what is familiar and strange

"Hey kiddo? Are you awake?" A hushed voice called out, stirring the sleeping troll from his slumber.

Groggily pushing himself up, bright blue eyes fluttered open to look at who was talking to him, only to be met by the two friendly faces of his mother and brother.

"Douxie? Mom?" Jim tiredly wondered straightening himself up where he sat to allow the two to sit besides him. "What are you doing here?"

"We thought you might have come here..." Douxie said, sitting down to his right while his mom hugged him from the left, to which he happily accepted the gesture and leaned towards her.

"Sorry for disturbing you, kiddo... but we were getting worried..." Barbara said softly, gently petting Jim on top of his head.

Jim simply leaned into her touch, not wanting the warmth of her fleshy hands to leave him alone. It felt nice, having people that know him as he is around him.

Douxie started talking about his time in hiding, the adventures he and Archie took, being joined in the explanation by said dragon, and the trouble they would cause, sometimes even dragging Zoe with them. Every now and again his mother would laugh at the stories Douxie would tell, not once letting go of her son in fear of him running away again.

"And then Arch accidentally drank Slorr milk!" Douxie laughed at the memory, causing his familiar to roll his eyes with a groan.

"I thought you said we would never talk about it!" Archie scowled at his wizard.

"Come on, Archie, just this one time? For Jim's sake?"

"Fine... but only this once!"

At their bickering, Jim cracked a soft smile just before his stomach started rumbling, which caught the attention of his mom, Douxie and Archie. "What time is it?" Jim asked, looking at his mom who checked her phone.

"It's 3:15 in the morning." She replied with a small smile that quickly turned around. "I have a shift in fifteen minutes..." the hurt in her voice was so evident that it made Jim frown.

"It's okay, mom. I'll be fine..." Jim said softly, giving his mom a hug.

"I'll call you and Toby sick today." Barbara said with a soft smile before turning to look at Douxie, who sighed.

"I'd stay... but... I still have to make my rounds and meet up with Strickler after his meeting with Bular..." the wizard said half heartedly. Both didn't want to leave Jim alone, especially after his episode.

Jim only gave them gentle smiles, pulling them all into a hug. "I'll be fine. I have Vendel. Besides, I wanted to check in on Nomura and Tobes..." he said with a quiet chuckle, trying to reassure the two humans in his arms.

Barbara took hold of her son's face to gently bring his head down to touch her own, causing the teen to let out a low contempt rumble like pur. "Jim, never forget that I love you no matter what." She said, gently placing a kiss on her son's head before moving back to stand. "And I'll always be here to support you, alright? I'm so glad that I have you for a son."

Her words brought a genuine smile onto Jim's face. He knew he could always trust his mom, she has been there for him from the start, and she always will for as long as she can.

Barbara wore the glamour mask he had used before to turn into a troll version of herself to match Jim and not catch the suspicious gazes of passing trolls. And soon, both her and Douxie were down from the high perch where Jim sat- with the help of Douxie's magic- and out of the forge.

Jim took a deep breath, as he shook off the remnants of his sleep. The whirr of the Soothscryer catching his attention, did the council want to talk to him? He really wasn't feeling like he could face those old ghosts.

Looking up at Deya, he sighed knowing that Deya wasn't really there, before hopping down and walking towards the odd contraption and placing a hand on the cold stone that made up its surface.

"If you want to talk to me, can this wait for another time?" He pleaded, hoping that maybe they would show him some mercy. The Soothscryer stilled after a while before falling back down to its hiding place, earning a smile from the young troll, knowing that it was probably Kanjigar that lowered the contraption. Kanjigar always did have a soft spot for younglings after all.

"Thanks. I'll explain at a later time." Jim promised with a soft smile before walking out of the hero's forge, taking in the loud bustle of the market.

Jim looked around, taking in every small sight, sound, and smell he could, not wanting to let go of this magnificent place any time soon.

Trollmarket was safe. Trollmarket still stands.

And this time, he'll make sure it continues to stand strong.

Jim walked around, trying to find stalls that sold some food. He didn't want to go to the bar, in fear that Draal would be there. It wasn't hard to find out that the news of a changeling in Trollmarket had spread quickly, and it wouldn't be long until Draal would come looking for answers.

His stomach growled again, feeling his hunger only growing with every passing minute. Stopping by one of the food stalls, his mouth watered at the scent of silverware and kitchen utensils as he started to pat himself down for any currency he could use to buy the food with, only to remember that he didn't have any troll currency here in this timeline.

With a sigh, Jim's shoulders slumped, deciding to turn around and just keep walking, trying to ignore his hunger. Only, if he wasn't stopped by a hand grabbing hold of him by the shoulders.

"Are you hungry?" A very familiar voice called, causing his breath to get caught in his throat as the teen hesitantly turned around to come face to face with half a dozen worried eyes.

Seeing the teen stiffen, Blinky let go of him with a soft sigh before looking Jim in the eyes. "We didn't start off on the right foot. Please allow me to buy you something to eat if you do not have any money to pay for it." He offered, hoping that the teen would agree to him buying food.

Blinky didn't miss the tears that threatened to fall from the younger troll's eyes, nor how he blinked them away. There was silence for a moment, Blinky trying to catch the youngling's gaze only for the latter to avert his eyes to the ground.

"You're... you're not mad...?" He asked softly, voice cracking ever so slightly. Blinky took a deep breath as he continued to examine the boy in front of him. Messy, unkempt hair. The tear stains on his cheeks. The fidgeting of his hands. The distant look in his eyes. His overall posture. They were all signs Blinky had come to know so well ever since the loss of his brother, truly, what Vendel had said was true. This whelp was still trying to cope with the loss of family, and if his experience was anything to go by, then it must be torture for him being so alone.

"Oh, I am mad." Blinky started, causing the teen to stiffen up and look at him with pain filled eyes. "I'm mad at myself for jumping to conclusions." He clarified, not missing the surprise that flashed through the teen's eyes. "I apologise... for accusing you."

Jim's eyes lowered once again to look at his feet, unable to stay still. "You were right..." he started. "It was my fault they got hurt... it was my plan..." he said with a huff, attempting to force out a quiet chuckle.

"No, no. It was my idea for the trollhunter and his friend to leave earlier than they had originally planned." Blinky tried, four hands holding onto the boy's arms and shoulders when he noticed him starting to back away.

Jim let out a shuddering breath and he hesitantly looked up to the troll he saw as his father, unable to hold back the tears when he saw his worried face. The older troll noticing how the teen would occasionally glance up with a longing look, does he perhaps remind the whelp of one of the people he lost? Without warning, the teen flung himself forward, arms tightly wrapped around the troll mentor in a tight hug, letting a few sobs loose.

Taken back by the sudden show of affection, Blinky stood there, eyes wide as he allowed the younger troll to cling onto him before gently wrapping his arms around the teen's frame, a hand rubbing circles on his back to allow the teen to calm down.

Slowly, Blinky guided them towards the side, next to a few crates where they wouldn't be cutting any troll's paths. The older troll allowed Jim to cry, to get his emotions out, until he was calm enough to speak again.

Blinky reached for the water bottle he often kept with him and offered it to the younger troll in an attempt to help him calm down further. An offer Jim took with no questions asked as he drank the precious cold liquid, trying to swallow the lump that prevented him from forming coherent words.

After a moment, Blinky let out a quiet sigh. "Would you like something to eat?" The teal troll asked, taking back the water bottle after the teen offered to return it.


With a nod, the older of the two started to lead them down the market, a hand always gently on the boy's scruff to help lead him. "I know just the place." They walked at a slow pace, a pace Jim appreciated very much as he took in all the sights and sounds once again to continue calming himself.

Soon they were at a much busier part of the market where most of the food stalls were located. Without missing a beat, Blinky walked over to one of the smaller caverns where a familiar restaurant was hidden within the walls, a place that Jim and his Blinky used to go to after working on his vespa in the old timeline. The troll working there perked up upon seeing Blinky enter, a bright smile crossing her face.

"Well, if it isn't Blinky!" she exclaimed.

"Anit," Blinky greeted the small blue krubera troll in an oversized shirt who started to walk towards the counter between the kitchen and dining area with emptied bowls in hand. "It is wonderful to see you again!"

The krubera leaned over the counter after placing down the bowls. "Fos, Blinky's here!" Anit called down and a stout red haired, emerald green troll stood up straight, a wooden ladle in hand.

"Blinky?" Fos asked, looking towards the two trolls that just walked in. "It's been a while, Blinkous!" She said, crossing her arms in feigned annoyance as she walked over to the teal troll before pointing her ladle up to the older troll's face. "Don't think I forgot what you did the last time you were here!"

Blinky simply smiled and pushed away the ladle. "Please, this place hasn't been as lively since I last came."

With an amused snort the emerald troll perched her hands on her hips. "Damned right! When are you throwing another party like that again?" She said unable to keep the smirk from her face anymore.

Blinky chuckled lightly, the hand still firmly pressed on Jim's scruff pulling the boy closer. "Oh, I don't know... I came to get us some food." The older troll said, gesturing to Jim who stiffened lightly once the female's eyes fell on him.

"Well, I'll be!" She exclaimed, eyes wide. Catching the attention of the few patrons present. "Why is this whelp so skinny?!" Emerald hands shot out, grabbing Jim by the arms, quickly directing him to sit by the counter.

Fos immediately took to the stove, proceeding to make her famous soup that Jim remembered she made for the trolls that traveled to New Jersey. Remembering the taste of the slimy delight made his mouth water and his stomach growl, a reaction Blinky caught as he sat down next to the teen, a chuckle escaping him.

Realising how loud his stomach was, Jim curled up on himself, attempting to seem smaller than he is, feeling embarrassed. "Worry not! Being hungry is a normal thing! Especially for young growing whelps such as yourself!" The teal troll said gently patting Jim's back.

Conversations continued around them, most trolls returning to talk amongst themselves, Anit resuming her duties of serving paying trolls. There was a silent tension between the teen and the mentor that sat next to him, the silence between them a deafening plea to start a conversation.

The two sat in silence, waiting for their food. The younger troll often looking up at Blinky, contemplating if he should know or not. It was Blinky who spoke up first though. "I am truly sorry..." he started with a whisper. "Had I only known of the plan then I wouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Vendel is right... I am too quick to believe in conspiracies."

Jim eyes the older troll with a weak smile, Blinky only managing to catch a glimpse of sadness in the boy's eyes. "It's alright..."

"I do not think it is... Vendel told me of your situation, and I wish to make it up to you... perhaps until we are able to find you a suitable guardian you may stay with me and AARRRGGHH at my library? Seeing as how the other troll that was with you only came to ensure your safety." Blinky asked a hopeful gleam, hoping to get his way onto the teen's good side after their bad first impressions of eachother.

"I'd love to" Jim said with a much brighter smile plastered on his face.

"I know it's a sudden offer but-" Blinky stopped midway from his already prepared explanation as he looked the teen over. "What?" Was all he could say after realising that the boy had agreed right off the bat, no questions asked.

"I said, I'd love to." Jim repeated again with a brighter smile now, glad to see that his father hadn't changed much at all.

Blinky fixed him with a stern look, squinting slightly, only now recognising a couple of familiar features from the boy. A soft content hum escaped the four armed troll as he crossed two of them while another was on his chin in thought.

He was about to say something when two steaming bowls of soup were placed in front of them. "Well boys, eat up! This is on the house!" Fos said before going back to preparing some more food.

Unable to bare his hunger anymore, Jim picked up the bowl and started to slurp up the soup, the air filling with his content hums. "This is so delicious..." he mumbled softly after a while, slowing down to savour every last drop. A smile found its way onto Blinky's face, seeing the teen happily eating, glad that he isn't in a state of starvation.

The restaurant was pretty quiet save for a few trolls chattering about, there were gnomes scurrying around here and there helping bring spices up to Fos by the stove whenever she needed it. For a couple of minutes, Blinky and Jim simply drank their soup- Jim even asking for seconds- until a pink troll came and sat by Jim, eyeing him Curiously.

"You're an interesting youngling!" The newcomer greeted, her tail gently swinging from side to side like a curious cat. If memory served him right, this troll was Aster, a traveller who often sold many rare and magical artifacts from across the world. Jim had only seen her a handful of times in the old timeline when she would come to visit trollmarket but it was no secret to anyone that she was also a regular here.

"I wonder what tribe you're from..." she hummed, lifting up Jim's arm to inspect him over, in order to find any clues that might direct her to his origins.

Feeling just a tad bit uncomfortable, Jim pulled his arm away, scooting closer to Blinky. Realising her mistake, Aster moved back with her hands in front of her to show that she wasn't going to do anything. "Sorry! I got carried away! It's not often that we find younglings around trollmarket. Name's Aster" She said, her tail continuing to swish around lazily, a hand extended in a greeting.

Another troll walked in carrying a few crates- Tian was their name, if Jim remembered correctly- just as Jim took Aster's hand in greeting. Dropping them to the ground caught the attention of the younger troll as he looked over to the brown troll that just walked in. "Fos, got your new shipment of ingredients!" They called just as a bunch of gnomes scurried over, easily picking up the crates and taking them to the back.

"Must you really accept the help of these vermin?" Blinky asked, moving his feet off the ground as a couple of gnomes ran about.

"As long as they don't bite they're cool with me!" Tian said, taking a seat next to the group.

"I think they're pretty fun and helpful!" Anit called out as she walked over too after serving the customers.

"I often question how you manage to find things with gnomes around, Fos." Aster said, lifting her feet away from scurrying gnomes.

"Well as long as they're fed properly and given a home, gnomes can be very helpful!" Fos argued, an argument that Jim knew for a fact was true if Gnome Chompsky was an example.

"I'll have to agree with Mrs. Fos." Jim nodded with a smile earning him the attention of the group at the bar, including that of Blinky. "Gnomes can be very helpful with certain things like reaching places you can't get to." He said quieter, his gaze now fixed onto the bowl of soup in front of him. He was so glad that his skin was so blue right now, otherwise the pink that crept up his cheeks would have been visible under the rather dim lighting of the restaurant.

Fos smiled at the teen, gently ruffling his mane with a hearty chuckle. "I like you, Kid. See, why can't you lot be like him?" She said just as the kruber walked over to sit with the group, her job being completed for the time being. And soon, the entirety of the restaurant erupted in light hearted banter and discussion, giving Jim a sense of calm knowing that some things never change. It felt like he was back in the old timeline again, back before everything went to hell. Back when his worries were only Claire and her little brother, the simpler days of working on his vespa with Blinky.

After three bowls of delicious Fos soup, Jim couldn't help but let out a very tired yawn. The sleep he had gotten was not nearly enough for him or his new troll needs, he was still young for a troll and still needed his weekly sleep like a youngling did as Blinky had put it during their journey to New Jersey.

Unable to keep his head up anymore, Jim lowered his head into the countertop with a soft 'click' as his horns collided with the marble, his arms wrapping around his head to block out both noise and light so as not to disturb himself.

It was a few minutes before suddenly feeling himself get pulled away from the counter, four arms gently wrapping around him, carrying him off from his sitting position. Cracking his eyes open slightly, Jim saw Blinky wave to the group at the restaurant as they left. "Seems like our youngling here needs a nap. We'll be taking our leave then! Until next time you bunch!" He called out as he walked out into the market before looking down at the boy in his arms.

Jim gave the older troll a small smile as he adjusted himself to cling onto the troll, just showing him how much younger the teen in his arms really was. Blinky couldn't believe that he had accused a child of attempting to hurt the trollhunter, from then on he swore that he would make sure to attain the proper information before jumping to conclusions.

A tired groan came from the welp in Blinky's arms as he attempted to shield his senses from the bustling market, earning him a soft smile from the older troll. "Let's get you to bed." Blinky said, not expecting an answer from Jim.

"Mnkay..." Jim tiredly replied back before adding a quick and slurred "g'night, dad." Just before drifting to sleep, still clinging onto the four armed troll.

Blinky's heart sank. He reminded the boy of his father, someone so close to him. He could only hope that that was the only reason the boy called him that, because he didn't want to entertain the idea that this child had lost a parent.

That morning, a vow was made on the shimmering rays of burning sunlight. He would die before he allowed this boy to fend for himself as he is, for this child to suffer through his pains and sorrows alone.


Claire sat beside Toby on a makeshift bed made out of a pile of cloths and blankets on top of a stoney surface. To say she was worried was an understatement, the reality of the situation hadn't hit her until Toby had gotten hurt.

They could have died.

She looked down to the phone in her hands, the device's bright screen not doing much to calm her as a soft ringing sounded, the image of the person she was trying to contact on top of his name. She had been trying to contact Jim for an hour. He needed to know about Toby, but every time she called, it would go to voicemail.

With another sigh and inconclusive attempt, she pocketed her phone before giving Toby's hand a squeeze, hoping that maybe, just maybe, if she squeezed hard enough he would wake up.

Seeing no change in Toby's state, Claire got up from her seat, eyes heavy from how late it's gotten. She should get home soon before the sun rises and her parents worry. She'll be back later after school to check in on Toby, maybe even drag Jim along.


Claire perked up, the hairs on the back of her neck rising as she whipped around to look for any signs of life, only to find Toby's unconscious form breathing slowly.

"W-who's there?" She asked no one in particular.


Once again she whipped around to look. Nothing.

All at once, voices flooded her head. Some she recognised, others she didn't.

"C-Bomb, is it? Consider me blown away, 'cause you are nuclear."

"You don't control me!"

"Sorry, dear. Did I scare you?"

"Oh, fuzz buckets!"

"For the glory of Merlin, WHERE ARE YOU??!!"

"It's not yours anymore. I made it mine. And now I'm taking it back!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to finish the fight... alone."

"You know how frustrating magic is."

"Trolls are born of magic, as you are of blood. How is their nature a crime?"

"You saved my brother! Let me save you!"

"Don't you get it?! I'm not J̶͎͕͖͇̞̤͍̪̣̏͗́͋̍͘͝i̸̩͕̳̬͕̦̘̟͚͋m̸̧͇̱̠̦̳̟͛͌̆́̋͌͊ anymore! Go away!"

"You're one part best friend, one part...new friend. Troll J̸̡̡̡͔̱͙̣͚̙̝̙̻̥̰̔̒͌̐͐̒̔̀̌͜i̸̦̬͇͍̲͈͕͉͎̊̑̋̚̚͝m̵̛̜͇̗̀̂͌͒̌͝b̴̧̼̼͕̼̫͈̹͓̦͕͆̀̽̂͜o̷̥͙̥̪͕͖̗̭̩͉͙̰̬͒̀̅̏̍̏̽̆̕̚͜͠."

"Please J̶͎͕͖͇̞̤͍̪̣̏͗́͋̍͘͝i̸̩͕̳̬͕̦̘̟͚͋m̸̧͇̱̠̦̳̟͛͌̆́̋͌͊, don't run away! Whatever you are...I love you."

"Uh, seems I missed a lot. Don't you work at the cafe?"

"I don't wanna become her!"

"I know you're scared, but you're not her. You can make the magic your own. I never had the gift for shadowmancy, but you do. You can do great and wondrous things. I've seen it."

"We need an edge... I'm sorry, Claire."

"Fine. This should be fun to watch,"

"Hey! Hands off my teacher!"

"You want me to teach? I'm not even a good student."

"Claire, y-you found me."

"I'd date you for a hundred lifetimes, J̶̧̣̗͉͎̦̖͕̟̃̆͗́̂̆͊̈́̓̏̏̕͝͠͠ỉ̶̡̢̢̬̠̪̘̣̹͕̣͎́͘͠m̵̛͉̞̼̠̠̯̮̍͑͑͐̀͊́̑́͒̂̊́̊͠ ̵̡̨̨̧̢̮̹̲͇͈̯̞̮̟̜̀́̓̀̋̏̂̈́̒̌͘͝͝͝Ḻ̸̥͖̫̺̯̜̾̌̋̒̀͗̓̽̈́͐͝ẩ̷̧̘͍̼̬̣̦́̀͋̒ͅk̵̨̢̨̮̹͈̺̤̦̰̣̟̓̇͒̄̏̕e̶͕̘͍̻̗͚̠͕͉͌̆."

"I won't give up on you J̶͎͕͖͇̞̤͍̪̣̏͗́͋̍͘͝i̸̩͕̳̬͕̦̘̟͚͋m̸̧͇̱̠̦̳̟͛͌̆́̋͌͊. I'll find a way."

"The Amulet didn't make me a hero, I already was!"

More and more voices flooded through her mind, all harbouring different emotions; hurt, comfort, love, hate, anger, desperation, confidence, friendliness, and the list could go on.

Claire stumbled over to Toby with her hands on either side of her head in an attempt to block out the noise, only for the voices to amplify in intensity as she looked at her friend's sleeping face. Deciding then and there that she needed to get out of there, she bolted right out of the door. She ran. She didn't know where she was going, the world around her blurring as she ran past the crystal corridors that had led to Vendel's office, the voices growing weaker the further she got from Toby, soon only soft murmurs in the back of her head.

Once she slowed to a stop, Claire looked around only to find herself surrounded by the glowing crystals of the heartstone. Swallowing hard she attempted to slow her rather frantic breathing, the pounding of her heart loud in her ears. Reaching a hand out to steady herself on one of the many crystals of the heartstone, Claire looked up to the one that hung from the ceiling, a dark outline of something within.

Unsure of what to do, or of what had just happened. She stood there staring up at the crystal trying to reorganise her thoughts. However, finding that in itself pretty difficult due to the light buzzing in the back of her mind.

Leaning against the crystal and slumping down with her head in her hands, trying to rub away the growing headache, Claire let out a shaky breath as she tried to curl up on herself.

"What is happening...?" she asked no one in particular.

"Handmaiden...?" a soft voice called out, making Claire jolt, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up once again making her frantically look around. Seeing no one, Claire looked at her hands, fear flashing through her eyes.

"Handmaiden...!" The same voice called out again, this time causing Claire to cover her ears trying to drown out the voice within her own mind.

Suddenly, a shock of energy flooded her system, causing the girl to practically collapse, forcing her eyes to look at one of the more reflective crystals in the room, her face reflecting on its ragged surface.

"Little Lamb!" The surface of the crystal flashed for a second as the disembodied voice called out, Claire's reflection being changed to that of a ginger haired woman in some kind of golden armour before flickering back to Claire's image.

Shocked by the strange occurrence, Claire shot to her feet before running off in another direction before stumbling and accidentally bumping into the Elder of Trollmarket, who easily caught her.

"What seems to be the rush, Fair Claire?" Vendel asked with a quirked eyebrow, just slightly concerned of how the human was acting.

Claire swallowed the growing lump in her throat, trying her best to calm herself. Telling herself whatever had happened just a few seconds ago was nothing but her lack of sleep. "I-I'm fine..." she rasped, fixing a stray bang behind her ear. "I should get going... I still have school to attend later!" she excused herself as she hurried off back to the surface, leaving the elder troll to wonder.

He would be recounting this to Jim.



Jim really needs the rest, I've hurt him enough.

Now its time for me to set my sights on Claire >:)

Tian, Aster and Anit are my friends ocs and trollsonas

Anit: by Spirit (ig @ tjejhammar)

Tian: by Tea (ig @ the_tea_table_45)

Aster: by Nate (ig @ luanix_art)

Fos: by me! :D (ig @ fosermi18)
