Night of a thousand tears

           -Sundari city, Mandalore-

The Mandalorians and rebels watched as an armada of ships never before seen had appeared about half a million miles away from the planet. Captain Rex knew the frigates as munificent class star frigates, the backbone of the separatist navy in the Clone Wars. He also recognized the Morning-Star as an upscaled version of General Grievous' Malevolence. The other ships though, he didn't know what they were or what they were capable off. He read the data being gathered and though it was relatively little, he gave it his thoughts. ''I recognize those separatist frigates everywhere. Seems they're a new model meant to carry heavier turrets and a wing of starfighters. Don't know about these heavy cruisers but they look like miniature star destroyers and have half the firepower of a venator. These new star destroyers are nearly 5 times an ISD with more than 10x the firepower and these dreadnoughts are nearly 8x an ISD.''

''Alert the defenses and get the planetary shields online.'' Bo Katan ordered her soldiers to do so. ''Sabine, you were part of the empire's weapons project. Do you know these ships?''

''No.'' Sabine replied. ''All I know is that Covraii's ship has greater power and firing range compared to a normal star destroyer. More than a hundred times in fact. That's all I know.''

''Then we must prepare to fight. I will not let an Akkadian have victory over Mandalore. Not again.'' Bo Katan said, putting on her helmet and prepared to fight.

'Just what are these new ships and what are you planning, Salazar?' Rex thought to himself as the imperial fleet was still near Mandalore.

        -aboard the Morning-Star-

I stood before the appointed leaders of the task forces I assigned and gave them the plans for Operation: Retaliation. ''Colonel Kassus, Inanna and Kannon will lead the legions to the south, west and east sides of Sundari city while I take the 17th and attack from the north. Sky commander Kyse will lead the Tie squadrons and bomb the defenses, establishing air superiority first before we attack. Admiral Conrad, prepare for base delta zero. You have your orders.'' I told everyone.

''Yes sir.'' Colonel Kassus, Sky Commander Kyse and Admiral Conrad said in unison as their holograms were ended.

''What's base delta zero, big sis?'' Tia asked Uri.

''It means orbital bombardment.'' Uri replied, shocking her teammates except Buster Tim. ''I am not one to question your tactics, Grand General sir, but... we are too far away for turbo lasers or missile launchers to hit Mandalore.''

''I had almost forgotten you were a storm trooper captain before you resigned, Uri Penta. You too were a Tie pilot were you not, Buster Tim? You two obviously know imperial protocols and data.'' I said and faced them. ''My ships have special turrets that are made so that they have a firing range of more than a hundred times a normal star destroyer.''

''You mean they can hit targets at more than 500,000 miles, sir?'' Uri asked.

''Indeed they can.'' I said and turned to a lieutenant. ''Let us test how well they fare against the full might of my armada. Contact Admiral Conrad aboard his flagship. Commence the orbital bombardment... now.'' I said and looked at Mandalore.

''Yes Grand General.'' the lieutenant said and all technicians prepared the turbolaser turrets and missile launchers to fire on Mandalore.

Then, all the ships of the 9th fleet, from the frigates and cruisers to the apollyon star destroyers and sovereign star carriers and the Morning-Star rained down fire on Mandalore. From the surface of the planet, dark blue, almost violet plasma bolts hit Mandalore like a rain of death. The shields started to go weaker and weaker as civilians started getting anxious. Missiles came down and inflicted greater damage. The planetary shields collapsed after 2 minutes of continous bombarding and the turbolaser bolts started to destroy the dome cities. Missiles were launched and the planetary defense cannons were destroyed, blown to scrap metal and dark blue plasma decimated the buildings. Primrose watched in both awe and absolute terror the full military might that I possessed and it was used on Mandalore.

''They've had enough. Cease fire.'' I ordered and all ships stopped the bombardment.

''You could've annihlated them all, Sal. Why stop now?'' Inanna asked me.

''Because I want to eradicate them personally, my dear Inanna. Admiral Conrad, you are in charge of the fleet. Prisca, you are coming with me. Prepare the gunships and the ground vehicles. We leave for Sundari city.'' I said and walked out my bridge to oversee preparations.

          -Sundari city, Mandalore-

The rebels and Mandalorians survived the orbital bombardment, if only for the fact that the imperial grand general ordered his armada to stop. Captain Rex looked out the city and saw ground vehicles approaching. He zoomed in to give his thoughts regarding the vehicles. ''Hmm... they all seem to have reinforced armor and a metal unlike which I have ever seen. The lighter walkers have two medium repeating blasters and missile launchers along with something that looks like an Umbaran plasma launcher. The bigger walkers seem to be twice the size of those imperial ones with tusks and a long nose. 2 chin mounted cannons, missile launchers, 6 medium cannons on the sides each, 2 missile turrets on the shoulders and a heavy turbolaser on the back. Don't know about those siege engines. They're like a mobile fortress.''

Outside Sundari city, the ground vehicles were deployed and we continued moving to the city. I was inside an AT-HFW and ordered all units to charge at the city. Kyse inside his new Tie whisper starfighter led hordes of Tie whispers and Tie annihlators to destroy the defenses and combat Mandalorian fighters. ''Gunners, clear the walls.'' I ordered and the turrets onboard the AT-HFWs and FT-STs opened fire on the city. Parts of the walls collapsed and the turrets were destroyed. The city was defenseless. ''Press the attack and continue forward.'' I said and I saw Mandalorian fighters come out to face my advancing force.

''The Mandalorians have come out of the city, sir.'' the driver told me.

''They bought my bait just as I predicted.'' I said, chuckling to myself. ''Order the 3rd wraith trooper batallion to face them. Captain Kassus, Inanna, Kannon, advance witj your gunships. Show no mercy.''

The 3rd wraith trooper batallion went out of their FT-ST to face the Mandalorians head on. It was time for them to prove to me that their years of training since birth paid off or not. They faced off with the Mandalorians and put up a good fight. The gunships carrying the other wraith troopers flew in and launched their rockets at Sundari. The rockets blew huge holes into the city and the gunships dropped the wraith troopers and a bloody battle occured in the city. The Mandalorians had come face to face with a new batch of clone soldiers who were genetically enhanced and with superior equipment. Even if they fought bravely, wraith troopers still outnumbered them 4 to 1.

When my forces reached Sindari, it was already a bloodbath. The corpses of Mandalorians littered the streets. I was accompanied by Prisca and my death troopers along with a batallion of my shadow troopers as we advanced towards the royal palace. I cut through Mandalorians with ease as my dark side infused lightsaber could cut beskar with ease. I jumped up towards the balcony and saw the rebels trying tp flee. I cut their escape and ignited my saber. ''This little rebellion of yours... ends today.'' I said and Bo Katan took her dark saber and charged at me.

I dodged the swing easily and continued dodging it. I grabbed her dark saber and kicked her in the stomach. I used the force to throw her away just as Ezra and Kanan came to face me again. I proved to be the superior lightsaber duelist but a stun grenade blinded me with a bright light. Just as my eye sight was returning, both Ezra and Kanan slashed me but it was useless against my adarite uniform armor. ''Your strikes are as hopeless as is your rebel alliance.'' I said and shot out force lightning just as their Lasat member, Zeb, tackled me.

I struck the Lasat in the back and force pushed him aside just as missiles were shot towards me. The platform where I stood on was blown apart and I fell down to a flaming inferno. I used the force to create a shield and I was saved. I saw 4 ships leave the hidden docks and I called in Kyse to stop them. ''Kyse, blow them out of the sky!'' I ordered him but they only shot down one Mandalorian fighter.

The Ghost and Bo-Katan escaped my clutches, having been given a secret hyperspace route and they jumped out of my fleet's interdiction field. But, despite that, Mandalore was pacified of rebellious activity. Orders came from the higher ups that the planet was to be severly punished and a great purge on the Mandalorians was to enacted. ''All units, return to the fleet. Kyse, you are to lead a bombing run all over the planet.'' I ordered and all imperial personnal were evacuated.

That night, Kyse led his Tie squadrons and dropped numerous bombs on Mandalore that made the cities crumble to dust and the planet was made more barren than it ever was. This night, for the Mandalorians, was the night of a thousand tears and it was the beginning of the Great Purge.
