20. Path or Destination

Reminder to Self (Watch the short video attached)

I know many of us feel like walking in a storm right now. It may be because of some external happenings,

Don't Confuse Your Path with Your Destination.

Just Because It's Stormy Now Doesn't Mean

You aren't headed for Sunshine.

~ Anonymous

The other day, I was having sad thoughts about life. I felt hopeless about being caught up in challenging circumstances all the time. Will it always go on like this? I felt tired of being in a dark cave, hunting for a lamp to walk until the end of darkness to find light. I NEEDED A BREAK!

But the next moment came the realization that when I've a break, I'm again ungrateful. I do not like the stillness of life at that time, making me lazy and making me feel like I do not have a purpose to get up to every day?

On the contrary, during trials, the goal every day is somehow let this thing end, somehow, I get done with it. Until we aren't done with the situation, there's a weight on our shoulders and mind. That stops us from looking at the brighter and better side of life.

But let's remind ourselves that each trial is an arch of our life, taking us closer to our goals and purpose. It's not just about overcoming hurdles and becoming stronger but also, a reminder for us to turn to our creator, re-evaluate our life, question our priorities, and be reminded of the bigger test - Hereafter.

We are often so caught up in the worries of this life that we forget it's not our real life. This is just a testing place, that we shouldn't focus on getting all the things here but rather how we're going to succeed there. We are all caught up and stressed about this life, I mean it will pass and I pray we wouldn't have to regret it there, because our focus was just about this life.

This difficult path you're walking on right now IS JUST A PATH. NOT YOUR DESTINATION.

The pain is temporary and so is the journey, it will pass and your life will take another turn on a new path and it will be unfamiliar, challenging again but let's remember we do not have a destination in our life here. We are just travelers, who forget their goals more often than any other creature despite being the most evolved and intelligent of them all.

#SelfReminder #ReminderToMyselfBeforeAnyoneElse

May Allah give us Hidayah (Guidance) and Keep us away from distractions. Ameen Ya Rabbi.
