Criminal threats

A/N: the apollyon class star destroyer looks like a FO resurgent class without the gap in the ship's design and fit the specs as given to Palpatine. The first 800 meters of the ship will open similar to a crab claw and the axial super laser cannon will come out. Unlike the xyston's cannon, the axial cannon of the apollyon is not capable of destroying a planet but rather, the apollyon's dark blue laser will cause a chemical chain reaction, turning the surface of a planet into glass and killing all life, organic or droid.

Ship: apollyon class star destroyer
Length: 7,500 meters
Width: 4,000 meters
Height: 2,340 meters
Engines: 3 ion engines, 8 sublight engines
Armament: 2,500 quad turbo lasers, 2,000 ion cannons, 1,000 ventral missile launchers, 900 point defense turrets, 50 mega-caliber 5 heavy cannons and 1 axial super laser.
Crew: 8,550 officers with 25,200 wraith troopers.
Fighter compliment: 1,680 ships. 1,100 Tie annihlators, 300 gunships and 280 bombers.
Cargo capacity: 144,000 metric tons
Additional data: can carry upto 15 AT-HFWs, 45 AT-VSs and 5 FT-STs with 30 tanks and 1 deployable garrison.

Ship: sovereign class star carrier.
Length: 29,000 meters
Width: 5,500 meters
Height: 4,480 meters
Engines: 5 ion engines and 12 sublight engines
Armament: 10,000 quad turbo lasers, 10,000 ion cannons, 2,000 ventral cannons, 7,890 point defense turrets and 120 mega caliber 5 cannons.
Fighter compliment: 12,600. 8,000 Tie annihlators, 1,200 gunships and 3,400 bombers.
Crew: 45,000 officers with 371,000 wraith troopers.
Cargo capacity: 5,000,000 metric tons.
Additional data: can carry 240 AT-HFWs, 450 AT-VSs, 75 FT-STs and 5 garrisons.

Also, Jar Jar Binks was a much better military leader than admiral Holdo or general Hux ever were.


I stared down at the former sith named Maul as my troopers surrounded him and his Crimson Dawn. I jumped down and Roxanna was by my side. ''My lord, you arrived.'' she said.

''Did you win?'' I asked my sith marauder.

''A draw at best. He's better with a saber though my powers in the force far exceed his. Surprising considering he's only half a sith.'' Roxanna replied.

''Just as I expected then.'' I told Roxanna as I took the holocron from Maul. The former sith ignited his lightsaber to attack me but I pushed him back using the force. I pushed all the Crimson Dawn members and dropped the building down on them. ''We have what I want. We go back to Nineveh.'' I said and we left Raxus using the infinity gate.

              -Nineveh, Akkadia-

''So this is your palace my lord. My first time seeing it in all it's glory. Truly a magnificent sight, especially compared to the citadel on Exegol.'' Roxanna said as she saw Nineveh in all it's beauty and splendor.

''You are welcome to explore all you want, Roxanna. Just be sure not to accidentally slice or crush anything.'' I told Roxanna just as Raggal came to me with a holo message. It was the Pyke Syndicate on the other side. ''Ah. If it isn't the Pykes. What a pleasant surprise. What may I do for you?''

''We have learned how you are the rumored Cobra commander, leader of the new COBRA organization and have the Black Sun's total loyalty.'' the Pyke leader said to me through the holonet.

''Word gets by fast doesn't it?'' I remarked.

''Underworld is a small community, general Covraii. The Pykes want no war on our part against you. We... want to join you.''

I sensed their fear and willingness to submit themselves under my authority. ''Consider it done.'' I said and the hologram ended. ''How goes the hunting, Raggal?''

''Still not enough data, cousin. We don't know what the Camberlane, the pirate lords or the hostile Hutts are planning. It will take some time.'' Raggal told me and he remembered something. ''Oh, uhm... the daughters of the count and baroness, Silk von Tinuum and Kore Nyx, your brides, have arrived and are waiting for your arrival, cousin.''

''Of course they did.'' I said in with a sigh. ''I'll meet them shortly.''

''What will miss Roth think, my lord? Is polygamy even allowed?'' Roxanna asked.

''For an aristocrat of Akkadia, it is. She grew up in a wealthy political family, Roxanna. I'm sure she'll understand.'' I replied.

''I sense unease regarding her, my lord. Don't tell me that the heir to Snoke and of the ancient sith, titled dark lord of the sith by Marka Ragnos fears having to argue with his wife.''

''I am not. I'm... simply tired and in desperate need of rest after such a long day of work.'' I replied and headed to meet the two women who were bethrothed to me. I went to the hall to meet the two women, who I adnit were beautiful but this whole arranged marriage thing was getting out of hand. ''Let's just get this over with.'' I muttered to myself.

(future baroness, Kore Nyx)

(future countess, Silk von Tikuun)

''Do you know how to flirt or do when girls flirt with you, master?'' Roxanna whispered in my ear.

''No.'' my response was quick and well timed like a predator catching the prey.

''Are you Salazar? The duke of House Covraii?'' the black haired, spectacle wearing woman, Kore Nyx, asked.

''I am. High General Salazar Covraii and duke of House Covraii, at your service.''

''By the old traditions of Akkadia, care to claim us, duke Salazar?'' the blonde haired girl, Silk von Tikuun, asked. Per traditions of old Akkadia, a man must fight to claim the right to marry a woman by defeating said woman in a duel. While the practice was not popular due to progress, there were still some who used the old ways. It seems the girls want it that way. Not surprising given that the nobility of Akkadia were always the ones most vocal about keeping old traditions.

A normal sword was given to me and I used a form 2 stance to prepare myself. ''Come at me then.'' I taunted them and they charged at me with their swords. Their techniques were good but lightsaber training was just much better. They put up a good fight but were down in 2 minutes and because I didn't feel like being serious. They were on the ground, tired and defeated and they accepted their fate. ''Do you yield?''

''We yield.'' both said at the same time.

''The palace maids will make adjustments to the bedroom. Catch your breath first then we can talk other matters.'' I said and I walked to attend more business work.


Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora was very worried over recent events. Many of her people were kidnapped and sold as slaves by the new criminal confederacy which was called 'the 9 penny kings'. This confederation of criminal organizations was made up of House Camberlane, 5 Hutt lords and 3 of the Outer Rim's pirate lords. A threat that was growing everyday and threatened her home severly. As much as she hated to accept it, she needed the empire's help. Her thoughts were on one imperial commander who might be able to help her.

She turned on her holo-projector to call her planet's imperial governor. He was currently busy. She sat back on her chair and looked at the messages her friends had sent her. One of them a documentary video regarding the 17th legion and the imperial commander who could help her people, Salazar Covraii. She played the video, leaned back on her chair and watched. This was made by Sam MacGuilles, a controversial reporter who had been arrested 3 times for his 'rebellious' propaganda.

The first images showed a massive palace in a polluted city with a large imperial garrison. ''Lamassu, mythological creatures of Akkadia that have the head of a human, the body of a lion, the feet and tails of a mammal and the wings of a bird. Sculptures of these creatures are found everywhere in ancient Akkadian structures and still in use today. Two of these lamassu sculptures, very big ones too standing at over 11 meters tall, guard the entrance to Nineveh. The name of the palace of House Covraii and also the largest imperial garrison in the Mid-Outer Rim. This palace of Nineveh is both a technological and architectural masterpiece and where the feared 17th legion is stationed. It is also here that you will find one of the most brilliant military leaders of our era, High General Salazar Covraii. Beneath that mirrored helmet, a lion of a man.''

The scene showed Salazar whispering to a soldier in native Akkadian. ''Salazar Covraii is one of the most militarily gifted strategists, a cunning thinker and a near unbeatable tactician, of our era. The Galactic Empire is still a little over a decade old at this point and in that time were numerous wars. Wars not on the same scale as the Clone Wars but at the smallest, engulfing planets and at the largest, entire sectors. What happens when the emperor grows tired of the constant wars and decides to send in one of the most brilliant and ruthless tacticians with his small but extremely effective legion of war veterans? Well, you're about to find out.'' Sam McGuilles then showed Kaadara city of Naboo.

The senator watched as the distinct dark grey colored storm troopers drag people out of their homes and regular troopers burning the buildings. The imperial soldiers were harsh to the citizens of Naboo, having been dragged out, whipped and then taken out. ''When Naboo rebelled after the death of senator Binks, the emperor's response regarding his birth planet was swift. Retribution came like a thunderbolt. The 17th legion, war veterans and battle hardened soldiers, one of the empire's finest, were called to end this rebellion.'' Sam McGuilles said and the senator had to look away at times as to not see the brutality of the legion.

''The soldiers of the 17th legion had been exposed to the war like traditions of old Akkadia. Today we talk about total war, and shock and awe... big, massive weapons, large armies clashing, brutal massacres and burned cities. Well... no one has quite mastered and perfected them like the Akkadians. The first old republic explorers had described the war loving Akkadians as 'a people grim of face like a bird of prey swooping down, a great shadow that engulfs the land. An army that is ruthless to the old and pitiless to the young. What happens when you fight back? Well, those who resisted were brutally massacred but some were kept alive only to be beheaded, their heads later displayed on pikes. Others were impaled, others were skinned alive and then some were burned. The survivors, those men too young to fight as well as the women and children were deported, sent to serve as slaves. All these acts committed by the 17th legion. They still march to fight in more wars and though Kaadara city still stands, the horrifying memory still traumatizes the planet of Naboo.''

''The walls of Nineveh are decorated with war memorials depicting these horrific scenes. The mass beheadings, the flayings, the impalings, the burnings and the deportations. Such is the tradition of old Akkadia. What kind of a civilization chooses this as their wallpaper?'' Sam McGuilles' holovid was ended when the senator turned off her holoprojector. She had no idea if such acts were done by the 17th legion since the guy who made the vid was a controversial reporter. Despite this however, she had made her choice. The governor of her homeworld called.

''Yes, senator Chuchi?'' the planetary governor of Pantora asked.

''Governor, I believe I know just the right person who can help Pantora.'' the senator told the governor.

''Who do you have in mind then, senator?''

''High General Salazar Covraii of Akkadia.''


In my office, I handled the day to day tasks regarding the imperial military and Covraii industries. Just recently, a Geonosian queen was transferred to Exegol so that her brood can one day grow in large numbers to handle the manufacturing on Exegol. The massive droid factory on Geonosis was torn down, modified and re-assembled on Exegol so that they can build the wraith trooper armor, war droid, vehicles and ships of the new sith empire.

The senator and governor of Pantora had pleaded with the imperial higher ups in regards to the new criminal faction whose leaders were called 'the 9 penny kings'. A relatively minor threat for now was growing in power throughout the Outer Rim. This threat had to be eliminated before it grew too big to be contained. Senator Riyo Chuchi herself called me personally to deal with this matter.

I looked at the recent report on my data pad which confirmed the location of all the '9 penny kings'. I called captain Conrad over on the comm link. ''Captain Conrad, prepare the task force to leave for Rugosa. You are to finish the fleet gathered there.'' I told the captain.

''I am to lead the task force, sir? Without your presence?'' captain Conrad asked.

''A man of your talents will be more than capable of achieving it, captain. I am needed elsewhere.'' I said and took a shuttle to go to Drexel.


I waited 4 hours after I came out of hyperspace. News of the task force eliminating the pirate fleet on Rugosa had spread and I already set my plan in motion. I waited till the big pirate frigate arrived and we went down to the surface. I walked out of the shuttle to meet one of the pirate lords and a member of the 9 penny kings: Normis Phanaka. ''You arrived on time, Covraii.'' the pirate lord said.

''I set the time. It would be... embarassing if I didn't arrive on time, Normis.'' I replied.

''Whatever. Let us get this over with. You said you wanted to talk-'' Normis Phanaka's speech was interrupted when his shuttle exploded. Blaster bolts were shot and all of Phanaka's men were shot dead with him getting a blaster bolt in the head.

''Target is eliminated.'' spoke a female bounty hunter as she and other bounty hunters plus numerous mercenaries surrounded me. ''Hands up, imperial. The boss wants you.'' she said and I smirked behind my mask seeing my plan come to fruition. Step 1 was over and I just needed steps 2 and 3 to follow.
