Chapter 6 - Fox sisters lovin❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

{narrator} Kyle drove to the Anime convention and entered. He then walked to the office and just watched over the pizzeria until the fox sister came in {Kyle} u-umm h-h-hi foxy hi m-m-mangle {Foxy} hello cutey {mangle} H-hello sweetheart {narrator} Kyle then blushed but then both foxy and mangle jumped into Kyke's lap {mangle} Do you want a hug s-sweetie??? {Kyle} u-u-umm {mangle} don't be a-s-scared {Kyle} O-o-ok {mangle} y-y-yay {narrator} mangle then hugged Kyle for a couple of minutes and Kyle didn't talk at all. Mangle then kissed Kyle and then walked out the office saying {mangle} at 4:am come to my cove {Kyle} o-ok {foxy} Anyways do you want a hug from me {Kyle} U-u-umm ok.. {narrator} after he said okay foxy grabbed him into a hug and let go after a couple of minutes and kissed Kyle and left {Kyle} what time is it {narrator} Kyle then checked his clock knowing it was 3:42 . He then watched over the pizzeria until 4:am and walked over to mangles cove. He walks di to mangles cove and mangle pulled him to the wall {Kyle} W-why did you ask m-me to come here?? {mangle} B-b-because I want to spend time w-w-with you... {Kyle} o-oh ok {narrator} mangle then blushed and kissed Kyle on the forehead. Kyle then blushed himself. {mangle} do you wanna s-s-snuggle?? {narrator} Kyle blushed again but agreed {Kyle} yeah sure {narrator} mangle then grabbed Kyle layed down and cuddled Kyle in her arms {Mangle} I-i I love you Kyle {narrator} Kyle blushed but knew he thought the same. Foxy then entered and saw the 2 cuddling and smiled she came in {foxy} can I join? {mangle and Kyle} Y-y-yes {narrator} foxy then layed on the other side of Kyle and then cuddled Kyle. Kyle was blushing but was comfortable with both of the fox sister cuddling him. 2 hours had passed and then the 6:am bell rang and the fox sisters both kissed Kyle on the forehead and then got to there spots Kyle drove home and went to bed. {Note from creator} Chapter 7 will be coming soon
