1. Shake Up

Have you ever witnessed a scene, probably an emotional one where somebody gets badly shaken up by something which has fallen upon him/her and to the person it feels like there’s no way out and suddenly another person (His/ her family or friend) suddenly comes up to them gives them hope and if the person isn’t convinced you know what they do?

They shake the person, literally shake them and say “You’ve to be strong, you can’t give up like this.” Yet the other person doesn’t listen, cause he has given in to despair and gave up on hope. So they shake him some more and a lil violent now. They continue “Listen to me, you can do this, we can do this.”

And I think you should know what happens next.

So what do we need as a call to action? A shake up.

At first it’s mild, we don’t wake up and when it grows violent we all give up. No intermediate stage in between.

So remember what ever is happening around is just a beginning, the mild shake and you need to make your mind to take action now.

With each passing day, the shake will only get violent. Why? Because you might’ve realized it as a call to action but other’s might still be in their ignorant self and comfort zone.

Okay what is the call to action about?

Do you know the purpose of your life? Oh no not the one which you’ve made as your purpose of your life.

The universal purpose of your life, the one for which you and I were created for.

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” – Qur’an 51:56

I just want you to ponder over these lines, and then ask yourself what is the purpose of your life?

The call to action is all about bringing you back to your purpose which you knowingly or unknowingly forget sometimes, getting lost in the glitter and jazz of this world.

Note -
Just a small write-up from me, Feedback appreciated.
