blue lights started to fill the darkness. "Shit. We have to go," John B said. "Now."

"Yeah, we need to get out of here," Sarah replied as she grabbed Chloe's hand.

"Sarah, you realize I'm the one that loves you!" Topper exclaimed as he pointed to himself.

"I don't care right now Topper!"

Chloe looked at John B and rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Sarah, you gotta realize that she doesn't love you."

"Stop it!" Chloe yelled.

"She doesn't love you. I'm the one who does!"

Topper grabbed Sarah's hand and so Chloe smacked his arm. "Hands off of her."

"You don't know how I feel about Sarah. I do love her Topper. I love Sarah more than anything in this world. She is the most important thing in my life. I would do anything for her, you don't know my feelings for this girl. Sure, you may love her... but so do I," Chloe explained. Topper looked at Chloe with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for assuming... but can I still prove my love for her?" Topper asked. Chloe tilted her head to the side.

"With what Topper?"

Chloe heard the crackling of fire underneath her. Suddenly the teens noticed that the building was starting to burn. "John B, let me have your sweatshirt."

John B's eyes widened but he continued to give Topper his sweatshirt. Carefully, the teens climbed down the ladder and Topper made his way to the front door. The fire was starting to grow; the smoke was making it dangerous to stay inside any longer.

"Topper, you don't have to do this man, they could shoot you," Chloe said. "I know we don't see eye to eye, I still don't want you to get hurt for us."

"Yes I do, I'll be fine. Now go."

Chloe, John B and Sarah walked through the back door and got away as Topper distracted the cops. Luckily, there were no gun shots, meaning Topper would be okay. Chloe was surprised Topper basically sacrificed himself to save the three teens. Maybe he did love Sarah, but that didn't change how she felt for the girl. Hopefully, Sarah knew that. "I have a place we may be able to go too," Sarah whispered.

The teens finally came across an empty house with a for sale sign in the front yard. The Cameron name was on the sign. Sirens were blaring in the background; they didn't have much time. "We can hide in here," Sarah stated.

"Are you sure this place is empty?" John B asked.

"Yeah, it's Rose's listing."

Chloe nodded and followed Sarah up to the doorstep. Sarah started pressing numbers onto the lock and the lockbox popped open. She shut it back up and put the key into the lock. Sirens suddenly got closer, they were on this street. "Shit."

The three teens hurried inside and locked the door behind them. They ducked around the corner which was out of sight from any of the windows. Chloe could see a flashlight being shined inside the window. "Nothing here, they're probably heading towards the cut," the officer stated. Sarah grabbed Chloe's hand.

"Let's go upstairs." They looked out the window and saw Rafe standing with Kelce. Rafe was putting on a hell of an act.

"I can't believe that's my brother." John B and Chloe followed Sarah upstairs. There were three bedrooms upstairs.

"Will you be okay if you take the one across the hall from us, John B?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, of course," he said with a smirk. "I'll yell if I need anything."

"Same." John B smiled and headed into the other bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Sarah and Chloe headed into the master bedroom. Chloe looked around at the room in awe, it was extremely fancy.

"Wow," Chloe said as she laid down on the bed. Up on the ceiling was a painting of the night sky, with all of the constellations around it.

"Sweet right?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah... this is like a dream bedroom for me."

Chloe knew almost everything about the night sky. Space was her favorite thing to study. "Hey, did you know the, uh... the bottom two stars in the Little Dipper point to the North Star."

Chloe looked into Sarah's eyes and nodded. "Remember.. I'm an astronomy buff," Chloe said with a smile.

Sarah giggled and leaned in to kiss Chloe on the cheek. Suddenly sirens blared past the house, causing Chloe to jump. Sarah placed her hand on Chloe's chest and snuggled up close to her. "Sh, sh, it's okay Chloe."

Chloe sighed and leaned her head on top of Sarah's. "Remind me of the happy ending, please."

"Okay. We're gonna meet the crew at the dock tomorrow. Then they're gonna have the getaway boat. Then we go to Mexico," Sarah explained and Chloe smiled at her.

"John B will probably be a fishing instructor,  I'm going to own a sandwich shop, you'll study the stars and become an astronomy teacher. And we're gonna have a house on a beach... and a dog and a boat. Maybe a couple kids we adopted. And everything's gonna be okay."

"I hope so, that sounds amazing," Chloe sighed. The sirens blared more outside and the two teens cuddled closer together. Chloe laid next to Sarah with her mind spinning with thoughts about the future. There were so many possible endings, John B and Chloe could both be arrested. Chloe hated the thought of that one so she shook her head. John B could get arrested and Chloe would be sent to foster care and eventually killed by Ward. That thought sent shivers down her spine. They could all escape and then get to Mexico and still have to be on the run. Lastly, they could all get shot and die then Ward and Rafe would live freely. Chloe hated that possibility too, he deserved to go to jail for what he did to Peterkin. Would anyone even believe them that John B was innocent? Sarah woke back up from her light slumber and turned to face Chloe.

"You're thinking again aren't you babe?" Sarah asked with a frown on her face. "I hate it when you do that." Sarah knew just as well as Chloe did that she overthinks everything way too much.

"You hate it when I think?" Chloe scoffed sarcastically. Sarah rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around Chloe's chest. "I'm not allowed to think huh?"

"No, I hate it when you overthink," Sarah mumbled into your chest; clearly sounding pouty. Chloe smiled as she looked down at the beautiful blonde. In that moment, all Chloe could think about is how lucky she was to have Sarah as her girlfriend.

"I hate it too, but I can't help it. It's always been this way, especially after my parents passed away. All the terrible thoughts of people I love leaving me," Chloe explained. "It's heart wrenching."

Sarah looked up at you with tears in her eyes. "You'll never lose me Chloe, I promise, okay?"


Sarah leaned up and kissed you softly on the cheek before pulling herself close to your chest. "And when we get out of this, I want to marry you," Sarah whispered.

"I want to marry you too Sarah Cameron," Chloe said with a grin. "That's all I would ever need, all I ever want.. is to marry you."

Sarah rolled over onto your chest, her legs straddling your thighs. Chloe started to chuckle as she looked into Sarah's eyes. "Round 2? With John B in the house?" Chloe asked. "Not sure if this is the best time darling."

"I just want to kiss for tonight." Chloe nodded and wrapped her arms around Sarah's back. Sarah leaned up and connected her lips to Chloe's as they started to move in unison. Sarah's hands brushed through Chloe's hair as their tongues battled for dominance. Sarah pulled away after a couple minutes and kissed Chloe on her forehead.

"If something happens, I want you to know that I'll always love you. I've never been so in love before Sarah," Chloe whispered.

Sarah smiled and brushed Chloe's hair back so it was off of her face. "Nothing is going to happen Chloe. I'm so in love with you too Chloe. I'll never stop loving you."

Sarah nestled into Chloe's side again and rested her head on the girl's shoulder. "Goodnight."

Chloe failed to fall asleep at first, she brushed her fingers through Sarah's hair to comfort her. Sarah was fast asleep; her soft snores filled the room. However finally Chloe couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up the next morning and rubbed her eyes before opening them. The morning light flooded the room and when she looked to her side, Sarah was gone. Chloe gasped and rushed over to the door, then she spotted a note.

"I'll be back soon. They need to know the truth about John B. He is innocent. Clyde, do not leave the house. -Bonnie

Chloe sighed and put the note on the dresser. She found John B sitting in the other room on the couch. He was peaking slightly out the window and suddenly ducked. "Just a police driving by on a boat," he whispered. Chloe sat on the floor against the wall and looked up at her best friend.

"How did we get into this mess JB, this is hell on Earth," Chloe scoffed.

"Do I really need to recap?" John B asked.

"I'm sorry, I just wish we were having a normal Pogue summer," Chloe replied with a frown. John B gave her a reassuring smile.

"I know. We need to figure out how to get out of here. JJ wants to use his dad's boat, we'd have to leave as soon as we can. When Sarah gets back, we need to find a way to the dock," John B explained.

Chloe pondered that idea, she couldn't think of a way they could safely leave the house without being spotted. "What about that piece of gold? Isn't it back at your house?" Chloe asked.

John B groaned and leaned his head back against the wall. "Shit! Yes it is."

"Okay, so we go to your house first," Chloe added. "Then to the dock." John B nodded in agreement.

"Where'a Sarah?" He asked.

"I guess she went to town to try to clear your name. Maybe it'll work?" Chloe asked but John B shook his head.

"They're gonna believe Ward over us."

That was most likely true, he was a trusted member of the island. Chloe's stomach hurt; she couldn't help but feel nervous about Sarah being gone. What if she got taken to the station? What if Ward kidnapped her? "Stop worrying about Sarah, Chlo," John B soothed. "She can take care of herself. I've seen it time and time again. She will be back soon."

"What if Ward got her?" Chloe asked.

"She is going to be fine. Anyways, how is that going?" Chloe looked at John B with a confused gaze. "The relationship? You know, between you and Sarah?"

"Oh.. it's been really amazing other than the other circumstances happening. Sarah, she's just the most perfect human being ever John B. I really love her, I mean shit... I don't think I've ever been more in love with someone," Chloe explained with a smile forming on her lips. "She's not like a typical kook. She's a Pogue at heart and she really cares about you and the others. She cares about us."

John B looked at Chloe with a smile on his face. "I've never seen you so happy in so long Chloe. I'm incredibly proud of you and I'm happy you found the one for you. You think she's the one right?"

"Yes, I do. She's the one for me." Suddenly the teens heard the front door creak open. Chloe jumped up and hid behind the dresser. John B ducked behind the side of the couch. Luckily, a blonde girl walked into the room with tears streaming down her face. "Sarah."

Chloe got up and wrapped Sarah in a tight hug. John B got out from behind the couch and smiled at the two of them. "What's wrong love?" Chloe asked as she wiped the tears out of her eyes. Sarah took a deep breath.

"It's getting really bad out there guys, they have the SBI here too now." Suddenly they heard sirens getting closer to the house. There was a knock on the door.

"We've got to go now," Chloe whispered. The teens carefully walked down the steps and creeped out the back door.

"It's the police! Open up!"

Sarah pointed at the three paddle boards sitting against the dock. Chloe grabbed one and carefully laid down on it. Sarah and John B followed suit then they started paddling through the water. Thankfully, they got out of sight in time before the cops searched the backyard. "We need to go to the boat ramp," Sarah said.

"It's this way," John B replied as he paddled ahead of the two girl's. It seemed like paddling through the water was going to take a whole year. At least an hour had passed before John B started to turn the other way. Chloe knew what he was going to do, he wanted to go back to his house to get the gold.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked. "That's not the way to the boat ramp."

"We have to go home Sarah, just for a minute," Chloe replied.

"What no! There'll be cops crawling all over there."

Chloe knew that would be likely, however they can be careful. She didn't want Sarah going with them. "Look, I... I don't want you to come. The gold from Crain's house. It's at the Château. My dad's been looking for that for years. It's all I have left of him. I gotta get it. And we're gonna need the money," John B explained.

"I've got to go with him, he may need my backup so they won't shoot him," Chloe added with a frown. "You'll be okay."

"You'll get caught!" Sarah explained. "Chloe you'll get in trouble for helping him!"

"Listen to me, please. I need you to go to the boat dock in an hour. I'll meet you there and everything will be fine," Chloe stated.

"I'm coming with you!"

"No, you're not coming with us."

"Yes I am!" Sarah challenged.

"You're not coming with me! It's too dangerous. Go to the boat dock. I'll see you in an hour, I promise," Chloe said.

"If we don't have any money, we can't get anywhere," John B added. "We're losing time sitting here arguing."

Sarah pushed her paddle board closer to Chloe and leaned over to give the girl a kiss. "I love you Chloe, just promise you won't do anything stupid."

"I love you too Sarah. We're just getting the gold back and going to the ramp. I won't do anything dumb."
"But with three of us, honey, it's a sideshow"
