Chapter 14

An alarm woke Chloe up at 3 in the morning. The girl stretched and yawned, it was way too early for this. Chloe pulled a bikini top on and put a cute long white shirt on over it. She tiptoed over to Sarah's room and climbed in bed next to her. "I'll see you later baby," Chloe whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too Chlo," Sarah replied with a smile. Chloe pecked the girl on the lips then left the room. All she really wanted to do was cuddle up next to Sarah and spend the day with her. However, Ward wanted her and John B to go, so they would go without a fight. Chloe grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and made her way over to the Druthers where she found John B fixing up the fishing rods. He looked up at her and rolled his eyes. Clearly, he didn't want to be here either. They both wanted to be getting the gold today.

"Morning JB," Chloe said.

"Morning Chlo."

Chloe snacked on a granola bar while she waited for Ward to arrive. As much as she loved fishing she wasn't looking forward to this morning. Chloe spotted the man walking towards the boat wearing a fancy button up and nice shorts. Immediately Chloe thought, "We're fishing not going out."

"Mornin' boss," John B said.

"Yes it is, look at you already hard at work. I like that!" He exclaimed. "Ready to go kids?"

"Yeah let's get this show on the road," Chloe replied. The teens followed Ward up to the top of the boat and sat down.

"Guffy said he got into it pretty good just north of Big Rock," John B stated. "Maybe we should go up there."

"Guffy, huh? With the mouth on him, there'll be 15 boats up there already. I say we go south. It'll be just us down there," Ward explained. Chloe looked over at John B and shrugged.

"Yeah, okay," The teens said. Ward started up the boat and pulled away from the dock. The morning breeze was light and cool. Chloe admired the stars, they we're still bright in the sky. John B and Ward filled the silence with small talk about his future. Of course, the two of them weren't thinking about going to college since they had money issues. However, if Chloe got her hands on her cut of the gold then she'd pay to go to the same college as Sarah. She didn't want to go far from her. Chloe wanted to tell Ward about how much she loved his daughter however the unknown was terrible. Maybe he'd hate her and would forbid the two of them from being together. Chloe would have to pull a Romeo, without the death part of course.

A couple hours passed by and finally the sun started to rise which meant it was time to get to work. "Go ahead, pour yourself some grapefruit juice," Ward said. "And pour me a little bit of Tito's please."

John B went over to the cooler and poured Ward a small glass of Tito's then filled two glasses with grapefruit juice. "Thanks JB."

"Chloe, is there anyone special in your life?" Ward asked. Chloe's face went red and she smiled.

"Yeah, there's this one person, um.. yeah," Chloe murmured which madeWard chuckle. The two of them locked eyes for a moment. Chloe felt a shiver go down her spine.

"I know who it is."

Chloe's face dropped as she looked over to John B. He looked just as confused as she did. "Who?"

The man started to laugh harder this time. "I'm just kidding, why'd you look so scared?" Chloe gave him a nervous laugh and shrugged. Could this day get any weirder?

"We picked a good one, didn't we?" Ward asked.

"Yeah," Chloe replied.

"Hit me again please." John B poured some more Tito's into the man's cup. "And hold the grapefruit juice on this one. Let's get this day on its feet. In fact, you know what? Go ahead and pour yourself some, and Chloe too."

"Um, sir we're both only 16," John B stated.

"John, I know you're both 16, okay? It's okay. It's just one drink. We're out here in the ocean. These are almost international waters. We're celebrating. Just one!" Ward exclaimed with a smile.

"Yes sir." John B poured himself and Chloe a small glass. Chloe took a sip and almost puked, the Tito's was nasty. She was surprised Ward was so lenient about drinking even if it was just one drink.

"See, here's the thing. I don't know if you know this, but you're about to be fishing with a Grand Knight of the Rhododendron. I know you don't know what that is, and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but... to me, it is, it means I'm a... I'm a trusted member of this community. That means a lot to me. Trust."

"Yeah of course," Chloe said with a smile. Ward raised his glass.

"To trust kids."

"To trust," they said in unison. Chloe looked over at John B, whom just took his first sip, he looked disgusted.

"Alright no more, you both seem to hate it," Ward said with a laugh. "Let's fish."

Chloe and John B went to the bottom of the boat and set up the fishing poles. After a few hours of fishing they didn't find anything. Not one fish! Chloe was starting to get frustrated, she could've been spending a day with Sarah but she was out here. Ward wasn't the best company either, although he seemed to get along with John B more. Him and Chloe didn't connect at all. "Anything?" Ward asked.

"Nothing," John B replied with a sigh. Ward didn't look happy but Chloe couldn't blame him. They're getting skunked. "Three hours trawling, one hour out here. We're getting skunked, son. Not a damn fish. I guess Guffy was right, huh? You know, half the time I don't even care if I find fish. Just like bein' out here.l John B, Chloe, I wanna be real honest with you right now. I'm gonna ask you to do the same for me," Ward explained.

There was another thing about Ward that Chloe didn't like; he talked way too much. "Yeah of course," John B said.

"First thing I have to do is apologize to you both."

"For what?" Chloe questioned.

"I told you to stop lookin' for the Royal Merchant gold. And you didn't. God damn it you guys found it!" Ward exclaimed. Chloe looked over at John B, he looked surprised. How would he know about the gold?

"I wish," the teens said in unison. The three of the started to chuckle. Chloe could tell Ward was faking a laugh and there was no way in hell she was going to tell him about the gold. Ward looked towards both of the teens. "You can play it that way if you want. I won't force your hand. But I know that you did. And it's amazing. Sincerely, it's unbelievable," Ward said with a laugh. "150 years, people been lookin' for that goddamn gold. None of 'em could find it. You two found it."

Chloe looked at the man with a confused glare. The two of them stayed silent and Ward continued, "Here's the thing, son. Finding it? That's where your fun ends. That's where all your problems begin.
Ones you haven't even thought of. I mean, excavating it. You're probably trying now. If it's in water, how do you get it up? If it's on land, on somebody's property, and they catch you trying to take it? That's theft.
Jesus, son, we are talkin' a massive amount of gold, kids! You're both 16. How are you gonna transport that gold? How are you gonna turn it into something in your bank account, something you can spend? See what I'm saying? See the difficulties? This is what I'm talking about. The real truth, the hard truth is that, right now... you are way over your head. You two need me. Let's do this together. I can make all those problems go away. That's my job.We will figure out an equitable split. I know you didn't do this on your own, that you have friends that helped you, so we cut them in. Don't be so nervous. It's okay, all right? I'm just here to help you.
All you gotta do is trust me. What do you say?"

Chloe inhaled heavily; it took her a minute to take all of that information in. "I don't know what your talking about," John B sighed. Chloe still didn't understand how Ward found out. She wasn't going to let him help them at all, he would take the money for himself. Ward started to look angry.

"Okay. All right, all right. We can play it that way. I think very quickly you'll come to realize there's really no other choice. I mean, I know, right? I know that you have it. I know that you've had a little taste of it. I know a submersible went missing from the salvage yard, right? I know maybe that's how you got it out of the water. If it's on land, I know that you've been all... all around the Eight recently, okay? I know maybe it's something to do with Redfield," Ward ranted. Chloe tilted her head at the word Redfield. "I know you asked for the map from Sarah, so I gave you the map from Tannyhill."

"What did you just say? Redfield? How... how'd you know about Redfield?" John B asked. Chloe felt sick to her stomach, something wasn't adding up to this situation.

"You have his father's compass don't you?" Chloe questioned with a suspicious glare. Ward stood there silently; it was like he had nothing to say.

"And if you have the compass, then you knew to search for it," John B muttered.

"Do you know how crazy you both sound?" Ward asked with a chuckle.

"Redfield! You said Redfield, did you not?
Redfield, was the last message my father left before he disappeared. You know about his disappearance, don't you?" John B questioned. "Don't... don't... don't fucking lie to me, Ward."

"I can see that you do, John B let's go home," Chloe replied. Chloe followed John B back to the top of the boat. The boy pushed down the throttle and started their drive back home. Chloe was absolutely speechless, she knew something was up with Ward, but this? This was unbelievable, if he knew about John B's dad why didn't he say something? Suddenly Chloe heard a clank come from the ladder. Ward was standing with a gaff hook in his right hand. Chloe felt her stomach drop, she wanted to throw up. "Get back, John B, get back! Hands off the throttle."

"Okay!" John B let go of the throttle and stepped in front of Chloe shielding her from the man.

"We're not going anywhere till you two listen!"

"Okay!" John B exclaimed.

"It wasn't my fault! It was your father, okay?
It was your father that tried to change...," Ward muttered. Chloe gasped as John B yelled, "you piece of shit!"

Ward screamed and slashed the hook towards the teens. John B pushed Chloe back and she hopped over the edge then slid down the boat. John B did the same but he stumbled down instead. The teens ran to the radio. "What the fuck!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Get inside and hide right now," John B whispered.

"I'm not leaving you!" Chloe snapped.

"Go now. Mayday! Mayday! If anybody's hearing this, this is the My Druthers!
Mayday. Mayday. Mayday. Can anybody hear me? Mayday, mayday, mayday! Oh, my God.
This is the My Druthers, call time..."

Chloe watched from behind the table as Ward yelled and swung at John B. The boy barely was about to dodge the attack. Suddenly John B was almost hit again but he stopped the swing with his cast. John B pushed him backwards and ran inside quickly. Chloe stepped back as John B flipped over the couch cushions and found the gun. John B once again pushed Chloe behind him. He snapped an arrow into it and pointed it at the door when Ward stepped into sight. "Stay right there! Don't move!
I swear I'll kill you, Ward!" John B exclaimed.

"Do it. I know you want to. I know you want to kill me John B."

"Shut the fuck up you monster!" Chloe yelled.

"But then... you'd have my body to deal with. Believe me, it's more complicated than it seems. Not so easy at all. But hey, if you..."

Suddenly Ward swung and hit the gun causing it to go off at the wall. John B threw the gun at Ward's chest and the teens ran down the hallway. "In there quick!" John B yelled. "We gotta get out of here!"

The teens locked themself in a closet and found an escape to the bow of the boat. A jet ski was hanging from a crane. It was perfect, they would make it out alive! John B started up the crane and lowered it towards the water. Chloe kept her eye out for Ward but he wasn't showing. The teens got on the jet ski, John B was in front. They were about to hit the water when Chloe saw Ward. "Drop it John B!"

The ducked and luckily Ward missed them with the arrow, barely. "Go, get out of here!"

The teens were silent as they made their great escape from Ward and the boat. Chloe didn't bother saying anything to John B about his father, he must be so upset. Chloe would be too if Ward killed her parents. They reached the marsh after it seemed like an eternity of driving. "Damn it!"

The jet ski slowly came to a stop, they were out of gas. Luckily Ward didn't follow them. "We're going to Lana's, I think she might know something. Ward probably forced her to keep her mouth shut, but I need to know," John B stated.

"Okay, let's go."

The teens hopped off of the jet ski and started to swim towards shore. Luckily the shore wasn't too far away, only about a 100 yards. Chloe was used to swimming a lot though so she was hardly tired when they finally made it to land. The first thing Chloe did was wrap John B in a hug. "You helped save me back there JB, I can't thank you enough. And I'm so sorry," Chloe whispered.

"I love you Chlo, I'll always protect you sis, you're my family now and forever."

"You're my family too, forever." Chloe wiped a few tears from her eyes. John B was her only family left and he wasn't even blood related. They broke away from their hug and then the teens made their trek to Lana Grubbs house.

When they walked inside Lana was lounging on a chair in her living room. She looked up at the two teens and gave them a half hearted smile. "I need to know," John B sniffled, his eyes were full of tears.

Lana sighed and gestured the teens to sit down on the couch. John B and Chloe sat down side by side as Lana sat in front of them. "The night your father disappeared, I came home early from work. I found Ward and my husband in the couch. Ward looked distressed, he was crying and worried. Apparently earlier that day he and Big John had an argument on the boat," Lana explained. "He said it was a mistake, and that he pushed him over. Then when he fell he hit his head on something hard. His head was bleeding and Ward just dumped him. I think Ward was mad because Big John wanted a bigger cut. But then they took his research."

"So he stole my father's map, then he tossed his body into the sea?" John B asked. The boy looked completely angry at this point. Chloe put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze for reassurance. She hated seeing him so upset; it didn't happen very often either. Chloe was always good at cheering him up, however this time was different.

"He sunk your father's boat where no one would ever find it. And they began to look for the gold every day for nine months.
When Agatha built up, there was only one place they hadn't looked. He wasn't dead when Ward dumped him. He made it all the way to shore. And the last thing he ever did...was for you," Lana said with a sigh. Chloe started to tear up at the last part. When Big John died, the last thing he did was for his son.

She watched as tears rolled down the boy's face. She knew how it felt to lose family and after all these months he finally knew what happened. It was all Ward's fault, he should've taken Big John to a hospital. "I'm so sorry, I should have told you a long time ago. But you can't say anything. He's dangerous. He's capable of anything, he will kill you both if you do anything wrong."

"I don't care," John B muttered. "He killed my dad."

"John B, don't, take a deep breath," Chloe whispered. The boy stood up and slammed the door on his way out. Chloe looked up and Lana. "Thank you, stay safe."

"You too Chloe."

There was one more thing Chloe needed to do. She had to make sure Sarah was okay and she needed to get her out of that house, immediately. John B would be fine, he probably just went on a run. Chloe ran out the door and ran towards the Cameron's house. Sarah needed her the most right now. She reached the house as the sun set over the skyline.

"Sarah," Chloe whispered. The blonde girl looked up at Chloe with a relieved face. Sarah quickly walked over and hugged Chloe tightly.

"What happened Chlo, my dad said..." Sarah was cut off when John B opened the door. Chloe looked over at the boy, he was holding a gun. John B looked lost in his eyes. "Why do you have a gun?"

"Did you tell Ward about the gold?" John B asked.

"Dude," Chloe muttered.

"Where is that coming from?"

"He knew," Chloe whispered.

"I didn't, I swear. Put the gun down!"

"Sarah!" Ward yelled.

Chloe slowly grabbed Sarah's hands and the three teens went outside. It was pitch black out now, the day had already gone by. It had been a crazy one and Chloe just wanted to be with Sarah. They stopped behind a tree and Sarah pulled her hands away. "What the hell is going on guys?"

"Your dad... killed my father. Look, I think they were working together to find the Royal Merchant.There was some sort of conflict, and... and nobody knows what happened to my dad except for Scooter Grubbs," John B explained.

"Stop," Sarah muttered. Chloe gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Look, he was... he was a part of this, okay? I figured it out on the boat. And your dad, he tried to kill us, Sarah."


"Sarah I'm sorry but it's true, you know I'd never lie to you," Chloe whispered.

"He wouldn't hurt anyone!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Well he fucking tried to!" Chloe yelled back.

"He told me you stabbed him, John B!"

"No he didn't! He's a liar Sarah!"

"No... I don't believe either of you," Sarah said. "You're just protecting John B. Come on Chloe."


At this point Ward and Rose we're both outside looking for Sarah. She grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her towards the house. "Get out of here John," Chloe said.

"Here they are Ward."

Ward Cameron came out from behind the house and looked at Chloe with an evil glare. Chloe looked back over towards John B, but he was already gone. "Go to your room right now Chloe! We need to talk!"

"Dad stop yelling!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Go to The Druthers, Sarah now! I don't want you two together."

Chloe wanted to run but for the sake of Sarah she walked up to her room. He wouldn't kill her, Sarah would know too much about it. Chloe paced her room and finally sat down on her bed. Maybe she could escape from the window? A knock came from the other side of the door and Ward walked in. He was unarmed so Chloe felt less threatened. "Let's talk okay?"

Ward sat down next to her and suddenly a cloth was being held over her mouth. That's when her world went dark.
"Until I switched to the other side. It's no surprise, I turned you in."
