Chapter 2 - Chase scene

{Narrator} Kyle screamed in Terror and started running for his life but then he noticed Freddy and the others were waking up he then was scared of his mind as Foxy started running after him {Kyle} LEAVE ME ALONE {narrator} there was no response but then Kyle looped around and quickly shut the door before any of them could enter. {Kyle} Oh god what deal did i just sign up to I might D-d-die here.... No! I cant believe {Kyle thought} {Narrator} Kyle then checked the timer to know it was 3:am He then sighed in relief. But before he got his hopes up Freddy and the others started banging at the Door as hard as possible draining the power. Kyle was then screaming in horror as the banging continued but the he noticed a vent under the desk. He quickly opened the vent and started crawling hoping there was nothing in there but then he heard metal footsteps and then the vent under him fell and he opened his eyes up to 2 golden animatronics and 1 was shaking him and the other was looking worried as Kyle was unconscious Kyle then gained consciences and jumped back in fear of see ing both {Golden Freddy} are you ok dear you look scared {Kyle} wait y-y-your not gonna hurt m-m-me?? {golden Freddy} now why would we do that????
