Traitor hunt


Just as I was to board a shuttle, Prisca came to stop me. ''Prisca, what is the meaning of this? I have a smuggler to hunt.'' I said, making it sound as urgent as I could.

''I know but... orders from Coruscant. These are assigned to you.'' she said and behind her were 8 death troopers. One of the empire's finest and deadliest. ''Due to your spice deal, these death troopers are assigned to protect you and fight alongside you.''

''Ain't that neat.'' I said and motioned for the death troopers to follow me. The shuttle landed on the Morning Star and I quickly headed to the bridge to be briefed. The storm troopers and navy personnal were shocked to see death troopers follow me on the cruiser.

''Death troopers. Elites of the elite.'' commented a storm trooper to his comrade.

''Awesome.'' his fellow storm trooper replied.

On the bridge, I stood in the middle of the room and the death troopers took their formation. ''Lieutenant, status update.'' I asked and the lieutenant quickly got in attention mode.

''A YT series Corellian freighter stole 20 crates of spice, colonel. Suffered heavy damage after Tie fighters were deployed.''

''Good. Let's hunt some smugglers shall we?'' I said and the ship took flight.

''Salazar, what are death troopers doing here?'' Gary asked, arriving in the bridge and making his presence known.

''They were assigned to me, Gary. Smile for them.'' I said and I could feel  Gary roll his eyes over. The Morning Star took flight and the smugglers in their damaged freighter was in sight for the kill.

                   -2 weeks later-

The 17th storm trooper legion and 187th battalion were under my direct command along with 8 death troopers. In our free time, I had every trooper undergo training exercises to better themselves. I was no fool. I knew that despite Akkadia being an important planet where raw spice could be made into more useful products, the higher ups only gave me Outer Rim trained ones.

On paper, there wasn't much difference between Core trained and Outer Rim trained but it was not meant to be shown. Storm troopers and other military personnal stationed in the Outer Rim recieved far less training (and easier ones at that) compared to their Core and Deep Core counterparts. This lack of interest in industrializing the Outer Rim was one of the reasons the CIS was such a big threat and the empire didn't seem to learn much.

Me and Gary decided to let the troopers undertake more training. Combat simulations under various terriain, friendly spars and better training overall made the 17th legion and 187th battalion a deadly force to be reckoned with. I encouraged the other officers like Major Gren to eat, drink and chat alongside the troopers to foster a better relationship and to make them stronger as a team.

Currently, I was having a lightsaber spar with my death troopers. I had given all 8 of them magna guard electrostaffs and even trained them in sword fighting. Our spar was interrupted when Major Gren knocked on my door. ''Sir, the troops are assembled as you commanded.''

''Good, Major. I'll arrive shortly.'' I said and wiped off my sweat. I put on my uniform and walked out, with my death troopers not far behind. I stood in front of the thousands under my command and said through the comm link, ''Alright gentlemen. This is getting really old. This is the 3rd engine to malfunction in a week all because of one trooper's lazy buckethead. I want the one who was guarding the engines yesterday, to step forward and face his punishment.''

''Wow, Steve. Looks like you blew up, huh?'' said storm trooper #1224 or just Guy.

''Shut up.'' said storm trooper #1225 or Steve.

''Wait, you're telling me you were responsible for the engine malfunction?''

''Shut up or I swear, I will shove a jar of pickles down your throat!'' Steve threatened Guy. ''Besides, it was Greg's shift but he wasn't there.''

''Wait, where is Greg anyways?''

''Oh I don't know. He was supposed to be here. Someone was to inform him of the assembly.''

''Are you sure that wasn't you?''

''Yes it was me, okay!? I have a lot going on in my part. I've only eaten polystarch ration bread and digestive blue milk without any proper food for weeks and- besides, colonel Salazar is like what? Not even 18 years old. How harsh can his punish-''

''Steve!'' I shouted the trooper's name. ''What are you blabbering on about over there? Is there something that you wish to tell me?''

Now Steve was sweating in fear. ''Ugh... ummm.... uh- I think it was Greg, colonel sir.''

''Greg!? I knew it!'' I exclaimed and went off to search for storm trooper #2899 or Greg.

''Really Steve? So much for your big talk. You pussied out when the not even 18 year old colonel asked you a question. Now Greg is going to face the punishment.''

''I panicked okay! Besides, I doubt the colonel could find Greg.''

(3 minutes later)

The death troopers brought Greg in front of me and everyone. ''Please, Colonel Covraii sir, I wouldn't do it again!'' Greg pleaded as if I was going to execute him.

''Oh I know you wouldn't do it again, Greg, but a mild punishment is in need. Your punishment is to help the janitors sweep the garrison and the Morning Star for 5 weeks!''

''NOOOOOOO!!!'' Greg shouted to the stars as he was given the mop and went off to start his duties.

Another 2 weeks passed before our next mission was sent. To be sent to Eriadu since the former inquisitor now traitor named Reva had been spotted there. Sabotaging imperial equiqment needed for Outer Rim operations, disrupting spice trade and stealing valuable information for rebel cells in the Outer and Mid Rim. The Morning Star arrived on orbit above Eriadu, homeworld of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and from where we can hunt Reva down.

I was inside an ITT, with my death troopers beside me and patrolling Eriadu's streets to hunt down that traitor and execute her. Accompanying us were 3 inquisitors. Hopefully, they don't try to undermine army command since I too was among those in charge of hunting down Reva.

AT-DPs and ITTs patrolled the atreets of Eriadu as we continued our search. Then, an explosion. One injured trooper but no major damage whatsover. I could feel the traitor nearby. I just felt it and I couldn't explain it but something was telling me she was near and not where I was.

I took my death troopers and 10 storm troopers to search the bars for Reva. We continued searching and I was surprised to see a Rodian child being taken by a female human. Checking my data pad, the inquisitors issued that a Rodian child was stolen from their care. I contacted Gary on the comms to alert him and all units of the woman who was going out and to follow them and surround them. But, rather a clever trap where we could surround the possible Reva, a brash inquisitor attacked, prompting Reva to strike back.

''Shit!'' I cursed and ran out to fight Reva. The traitor had already killed 5 of my men whiles dueling the brash inquisitor. Reva had pushed the inquisitor aside and detonated a bomb. While they were running, I chased after them and managed to caught them up the roof of some buildings. ''Traitor!'' I shouted while still running and I shot my pistol, trying to kill het.

Reva deflected the blasts and I then took my lightsaber out to finish her. Reva managed to block my strike but I continued pressing on. Reva kicked me hard in the stomach and tried to slash me but I managed to deflect her blasts with my phrik metal arm. Taking advantage of her shock, I punched her in the face and started firing. She managed to deflect but got hit in the thigh.

I walked towards her but she would not give up. Using her damaged thigh to my advantage, I forced her to go backwards as her pain kept getting worse. I managed to block her lightsaber and put it down just as I kicked her in the face. I continued striking and after 3 strikes, her lightsaber was gone. I prepared to kill her but something pushed me. I got up and saw someone who I assumed was her friend and they both fled with the Rodian child. Not giving up, I started to blast them but they used their magic powers in the force and pushed me down the building.

I managed to grab a rope to escape death by falling down a building. Once I got down and back in the garrison, I was enraged. One, the traitor escaped when she was in my hands and two, the inquisitors acted brashly, causing the mission to fail and resulting in 7 of troopers dead. ''You there! Colonel!'' I turned around and saw the inquisitor rushing towards me.

''Don't you interfere in our business again. This is our playground now. The traitor is ours to kill.''

''And you are overstepping your rank.'' I said, trying to contain my anger. ''Don't forget that I outrank you, inquisitor, and that these are my troops not yours! I am in charge of operations on Eriadu not you!''

''Do as we tell you and we will not kill you, colonel.'' the inquisitor threatened.

''Is that a challenge?'' I said and walked a few feet away. I put my cape down and took out my lightsaber. ''How about this. You win, we follow you and if I win... you follow mine. No force powers, just lightsabers.''

''You will regret this, colonel.'' the inquistor said as he took out his own lightsaber.

The inquisitor ran towards me to strike me down but I blocked his strike and evaded several more. I started fighting back and was pushing him back. The troops gathered around in support of me and their cheers gave me the strength to push this inquisitor back. I could counter the inquisitor's aggressive strikes with precise blocks and then I proceeded on the offensive. I struck hard and surprised the inquisitor a bit. The inquisitor jumped up and landed behind me but I quickly reacted and blocked his strike. He struck left and I countered and then 3 strikes of mine made him go on the defensive.

He got desperate and activated his second blade, in hopes to gain an advantage over me. I kicked his legs and the inquisitor fell down. Taking advantage, I tried to strike but he managed to block my strike. He went on the offensive again and I managed to knock his lightsaber out of his hand. Not giving up, he hurled himself at me and I dropped my lightsaber. The inquisitor tried to punch me but I pushed him back up. He tried punching but regretted when his fist nearly broke upon impacting my phrik hand. I punched him right across the face and in the stomach and then a hard knee to the gut.

The inquistor tried to get his lightsaber back but I grabbed his back and threw him down. The inquisitor used his force powers and called his lightsaber. I jumped up to avoid my legs being cut and blocked the inquisitor's strikes with my phrik arm. I got my own lightsaber back and started dueling him once more. We locked our sabers and since my saber had small ones coming on the sides, I used them to burn through the inquisitor's shoulder plating. The inquisitor screamed in pain and he pushed me away.

''Now, you'll pay, colonel!'' the inquisitor nearly shouted as his saber started spinning.

''You think that'll intimidate me? You're greatly mistaken!'' I stated to everyone watching as the blade of my lightsaber made it's way in between the inquisitor's saber hilt and I slashed upwards, destroying it. The inquisitor's hand felt like it was burning and he knelt down, at my mercy. ''Now, you see who is the superior combatant, inquisitor. As agreed, you listen to my orders now.'' I said and turned off my saber.

My troopers cheered at the fight that I won but just as I turned my head away, the inquisitor used his power to grab a fellow inquisitor's lightsaber. He turned it on to kill me in one fell stroke. Something that I couldn't explain, some sort of a sixth sense triggered in me, is the best way I can describe my feeling. Something just alerted me of the inquisitor's actions. I activated my saber again and struck a blow. In the next moment, the inquisitor's arm was cut off. In anger, I pointed my saber at his chin. ''On your knees.''

Obeying my command, the inquisitor knelt but my anger didn't subside. ''Lower.'' I ordered and he did so. Once he did, I slapped him hard across the face for that attempted cheapshot. ''You inquisitors follow my orders now, as we agreed. Failure to oblige and I will not hesitate to kill you.''

                         -next day-

The traitor Reva was spotted in a cave system a few miles away from the garrison. Hundreds of troopers were deployed in search of the traitor with me personally leading them. ''We will split up in groups of 16 each. Keep comm links alive and call so that if Reva is found, the other units will move into positions. Gary, you and the death troopers will be with me. Let's go!'' I ordered and we moved inside the caves.

No sign of Reva despite 30 minutes of fruitless searching. Our 14 teams of 16 each were moving deeper into the cave system but no sign of that traitor. That same feeling I had when I first encountered the traitor and when fighting the inquisitor was acting up again. Just what was it? My data pad lit up as team 3 was under attack by Reva. My unit moved in as quickly as we can and saw the traitor fleeing. No one was dead on squad 3 thankfully.

We pursued the traitor deeper inside the cave systems. Then it hit me. My team was here in these particular part of the caves before. I ordered 2 death troopers each to cut off Reva while me and Gary chased her. Both Gary and I started shooting at Reva and she made a turn in where I predicted she would be. Reva was stuck. My death troopers lit their electro-staffs and guarded all points of exit for her to escape.

''There is no escape, traitor. You will answer for your crimes, for betraying the empire.'' I said as I activated my saber. ''All units, converge on my position. The traitor is here.''

''The only crime I committed, officer, was betray the order that I grew up in.'' Reva replied as her muscles tensed up.

''You're a jedi survivor of order 66?''

''Yes. I killed my fellow survivors in a blind hate just to kill the one responsible for killing my friends. I am free of that hate and now... I am trying to set my mistakes right by saving children from the empire. Don't you see, officer? The empire is evil.''

''I don't agree with much of it's policies but to call it outright evil is a bit of an exaggeration, Reva. Only a stable government can bring true peace to a delicate galaxy. And... you are not the first jedi I fought.'' I said, pointing my saber at her shocked expression.

''You fought a jedi?''

''In Samovar. Responsible for starting a war. I fought him and killed him. I made this lightsaber both as a trophy of my victory and as a reminder that not all jedi are pure as they potray themselves to be. He was weak and a coward. I-''

''I'll avenge him!'' Reva shouted as she charged at me with her saber and we fought. She struck at me but I blocked her initial strikes. Taking advantage of her anger which made her attacks sloppy and predictable, I blocked her strikes and continued on the defensive.

I signalled for my death troopers and they electrocuted Reva behind her back. The traitor felt pain but continued on the strikes. Everytime I blocked, a death trooper struck her. Changing her strategy, Reva force pushed 6 of my death troopers and me included. Reva managed to subdue my 2 remaining death troopers. Gary tried shooting but the traitor deflected all his shots and even wounded his thigh.

Seeing Reva about to strike Gary, I shouted, ''NO!'' and suddenly, Reva got pushed aside. I was shocked at the sudden development. What was going on? I quickly got my blaster pistol and fired at the fleeing Reva. All units converged but it was too late. The traitor was gone, much to my anger.

Near where my position was, the same black attired woman watched with great interest over recent developments. ''It is as you predicted, supreme leader. His first signs of force powers are showing.''

''Good. Give him the gifts I made. He will need to grow in secret.''

In the imperial garrison, I went straight to my room. Humbled and having swallowed my pride, I vowed to not let my arrogance get the better of me in future missions. I could've gotten Gary or my comrades killed and I don't want that.

As I entered, I saw a few books on my desk. I used my data pad to scan for traps or poisons but nothing of the sort. I opened the book and saw a lesson on lightsaber combat and another titled 'Basics to the Force'. My curiosity getting better over my logical thinking, I then practiced the lightsaber combat forms, liking form 2 the most. Elsewhere, a dark figure smirked to himself in his dark throne.
