Rebel frontiers

                  -Nineveh, Akkad-

After the rebel alliance had destroyed the Death Star, Palpatine had called in an immediate emergency meeting of the currently still alive high ranking imperials. Since I was a grand general, I had to attend this meeting as well. The emperor was absolutely livid at the destruction of the Death Star. Right in front of everyone, he had openly berated Darth Vader and even electrocuted the cybernatic sith lord. Darth Vader was demoted while I was promoted to Grand Moff of the Outer Rim as Tarkin's replacement and new Supreme Commander of the imperial armed forces and given the title of 'empror's wrath'. I knew this was only temporary as Palpatine would reinstate Vader at a later time. Cassio Tagge had survived interestingly enough and had been promoted to grand general. Seemed I had to share my rank but at least I held greater authority.

The emperor was forced to promote junior officers to fill in the ranks of generals and admirals to compensate for the Death Star's massive death toll. A logical solution but was ineffective as these new officers were inexperienced to handle the tasks their new positions brought them. Me on the other hand, I was to run the entire Outer Rim and be the leader to quash rebel forces coming to the heart of the empire. No doubt as a form of punishment from Palpatine since I wasn't there in the Death Star to begin with. The work was a ginormous increase in stress.

''Tarkin's folly. Nothing could be a better name for the garbage that was the Death Star.'' I said to my ruling council which consisted of my wives, Raggal, Admiral Conrad, Colonel Kassus and Sky Commander Kyse and unofficially former senator Riyo Chuchi now since she was still in hiding. ''His reckless act in destroying Alderaan gave the rebels an overwhelming support. Millions, perhaps billions have flocked to their side now. Tarkin.'' I said, my helmet adding a venomous hissing sound at the name. ''As much as I respected you, you were a fool when it came to this. Your policy eventually came to bite you in the butt and look at me now. You have increased my work tenfold!''

''Salazar, love.'' Kore called out my name. ''Please calm down. You will have a coughing fit again.''

''I should, Kore, but... I can't help it. Now, I have to take care of the entire Outer Rim as well. If it wasn't for the fact that various underworld factions are mine to command, I would have a heart attack by now.'' I said and looked at Prisca, newly appointed head of the ISB. ''How goes the SS and the ISB, Prisca?''

''We are cracking down hard on the rebels, Sal.'' Prisca reassured me. ''Interrogations are going smoothly and we have confirmations of very likely rebel activities.''

''Good. Very good.'' I said and then turned to face Riyo Chuchi. ''I thank you once more for helping me with my administration, senator Chuchi. Without, the work from the management would've killed me.''

''You are welcome, grand general and it's minister now.'' Chuchi said and I chuckled.

''Of course.'' I said and gave each of them a specific location. ''Prisca remain here. The rest of you, take the hypersonic train to the east. We will join you shortly.'' I said and once they left, I turned my face to Prisca. ''This is important, Prisca.''

''What is it, Sal? You know you can trust me.'' Prisca said and I knew I could trust her with my life. I then showed her a data chip and inserted it into the holo device. ''Sal, what is this? Operation: Cinder?''

''The emperor's contingency plans.'' I said, shocking her as I was sharing with her top secret information. ''In the event that the emperor should die, satellites will be activated on key worlds which will create a weather phenomenon that will tear the planet apart. These worlds... are loyal imperial worlds.''

''Why would the emperor target his most loyal citizens?''

''Scorch terrain tactics, Prisca. The emperor will punish his own loyal citizens because the empire has failed to protect him. The fool he is. He doesn't realize it it his own stupid plan that will end him.''

''Sal, what do you see in the future? Why are you sharing this with me?''

''In 4 years, Prisca... the emperor will die.'' I revealed and she gasped in shock. ''The empire is building a second Death Star and in 4 years, the rebellion will then move and destroy the Death Star 2. Both Palpatine and Darth Vader will die. After that, a civil war will ensue.''

''Sal, you know what will happen. Can't you prevent it?''

''No.'' I bluntly said. ''It has been decided by the force. Even if I manage to squash the rebellion, the emperor's death is inevitable. I... despite all my powers, cannot change it. An era of civil war will emerge and the galaxy will burn. I ask you if you will stand with me and rule as a future queen.''

''Sal, I-I don't know. This is a bit too much. It's-''

''No, Prisca. When they die, imperial leaders will scramble and fight for their own gains. When they do, some will look up to me as 'heir to the empire' but I will be busy dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong and other threats. In that time, as director of the ISB, you will reveal your status of being married to me and rally allies to our cause. We, all of us, we will rule this galaxy as emperor and empresses. I need your confirmation.''

''Sal, I-''

''Please, Prisca. Don't betray me. I can't afford to lose anyone of you. I already lost my parents, my aunt and my friends. You and the others are my only light left. Don't leave me in the dark.'' I said, grabbing her hands and she could see my eyes through my helmet.

''I-I-I... I will do as you wish, Sal. Just... don't give me a near heart attack anymore.'' Prisca said and I hugged her.

''Thank you... for putting your faith in me, Prisca. Thank you.'' I said and after that, we went to the deep underground shipyards.

      -hidden shipyards of Akkadia-

Deep inside Akkadia's crust was the shipyards in which new munificent class star frigates and harrower class heavy cruisers were being constructed in the tens of thousands. Watching this were my inner circle and Primrose. ''Welcome to Eridu, the name for the underground shipyard of Akkadia.'' I said as me and Prisca came out the second train. ''New munificent star frigates, same as the separatist one but with Covraii technology in weapons and place for troops and starfighters. Harrower class heavy cruisers, modern updated versions of the infamous sith dreadnoughts. Increased length, width, height with a larger starfighter compliment and the firepower of a venator. Covraii cannons of course.''

''They're beautiful, Sal.'' Kore exclaimed.

''They are more than beautiful, Kore. They're magnificent. House Covraii will possess the largest and most powerful private fleet with these ships.'' Silk said.

''Capital grade weapons outfitted with Covraii blaster technology. A range of at least... 700,000 miles, cousin.'' Raggal said, impressed at the stats. ''You never fail to impress me, cousin. There is little doubt why aunt Dainah chose you.''

''This is great and all but why show it to us, Grand General?'' Buster Tim said. ''We're just bounty hunters. Why show us all this?''

''You are no longer just bounty hunters, Buster Tim.'' I corrected him. ''Primrose is part of the business and of COBRA. In essence, you are part of the larger family and families require trust.'' I said as glasses of wine was presented to all of them. ''A new order will soon emerge but for that to happen, it relies on your secrecy. I want you to trust me just as much as I trust you. I ask only your allegiance and you will be rewarded. What say you? Join me in my new world or burn among the dry grass? Become part of something greater or fade to the sands of time. Choose wisely.''

My inner circle and Inanna drank immediately. Primrose was hesitant a bit but they knew I held the real power so they drank. Chuchi wasn't so sure but she needed my help so she too drank. I smirked behind my mask at a plan coming together.

      -my office, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Excuse me, sir?'' I looked up and saw Thane Kyrell.

''Ah, Thane. Come in.'' I said and gestured him to sit down. ''What can I do for you?''

''Sir, I must ask you about the Death Star.'' Thane said, trying to muster the bravery to do so.

''Oh?'' I asked in surprise. This caught me off guard but should've been expected. ''Ask right away.''

''Why did the empire blow up Alderaan? I know princess Leia Organa was a rebel but... did the empire have to kill billions of innocent Alderranians? Why, sir? Just... why?''

''I understand your confusion, Thane. The emperor ordered Tarkin to blow up a planet as an example to worlds attempting to rebel but no one... no one would think Tarkin would be so foolish as to blow up Alderaan of all places. It was... unbelievable. The empire is still suffering from the backlash of Tarkin's stupid decision. You may ask... if I was there, could I have changed it? No, Thane. I'm sorry to inform you but even if I, a grand general, was there, I wouldn't br able to change anything. The battlestation was Tarkin's and it was out of my authority.'' I told Thane Kyrell who was disappointed at my reply.

''I... see, sir.''

''Look at this, Thane.'' I said and showed Thane a footage of the Vong, the Grysk and other threats.

''Wh-what are these things, sir?'' Thane asked, horrified at the scary looking aliens.

''Threats from the unknown. The imperial military and the Death Star were built to combat these threats but Tarkin set us back by a decade. These threats have no remorse, no compassion. I have fought them, Thane. They are beyond reason. They are the real threats. I know you want to desert the empire but ask yourself this, 'am I doing the right thing?' You can protect the galaxy by serving under me, Thane. The rebel alliance's ways are foolish, they will lead to the deaths of trillions. I will not kill you or do anything if you wanr to desert but it would be a shame since I would've lost an excellent pilot.''

Thane thought hard for a moment till he made the most important decision in his life. ''I... will serve you, grand general.''

''Good, Thane. I am glad to see you choose correctly.'' I said. ''Do not tell anyone, even your friends like Ciena Ree, the existence of these threats. They will cause unwanted panic amongst the populous. Can you promise me that?''

''I will, grand general.'' Thane said and left my office.

                           -2 ABY-

''Fools!'' I shouted at the complete idiocy of some of the imperial commanders. They disobeyed orders and got good soldiers killed and ships destroyed. ''Nitwits! Simpletons! Nincompoops! You worthless excuses of banthaa shit are even worse than I could've realized!'' I shouted to everyone assembled. Besides me on the platform were Darth Vader, Tagge and some high ranking officers. ''You disobeyed my orders and caused massive damage, giving the rebels victory. I can forgive errors but you did not learn from them or improve yourselves! Flekshwip, Grubbs, Horran, Sisko and Mardock, step forward.'' I called out some names and the terrified officers did so.

''Grand General, please. We-'' Grubbs said but he was force choked and lifted upwards to the ceiling.

''SILENCE!'' I shouted. ''Do not speak unless spoken to.'' I said and threw him down. ''Fenrir, breakfast is ready.'' I said and Fenrir jumped on Grubbs and killed him. The gathered officers watched in horror as Fenrir killed and ate Grubbs. ''Understand that... as top leaders of the imperial military, I have to organize each and everyone of you. From the storm trooper all the way to lieutenants and admirals. Many of you became what you are today because of your family connections but not me. I became grand general because of my talents and in the fact that I won multiple wars. I was not always one of the ten richest men in the galaxy. I inherited my aunt's fortunes and increased it a hundredfold. Understand that we are at war. We are facing rebels in every front of the Mid Rim and there is no space for insubordination. There is no time for your incompetence. There will be none... of YOUR CRAP! NONE OF IT!'' I roared and sat on my throne. ''Work with me and we will win this war. Disobey me and I will gut you like fish in a barrel. Ozzel you incompetent fool, come here!''

''Yes sir!'' admiral Kendal Ozzel then came before me just as I ripped the hearts out of the other officers.

''Prove to me you are not so incompetent by removing these garbage from me. Clean the stains too.'' I ordered as Fenrir came to my side. Ozzel was given a mop and he cleaned the floor. ''Leave my sight and heed my warning.'' I told the gathered officers and they left. Vader, Tagge and I were then left to continue strategizing.

ISB director Prisca then stepped forward with new intel. ''Prisoner interrogations and data collected by my agents have confirmation that princess Leia Organa is meeting up with queen Trios of Shu-Torun to gain the planet's support.'' she said and I looked at the data.

''Then that is where we go. Lieutenant, inform Admiral Conrad to ready the fleet to jump to Shu-Torun upom my signal. Prepare the Endless Night as well. Vader, you're coming with me.'' I ordered.


''The assets for my plan better be in position, queen Trios. You better not ally yourself with those rebels. My retaliation, if you do, will be swift and brutal.'' I said to the queen over on the comms.

''It will be successful, Grand General. I assure you that Shu-Torun is loyal to the empire.'' queen Trios said.

''I will see to that, queen Trios... personally.'' I said as the Endless Night activated it's cloaking technology and flew to Shu-Torun.

On the royal palace, princess Leia walked inside as a special band (secret ISB agents) were performing a hit song on the holonet. The lead singer gave the party a new life. ''Shot through the heart and you're to blame.
Darling you give a bad name.'' and was followed by a guitar performance with drums.

''An angel's smile is what you sell
You promised me heaven then put me through hell.
Chains of love got a hold on me.
When passions a prison you can't break free.

O-o-o you're a loaded gun.
O-o-o there's nowhere to run
No one can save me the damage is done.

Shot through the heart and you're to blame.
You give love a bad name.
I play my part and you play your game
Darlin' you give love a bad name.
Oh you give love a bad name.''

Leia ignored the singing performance ane went to see queen Trios in her private room. ''Thank you for accepting my request, queen Trios.'' Leia said to the Shu-Torun queen.

''Oh I am happy to accept it, princess Leia. And so is our special guest.'' Queen Trios said and I walked in the room, shocking Leia at my presence.

''Ah, princess Leia. Well, former princess anyways. I am so glad to join you. Now then, let's get started onto business, shall we?''
