Chapter 18

"I hope we don't regret this John B," Chloe whispered.

"Sarah is going to be okay, we've got to do this," John B added. Chloe turned her head back and looked at Sarah paddling in the opposite direction. Sarah turned around too and smiled at Chloe causing her to blush.

"She looked back John B," Chloe stated.

"She's in love Chloe. That just proves it even more." Chloe smiled as she started to paddle faster with John B. They were at least a couple miles from the shore line. Chloe's arms were sore at this point, she powered through the last few strokes and finally ended up on land. She pulled herself off of the board and laid down in the grass.

"Never again!" Chloe exclaimed while John B laughed.

"I hope we don't ever have to do that again either," John B chuckled. He extended his hand out to you and helped you stand on your feet again. You followed John B up to the backyard of the house. A police truck sat in the front. Suddenly two cops walked out of the house, one you recognized as Shoupe and the other was Thomas. That's when you saw it, they were holding the gold in a bag. You watched as they stuffed it into the truck and then walked right back inside. They were clearing the place out for evidence. "Meet me at the boat dock, take the bike that's laying against the tree over there," John B said as he pointed to the big tree on the other side of the yard. "You're not coming with me to get the gold okay?"

"So I left Sarah, just to split up again?" Chloe asked while giving John B an annoyed look. She knew that he just wanted to protect her, but then why did he make her paddle here with him?

"I didn't know they would have the gold in the truck. I'm not debating this, I'll see you there," John B said as he patted Chloe on the back. Chloe stayed back to watch, maybe he would be able to get the gold and run back to her. John B stepped into the vehicle and didn't get right out afterwards.

"He's an idiot," Chloe whispered. The two cops came out of the house with their guns pointed at the truck. To Chloe's surprise they lowered them. Chloe realized what John B was trying to do; he was going to steal the truck.

"John B! Get those hands up!" Shoupe yelled. John B suddenly started the truck and drove off as fast as he could. Chloe sighed and ran over to the tree with the bike. She started to peddle as fast as she could but the cops didn't chase after her. It was obvious they were only after John B now. She didn't need to escape with John B, however she was going to do it anyways. Chloe couldn't bare losing John B, she needed to go with him and keep the boy in check. He may need company on an island where he doesn't know anyone. She didn't want him to be alone out there and she knew that Sarah would come with them. Sarah wouldn't stay behind without Chloe, her father would just kidnap her again and brainwash her to hate the Pogues. Cop cars sped around the island while Chloe peddled to the other side of the cut. The bike ride was a good fifteen minutes as well, she was going to be exhausted by the time she gets on the boat. However she knew the terrors wouldn't be over yet. She arrived at the dock and saw a boat sitting next to it. The other three Pogues were there packing it with food. "Hey guys," Chloe said.


The gang gave the girl a big group hug. "Are you sure you have to go?" JJ asked.

"I'm sure, I have to go with John B. I'm in trouble for foster care here. As long as I'm with Sarah, I'll be okay. Promise," Chloe explained with a smile.

"We're going to miss you a lot Chlo, but we will see you again soon," Kiara said.

Suddenly a loud police siren filled the area and flashing lights surrounded them. John B pulled up in a police truck and parked it in the brush. Sarah hadn't arrived yet, she was no where to be seen. "Where's Sarah?" John B asked.

"I... I don't know," Chloe said.

JJ looked out into the ocean and saw no one nearby. The boy shrugged and patted the boat. "You guys have to get going now," JJ stated.

Chloe felt sick to her stomach, she couldn't leave without her girl. "Chloe, you can stay, I'll go alone," John B suggested.

"No, I'm not leaving you, we'll find her," Chloe replied. "You're more important right now. J, if you find her, protect her."

JJ put his hand on Chloe's shoulder and looked into her eyes. He put one hand over his heart and nodded. "I promise. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Cross the border at Brownsville, you got that?" JJ asked.

"Brownsville," John B repeated.

"Are you listening Chlo?"

"Yes, cross the border at Brownsville, lay low."

JJ nodded and smiled at the teens. "All right. Saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Let's do this!"

Pope and Kiara started to walk towards the boat when John B suddenly held his hand out. "Wait. I'm sorry for basically... throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing. It was idiotic and stupid and now we're splitting up because of it."

"Hey, John B, yo... we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?" JJ asked with a grin. The group looked at each other for a second before laughing at his dumb joke.

"At least we did it together though. I wouldn't have it any other way," Chloe added as she patted John B on the back.

"Pogue style!" JJ exclaimed.

"Pogue style," the group repeated.

"I love you guys," Chloe said. The group all came together for a big hug. John B and Chloe got on the boat and sirens started to fill the area. They backed away and slowly pulled away from the marsh. Now they needed to find Sarah before leaving or Chloe was going to have to stay back. John B flipped on the radio station and a lady was on talking about the storm. Chloe looked at the clouds surrounding them, they were in for a long night.

"Weather advisory for Tropical Storm Danielle, expected to make landfall in the Outer Banks and surrounding areas within the hour. Wind speeds are 65 miles per hour and rising," the radio announcer claimed.

The teens pulled up to another dock where they saw the blonde-haired girl running towards them. "Chloe! John B!"

Sarah hurried and jumped into the boat; she landed practically in Chloe's arms. She quickly kissed Sarah on the cheek and hugged her. "What are you doing? I didn't think you were coming. You weren't at the dock," Chloe asked.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't going to let you leave without saying goodbye anyways. Rose's friends found me."

"Don't ever leave my side again," Chloe whispered.

John B chuckled in the front of the boat. "So I guess I'm going to be third-wheeling for a while now huh?"

Chloe and Sarah exchanged glances then started to laugh. It was true, John B was going to be spending a lot of time with the couple. Alone time for the girls was probably pretty much over. Chloe opened one of the seat's storage boxes and pulled out three life jackets. "Just in case, it's already getting bad out here," Chloe said as she handed one to Sarah.

John B took the orange vest out of her hand and threw it over his body. "We're going to make it," he replied.

The night sky started to appear after the sun finally made its final descent out of the sky. "We just have to go North from here," Chloe stated.

"Follow the North Star. What everything spins around," Sarah added. Thunder cracked in the sky causing Sarah to latch onto Chloe. The power in the city had just gone out.

Chloe had never felt more scared in her life. Not even when she learned her parents had died. Her life was at serious risk now, she even wondered if they were making the right decision by leaving, rather than stating their case. They could die going out this way into such a dangerous storm. If John B died, Rafe would never get justice. If Sarah died, Chloe would never forgive herself, and she'd miss the chance of living a happy life with her true love. Chloe looked into Sarah's brown eyes and squeezed her tighter. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and the boat was in a spotlight. "Fuck, get down," John B whispered.

The teens tried to duck but it was too late. Police boats were after them now and it was too late to go North. Chloe already knew it before John B made his decision. "They're coming from around the cut!" Sarah exclaimed.

"We've gotta go south. Into the storm," John B stated.

"John B, we're not going to make it man!" Chloe exclaimed.

"They're going to kill me anyways. Chloe, you'll be shipped off somewhere or who knows, maybe thrown in prison. Sarah will be stuck with her murdering father," John B explained. "Do you want that?"

Chloe shook her head. She knew John B was right, they had to take this risk or they'd never be together ever again. Suddenly the radio static turned on and there was a man. Ward Cameron was on.

"John B?

John B, I know you are there, son. I know you can hear me, and Chloe, if you love my daughter like I think you love my daughter, then you will turn that boat around and come back. You are going into a storm that you cannot survive. John B, Chloe, please, I will make it right. I promise you. Come back," he said.

"Don't listen to him, he's a liar!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Chloe, I am begging you. Think of her and have him turn around."

John B picked up the radio with his hands shaking as Chloe took over the wheel. "Ward Cameron, do you hear me?"

"Yes son. Bring my daughter back please. We can work this out together."

John B's hands were shaky, Chloe could tell he was scared and angry. All of his emotions were filling up in his chest. "You killed my father, and you framed me for a murder I didn't commit. You took everything from me! You took everything from us!
But I'm still here. And I swear to God, Ward, I will come back one day and take what's mine. So, you listen to me, all right? I'm comin' for you!" John B exclaimed.

Chloe gasped, she was proud of John B for calling him out. Maybe, the cops would listen and look at Ward now. "What would you do if we were here JB?" Chloe asked.

"Look, I'd rather die then go to jail. Where my punishment would probably be life or maybe even death," John B replied.

"I'd rather die than be separated from you man. You're the only family I have left. We're going down together and maybe... maybe I'll see my parents again," Chloe eyes filled up with tears.

"And I'd rather die than be without you Chloe," Sarah said as she took the girls hand. A wave crashed into the boat almost knocking Sarah off of her feet.

"Hold on guys!" John B said. Chloe wrapped one arms around Sarah's waist and the other around a metal bar. That's when a wave bigger than the boat itself hit and the boat began to flip. From then... everything was a blur.

Chloe came to, she was holding onto the side of the now flipped boat and it was day time. Her life jacket had likely saved her life. She saw John B just a few feet away from her and suddenly thought of Sarah.


"Chloe! I'm here!" Sarah yelled as she hit the top of the boat. Chloe saw her hanging onto the front of the boat. She swam over to the girl and pulled her in for a kiss.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Me too."

"What do we do?" John B asked as he joined the girls in the front.

Chloe shrugged, she knew there was pretty much nothing they could even do. A boat horn blared from at least a few miles away. They saw a large cargo boat heading south. "Hey! Over here!" John B yelled as he splashed the water around.

"Hey!" Chloe joined in, splashing the water bud to no avail. They weren't going to get the attention of the boat. John B pulled open the backpack he was holding onto and pulled out the lump of gold. Chloe had pretty much forgot about it. "Hold that up!"

John B held the gold into the air so the sunlight reflected off of it. For a second it was not appearing to work then suddenly the boat signaled back. "Thank god."

"We're safe," Sarah said as she wiped the wet hair out of Chloe's face. She cupped her hands around the girl's face and pulled her in for another kiss.

"Did you forget I'm here?" John B asked. "God get a room."

Chloe looked around at the open ocean and chucked. "What room? We're in the fucking ocean dumbass."

The boat finally arrived a few minutes later and a few of the workers helped the three teens aboard and wrapped towels around them. A bigger man walked towards them and pulled the kids into his office to sit down. "Put some warm soup on!"

"What are you three doing out in the open ocean?" He asked.

Chloe held Sarah close to her and laid her head on the girl's shoulder. John B didn't answer the man, instead he just shrugged. "That's okay, I was young once too, did anything to get a rush. Well, I'm glad we came across y'all," he said with a smile.

"Sir, where are we going?" John B asked.


Chloe's mouth dropped open as she looked at John B. They were in their way to the Bahamas... where the gold was. They were back on track and had a safe ride there. Chloe smiled and kissed Sarah on the cheek; they were back in the game.
"I was cryin' a getaway car. I was dyin' in a getaway car. Said goodbye in a getaway car..."
