Chapter 11 - Home Sweet Home

{narrator} Kyle and the others all made it to his house {Freddy} your house is HUGE {kyle} I know my dad was a billionaire before he d-d-died.... {mangle} H-h-hey it's o-ok you h-have is k-k-know... {Kyle} thanks m-mangle ,he said as they were walking in {Kyle} my dad built this place with a stage for my favorite band but I guess since they all are gone you can all use the stage {All but Kyle} ok thank you!! {Kyle} your welcome ,he said walking upstairs to his room {Kyle} it just isn't the same without dad he always mad things better...... , he said crying a bit getting into bed {Kyle} I should get some s- {Mangle} K-k-Kyle.. {kyle} yes mangle...? {mangle} C-can I s-s-sleep with you T-t-tonight....? {Kyle} s-sure mangle. ,he said letting her crawl up by him {Kyle} ok I need some sleep it's been a rough night.... {mangle} o-ok.. , she said going into low power mode.
