Chapter 11

Warning: Small sexual content
"Cheers boys!" Chloe exclaimed with a bottle of cold beer in her hand.

"Cheers," they replied with big grins.

"We're one step closer to finding the gold, I know it," Chloe stated. The four teens all took a swig of their beers and laid back. Finally they were getting some much needed group relaxation. However, Chloe couldn't help but miss Sarah. Chloe drank the last sip of her drink and found the hammock. "Goodnight boys, get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day."

After a whole night of hanging out by the fire and drinking, the teens made their way to get the girls. Kiara and Sarah were basking in the sun when they pulled up to the bigger boat. Chloe already knew they would undoubtedly be upset with all of them, especially her. "You forget your keys or something? You need a tow?" John B asked.

"I mean you gotta admit it was a brilliant little plan," Chloe said with a smirk.

"Mastermind, huh? "

"I'm always plannin'."

"Some patriarchal bullshit," Kiara muttered. "Really great plan."

"Yep that sucked," Sarah replied.

"You still love me though right?" Chloe asked. "Right?"

Sarah rolled her eyes and jumped aboard John B's boat. She then kissed Chloe on the cheek. "Of course Chlo, hey, you still hate me?"

"Hmm, just a little. Don't worry. We're both gonna get you back when you least expect it.Watch your back, boys and Chlo," Kiara stated.

Chloe smiled and looked at both of the girls, they seemed to actually be getting along. "I'll welcome that challenge with open arms. Anyways, did you reconcile our differences?"

"No, not even close but... we're willing to work together," Sarah stated.

"You know what? That's victory!" John B exclaimed as he gave Chloe a high five. "We'll meet you guys at the house in an hour."

Chloe drove the boat back to John B's house and waited for the others on the deck. Sarah, of course, was right next to Chloe. It was obvious she didn't like being apart from her anymore. Honestly Chloe loved it, for some reason Chloe's world now revolved around Sarah. They'd only been dating for a couple days but Chloe's had liked the girl for a year. Chloe loved Sarah more than anything. She sensed Sarah felt the same about her but she couldn't be sure until she asked. "Can't get enough of me hmm?" Chloe asked with a big grin.

Sarah rested her head on Chloe's shoulder and inhaled heavily. "Nope, never."

Unfortunately for the girls it was going to be an eventful night. Instead of having a relaxing date they would be back on the dangerous gold chase. They've collected everything they need for going down into the well. Hopefully the gold would be there this time or everything they did would be for nothing. John B had already volunteered to go down and search. Chloe was relieved by that, she didn't really fell like getting crusty well shit all over her. Pope and Kiara joined the group on the deck with a big bag of supplies. John B then pulled out a list. "You got the rope?"

"Yup," Pope replied.

"Grappling hook?"

Pope scoffed and shook his head. "We're not Batman."

"Pulley?" John B asked.


"Dark clothes?"

"Yes," Chloe replied.


"Yes sir," JJ said. "One for each of us!"

The group was ready to go get the gold. "Let's get rich tonight my friends," John B stated.

The Pogues spent their day lounging around before the big event later on that night. They definitely need all the rest they could get. Chloe walked into her room at Tannyhill and plopped down on her soft bed. Chloe thought needed to go back to the house so Ward wouldn't suspect anything was going on. She didn't trust the man, she didn't like the way he looked at her and John B. Something was up with him and Chloe's not afraid to get to the bottom of it. The last thing she needed was for Ward to find out about the gold. Sarah walked in from her room and laid down next to Chloe. She immediately snuggled up into her side. "I missed you last night," Sarah whispered. "I really wanted to cuddle with you."

"Me too," Chloe replied with a grin. "Whatever happens tonight, know I'm thankful that you helped us get this far, I'm hoping the gold is there."

"I'm thankful for you guys giving me an adventure, I wouldn't be having this much fun with my friends," Sarah admitted. "How much longer can we lay like this?"

Chloe checked her watch and groaned. "An hour until sundown so 30 minutes."

"Well let's take advantage of those 30 minutes," Sarah whispered with a smirk. Chloe turned on her side and pulled Sarah in for a slow and passionate kiss. It was a feeling Chloe couldn't get enough of. Chloe slowly rubbed her hand down Sarah's back until she reached her butt. She gave it a light squeeze which caused Sarah to moan into the kiss. Suddenly there was a knock at the bedroom door. The girls broke away quickly when John B walked into the room.

"Hey, maybe wait until I open the door?" Chloe asked. The boy immediately started laughing.

"Sorry Liv, but you guys need to change, it's almost time to go."

Chloe rolled her eyes and shooed the boy out of the room. The girl hurried over to her dresser and pulled out a completely black outfit. "We'll continue that later okay babe?" Sarah asked. "What about we cuddle up and watch a movie in my room tomorrow night?"

"Okay," Chloe said with a wink. "That sounds really nice actually. How about lunch tomorrow too? On me, I got paid."


Sarah and Chloe intertwined their fingers and then met John B downstairs. The teens snuck outside and got into the van as quietly as they could. John B quickly drove off to JJ's house to pick the rest of the group up. John B honked the horn and the girls opened up the doors for the others. JJ, Pope and Kiara came out of the house running as fast as they could and then jumped into the van.

"Hell yeah, let's go!" Kiara explained. The group of teens were all dressed in black and grey clothing. They honestly looked like criminals. Chloe slammed the door shut behind them. "Let's get this show on the road guys."

JJ pulled up to the stone wall outside of the Crain house and parked the car. The teens got ready to get out when John B said, "Wait, wait I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously, it means a lot to me that you're all here tonight," John B explained. "I love all of you so much, and I really appreciate how you've been here for me through the past 9 months."

"Always brother," Chloe replied with a smile. "Blood siblings for life, and I wouldn't have this any other way. You helped me through a dark time, I'm always going to help you too."

"Of course," JJ said. "We're in this together man, forever."

Pope put his arms around JJ and Chloe then smiled. "Let's get that wheat in the water."

"Weed? I'm up for weed!" JJ exclaimed. Chloe rolled her eyes, of course JJ would be thinking about weed in a time like this.

"Wheat JJ, wheat."

The teens made their way up to the house slowly but surely. They had to be quiet so no one would spot them. Technically they were breaking the law by going on someone else's property. Getting caught would be extremely bad on their part. Then they would for sure lose the opportunity to get the gold. Their flashlights led the way but suddenly a big white light filled up the whole yard. "Oh shit," Sarah whispered.

"Flashlights!" John B exclaimed. The teens quickly flicked off the lights and hid in the bushes. "Okay, so she has motion sensor lights."

"We could, uh... move really slowly, maybe?" JJ asked.

Chloe scoffed and glared at the boy. She had never heard such a stupid idea before. "Oh yeah like that's how it works dumbass."

"Let's throw a rock at it," John B replied.

"What? That's a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that we're here.
Throw a rock at it?" Pope questioned with a dirty look.

"Well do you have a better idea."

"Literally anything but that, JJ's plan would be better." Chloe could tell Sarah's brain was ticking and suddenly she gasped.

"Okay, so there's a breaker. In the circuit box on the porch. We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it," Sarah explained. "It's up there, I'll go get it."

"You shouldn't go alone," John B replied.

"Watch me," Sarah snapped. Honestly, Sarah's confidence gave Chloe butterflies. She liked how brave Sarah was. "She's like what, 85, she's probably barely still kicking."

Chloe shook her head. "I know you could handle it on your own but I'm going with you. I just want to make sure you're safe. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened."

"Plus we get a little bit of alone time," Chloe whispered. Sarah blushed and took her girlfriend's hands.

"Let's go then."

"Okay, be safe alright," John B stated.

"We will."

Sarah and Chloe made their way through the brush. Sarah led the way with her flashlight while Chloe took up the tail. Chloe held tightly to the flashlight she borrowed from Rafe's room. He would never know she used it. She also couldn't help but admire how Sarah looked tonight. Her dirty blonde hair was tightly pulled into a bun. She wore a black sweatshirt with her star choker on. Chloe knew Sarah had a beautiful personality too. Everything about her was absolutely perfect and Chloe couldn't help but fall more in love with the girl. "I can't fucking focus when there's a beautiful girl in front of me," Chloe whispered with a laugh. "I'm really falling hard."

"Okay let's get the lights off first and then before going to see the boys we can make out or something," Sarah said as she turned around and smirked. "I'm falling for you more too."

The girls reached the porch, the wooden stairs creaking softly under their feet. The Crain house was even creepier up close and Chloe could tell how old it was. Surely enough, there was a box on the wall so Chloe slowly opened it up. Inside were a ton of wires sprawled about. No breakers were in sight. "Where are the breakers?" Sarah asked.

"Shit, no, damn it they go inside," Chloe muttered. "We've got to go in."

"We can do it," Sarah whispered with a smile. "I know how brave you are honey."

Chloe slowly opened the front door which was surprisingly unlocked. The girls were able to get inside and follow the power line. Suddenly a cat yowled in the distance causing Sarah to jump back into Chloe's arms. "I thought you were brave enough to do this on your own."

"Shut up."

They reached the breaker box and flicked off all the lights. "Okay, having sex in a scary house is kinda hot," Sarah whispered in Chloe's ear. She lightly bit the bottom of her earlobe causing butterflies to flood Chloe's chest. Sarah's lips connected on her neck and she pushed Chloe to the couch. Sarah quickly climbed on top and smiled.

"My turn baby," She said.

"Fuck Sarah I like this side of you."

"Mmm, that's good, get used to it sweetheart."

Sarah started kissing Chloe's neck again earning quiet moans from the girl. Their lips connected and moved in unison. Sarah pulled Chloe's pants down to her ankles and then stopped. "Is this okay?"

"Yes baby, it's okay."

Sarah stuck two fingers in earning a quiet moan from Chloe. It was hard for her to be quiet when Sarah was pleasing her. It didn't take long for Chloe to release over Sarah's fingers. "Baby, that was great," Chloe breathed.

Sarah licked her fingers clean and connected her lips to Chloe's. "Too bad we have to keep quiet," Sarah whispered with a laugh.

Chloe smirked and kissed Sarah on the cheek. She knew they needed to go find the boys. Suddenly a loud crash came from under the house. Chloe immediately pulled her pants back up and stood up to investigate. Footsteps started to come from the upstairs of the house. Chloe's face went pale. She grabbed Sarah's hand and the girls ducked behind a corner. The old lady started to slowly walk down the stairs. "Leon, it's late."

Chloe put her hand over Sarah's mouth before she gasped. She reached the bottom of the steps and stood still for a moment. Chloe slowly squeezed Sarah's hand in an attempt to calm her down. That's when Ms. Crain started walking in their direction. She walked right in front of them facing the other direction. Sarah let out a small whimper.

"I can hear you, Leon. I've been waiting all night!" The old lady turned her head towards the girls. Her hair was all over the place, her eyes were white and she had the most evil smile Chloe had ever seen.


Sarah and Chloe sprinted out of the room and back into the living room. Their hands separated as they went separate ways. "Fuck," Chloe whispered. The girl hid behind a couch and watched as Ms. Crain followed her girlfriend. Chloe quickly stood up and quietly followed suit, she wouldn't let anything bad happen to Sarah.


Chloe reached the corner just in time because Ms. Crain was smashing around with a crow bar.

"Where are you, Leon?"

Chloe ran up behind her and grabbed the crow bar from her hands. "Babe let's go!"

"This way! It goes under the house!"

Chloe pulled Sarah out of the dead end and in another room. They quickly locked the door and went silent. Suddenly the lady started to smash the door. The wood broke and fell the floor with a crash. The girls ran down the steps. "Guys! JJ!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Guys!" Sarah exclaimed. JJ looked at Chloe with a worried glare.

"What's going on Chlo?" He asked.

"Mrs. Crain! She's up there! She tried to kill us with a fire poker. We gotta go. We locked her in the parlor, but we gotta go," Sarah explained. Both girls were clearly out of breath.

"We have to go! Let's go. John B! Get back on, man!" Chloe exclaimed.

JJ and Pope tried to pull but John B wasn't on the hook anymore. They all looked down and saw nothing but water. "John B?"

"Where the hell is he?" Kiara asked.

Chloe could barely make out a boy screaming something. "What's he saying?" JJ asked.

"Yo, he's drowning! We gotta pull him up! John B! Hey, John B! Get back on the rope. We're gonna pull you back up, okay, buddy?" Pope asked. Chloe watched as John B clipped himself back on. Another crash came from the door upstairs. "Leon stop hiding!"

"Pull let's go!" JJ yelled. Chloe grabbed the rope and helped the boys pull him up. "Come on!"

"Pull!" Pope exclaimed. The rope was heavy and hard to pull. Suddenly a gun shot fired in the air.


"Oh my god, what the fuck!" Chloe yelled. Chloe dropped the rope and immediately ran over and shielded Sarah with her body. The blonde girl was crying in Chloe's arms. "It's going to be okay, I'm here Sarah, I love you okay?"

"I love you too Chloe."

"Climb up! Help me! Hang on! Tie it up now, man!"

"She can't aim for shit," Pope said.

"She can't see," Chloe replied. Another gun shot fired through the basement. The boys ducked again then keep pulling the rope.

"She's blind?" Kiara asked.

"Go! Go! I don't care if she is, that's buckshot!" John B exclaimed as he finally climbed out of the well. The teens hurried and ran out of the building with gun shots exploding behind them.

"Roll call!" Chloe exclaimed. "John B?"

"I'm alive!"


"Yup," she replied.

"Kie? JJ? Pope?"

"Let's go!" The three of them yelled.

"Get in the car!" Chloe exclaimed.

The teens hurried and crowded into the car as Pope hopped in the driver's seat. Chloe finally was able to look at John B. He was covered in mud and smelled like shit. "Is anyone shot?" JJ asked.

"Don't think so."

"John B you smell like ass, what happened man?" Chloe asked. The boy didn't speak.

"That bitch is possessed," Kiara laughed.

"That bitch can't aim," Sarah added.

"She's blind babe."

"How the fuck does she move that fast?" Pope asked.

"She's possessed man," Chloe replied with a snicker.

"It makes no sense, scientifically."

"Only you would say that Pope," JJ added.

Chloe looked at John B with a confused glare, he usually isn't quiet. She looked down and saw what he was holding in his hands, a shiny piece of gold.

"You did not!"

"Oh my god!" JJ exclaimed.

"We did it, baby! I did it!" John B yelled.

All the teens started hooting and hollering. Finally they found the gold. Chloe was ecstatic, she had never felt so much joy about something in her life. Other than being with Sarah of course. "We're rich guys!" Pope exclaimed.

"Full kook baby!" JJ exclaimed.

"Full kook!" They screamed.

"Aye! Aye! Aye!" Chloe exclaimed. "Blast that music Pope!"

Pope turned on the radio which started playing an upbeat 80's song. John B handed the gold over to Chloe. They finally did it, they finally found what they had been searching for. Big John was right, Chloe knew he would be so proud of John B.

"We did it JB."
"Well, he was running after us, I was screaming, "Go, go, go!"
