A year to this project - I started off somewhere in Nov/Dec 2019 and today is 3rd DEC 2020(The day I wrote this).

Everyone rebukes this year, including me but I want to appreciate for the things I discovered and be thankful for all the lessons it taught me.

Let's start off with writing and with Flickering Hope. From then to now the circumstances are much different. That thing is no longer our cause for stress, many other things are.

Alhamdulillah, although it's very less, I am really glad I shared at least 10 write ups with the world and over 10 people have appreciated my efforts.

I am glad that I have got serious about writing than last year and have grown to trust myself about it.

I've befriended a lot of new people in the quarantine over the internet and I am grateful for all of them.

I've grown as a person, learnt many lessons.

One of which is - Kindness is important but not always, learn to be a lil more kind to yourself first.

Most importantly my Lord opened my eyes to truth and gave me an opportunity to learn about Fundamentals.

I've worked on some of my skills as an artist, lettering and florals have improved if any other haven't Alhamdulillah.

The only thing I'm looking froward to in 2021 is the lessons it will teach me Insha Allah.

I do not know whether our lives will return to normal, Our job is to have faith.

(Going back to it will be sadder cause busy life means I'll be content being productive but with little time to art, how much content will I be?)

One major goal you Wanna achieve in 2021?

Me - Love myself a little more, trust myself a little more and believe in myself a little more.

"Let your vibe be a product of your heart, not your environment."

"Learn from the moon that even though it's alone, it never stops shining."

"Don't depend too much on anyone, even your own shadow leaves you in darkness." - Ibn Taymiyyah 'May Allah have mercy on him'

A/N - Signing off with officially putting this book on hold, although there are many lessons I'm learning I'm not able to pen it down and I don't force myself, cause breaks are necessary and art should come naturally.

Although I'm working on a bigger opportunity - which I'll reveal when the time comes.

For now my current self depicts these lines accurately from the About chapter of Flickering Hope :
Sometimes its too tough it even hope for a better tomorrow.

For some of us who are optimistic and want to continue to be so whatever the circumstances comes our way, sometimes even we find it difficult to hope.

Perhaps there's hope, but it's flickering just like a weak flame.
Its okay, even though the flame is flickering, it stills lightens up the place, even though the darkness will try its best to supress it completely, it tries its best to survive.

Let the flickering hope get stronger by each passing day, by each passing test.
(Ameen to this!)
Isn't our life a test, after all?
