Chapter 10 - High tensions

{11:48}{Tuesday} {Kyle} ok I have to remember the plan.. I have to bring my keys. I need a gun just in case... and that's it now all I need to do is wait until it opens , He said waiting at home {Kyle} ok got my keys now I just need my gun , he said walking into his room {Kyle} ok I have my gun.. time to do this ' he said walking outside to his car {narrator} Kyle then got in his car and drove to Freddy's anime convention. {Kyle} ok I'm here , he said entering {Kyle} GUYS COME HERE , he yelled walking to a table as the animatronics walked over {All but Kyle} What is it???? {Kyle} yesterday I spied on 2 people outside talking about the people who own this place destroying it because they're opening up a new place {all but chica and Kyle} WHAT!!!! {Kyle} yeah but I have a plan and it's taking place right now So I need you all to follow me I have a gun just in case they decide to do it early so I am going to sneak you guys into my house. {all but Kyle} won't your family notice??? {Kyle} my family died years ago...  {all but Kyle} WHAT!!!!!! {Kyle} it's fine I got over it anyways come on!!! , He said getting up and walking to the front door with the others following behind {worker 5} I can't believe they assigned this crap to us we don't even work here {worker 3} I know man but it pays a lot just to move these things.. WAIT THAT GUY HAS THE ANIMATRONICS {Kyle} OH FU** {worker 5} PUT YOUR HANdS UP!!! {kyle} SCREW YOU!!!! , Kyle yelled Shooting the worker in the head {worker 3} HOLY SH**..... {Kyle} GO AHEAD AND JOIN HIM!! ,he said shooting the other guy in the neck. {worker 4} GO TO HE** , the guy said shooting Kyle in the chest {kyle} AHHhh.... , but before Kyle scream comepletly rage rushed threw his mind and his eyes turned Dark Red as he started running at full speed letting the workers bullets hit him {worker 4} OH F—- , before the guy finished his sentence Kyle shot him in the head. {all but Kyle} Oh My God..... {Kyle} let's go , he said as his eyes turned back to normal as they started walking.
