plans to begin

If it weren't for Douxie leaning against the kitchen window making some coffee and talking with a slightly taller Jim, Barbara would have pushed whatever happened last night up to her imagination. She was so glad she was given a day off today.

"I'm telling you, Jim. It's strange. One minute I'm closing up the bookstore, the next I get this head splitting migraine, then boom, memories are back." Douxie said his hand moved around dramatically trying to add emphasis on the 'boom' part before sipping on his coffee. 

"Jim?" Barbara asked, walking into the kitchen with rather dark bags under her eyes. After all, how could she sleep with what happened the previous night? 

"Morning, mom." Jim said as he gave her a plate with some bacon and eggs on it. "Here's your breakfast!" 

She thanked her son as she grabbed hold of the plate, now only taking note of the two extra plates of breakfast on the counter. As she was about to ask if they had eaten breakfast, Archie walked over next to her before he spoke. 

"I think it's time for us to eat, no?" The black cat asked, causing the two teens to scramble about and pick up their own plates before sitting at the table. 

The rest of their breakfast went smoothly, a lighthearted conversation filling the house with the tales from the two boys. From the way the two boys talked, Barbra knew just how much they cared for their friends. 

Once their stomachs were full, -except for Jim who apparently found a slight foul taste in his own bacon and eggs and didn't eat much- Douxie magically levitated their plates back to the kitchen, allowing his magic to do the work for them. 

"Now for the real planning," Douxie started, standing up and heading down to the basement with the Lakes. Barbra took a minute to stare at the giant white board hanging up on one of the basement walls, covered in writings. 

Douxie and Jim stood next to the board, marker in hand and writing down the timeline of events. 

"We know for a fact that this is what inevitably has to happen." Douxie said, circling a few places with a red marker over the black writing. 

"And this is where things have changed already." Jim added writing down a few details in blue. 

Barbara looked between the two of them in surprise. There were a lot of events to keep track of. "Boys? How long have you travelled back in time?" She managed to ask, walking closer and inspecting the timeline herself. 

"Two years, give or take a few months." Douxie commented, picking up a green marker. "So Jim? What are we going to change?" 

Barbara just stood there staring at the two boys who continued to write and plan on the giant whiteboard. Two years. Her son and his friends had spent two years battling and fighting to protect the world. Taking a deep breath, Barbara took a closer look at the timeline laid in front of her, taking note of whatever was circled in red- specifically the last note on the timeline, simply titled "titans" with "must prevent, 0 casualties." written underneath the title in all caps with the red marker. 

Barbara wasn't exactly filled in on all the details, her son seemingly uncomfortable with talking about it so she didn't pry. But that didn't mean she wasn't curious and worried. 

"Alright," Douxie started. "What's the first order of business, Jim?" 

Jim took a moment, thinking with his hand to his chin. He drew a line from a point in the timeline before he spoke. "Currently, we're here. Tonight, Tobes should fight with Draal for the first time." He said with a small frown.

"Is there a problem, kiddo?" Barbra asked, placing a gentle hand on her son's shoulder. 

Jim's shoulders relaxed at her touch before holding the hand on his shoulder with his own. "No, not really…" Jim started. "It's just… this was when I started to doubt myself… Draal was kind of ruthless…" 

"So, how is this of any relevance?" Archie asked as he perched on Douxie's shoulder. "I mean, our final objective is to defeat the Arcane order is it not?" The cat asked. 

Douxie frowned at his familiar for a second, almost forgetting how harsh he could be towards people he didn't deem family. He didn't miss the hurt look Jim had tried to hide due to Archie's comment. 

With a sigh, the wizard leaned against the wall next to the board. "Archie has a point." He began, and it was true. Their end goal was to defeat the Arcane Order, but that didn't mean they should just focus on that problem. 

Jim opened his mouth to speak, only to be stopped by Douxie. "But, at this moment the Arcane Order isn't our top priority. Toby is." At his words, the dragon familiar looked at his wizard, eyes wide in surprise. 

"But Douxie-" 

"No, Archie, Toby should be our main focus right now. He needs a lot more training than Jim did and he's definitely going to be needing all the help he could get. There's no doubt that he can do it, he just needs to be pointed in the right direction." The wizard gave his dragon a stern look. 

Archie stared into his wizard's eyes, peering deep into his soul. With a sigh, Archie gently nuzzled Douxie's cheek. "You've grown, Douxie…" the cat whispered lightly, finally realising how he should trust Hisirdoux more. Finally realising that the wizard no longer needed Archie to keep him grounded. "You don't need me anymore, do you?"

Douxie picked up his familiar from off his shoulder, gently holding the cat in a hug. "No matter what Archie, I'll always need you." The small show of affection caused the dragon to purr lightly, enjoying the hug. 

Jim and Barbara watched the other two with a small smile. Soon their hug broke, Archie once again sitting on Douxie's shoulder, as they averted their attention back to the board. 

"So…" Jim started walking up next to the wizard. "Got a plan?" 

Douxie looked over to Jim, then back to the timeline before smirking. "Oh, I got one. But you might not like it. At least I know Vendel won't." 

This caused both Jim and Barbara to tense. "Douxie…" Archie started, sending his wizard a small glare, causing said wizard to raise his hands up. 

"Before you start, I promise it shouldn't be anything too dangerous." He said holding back a cackle. "Now, hear me out…" 


Toby, Claire, and Jim were in Trollmarket for Toby's training. Claire and Jim offered to train with Toby just so they would be able to fend for themselves if the time ever needed it. 

Currently, Blinky was circling the group of three, a couple of rocks in hand. Toby was in his armour, Daylight out and ready. 

"Wider stance, Master Tobias. Keep your frame. No, that's good, that's good, Lady Claire. Yes, well done Master Jim! That's it!" Blinky instructed, trying to teach the teens how to take a proper battle stance. 

"Alright, raise your weapons." As per Blinky's command, the three teens did as told. Toby with his Daylight, Claire with a Bo Staff, and Jim with a sword of his own. Slowly, Blinky inspected the trio, correcting their stances and weapons as AARRRGGHH!! Sat in the corner of the forge eating the contents of a paper bag that was brought by Toby, before the bag was eaten as well, causing the Krubera to burp. 

Blinky then started to walk around the three, a hand in the air as he spoke. "Now, a trollhunter lives and dies by three rules." The historian began, catching the attention of the three teens. "Rule number one: Always be afraid." 

"Afraid?" Toby parroted. 

"Be afraid." AARRRGGHH!! Commented from the side. 

"Yeah, I don't think that will be a proble- woah!!" Toby yelled as he dodged a sudden incoming rock that Blinky threw towards him. Toby and Claire looked behind them to AARRRGGHH!! Who ate the rock that he caught. Both teens wincing.

"See? Fear is good. Keeps us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes us vigilant." Blinky spoke as he continued to walk around the three. "A hero is not he who is fearless, but he who is not stopped by it."  He spoke again before chucking a couple more rocks towards them, Claire and Toby dodging most of them while Jim stood his ground and blocked a couple while dodging the others, never getting hit once. Unlike Toby who got hit in the shoulder with a rock. 

"Yup, got it…" Toby said, rubbing the sore spot on his armoured shoulder. 

Blinky watched how Jim managed to block a couple of the rocks. The troll hummed lightly, taking note of the taller teen boy's actions before continuing with his lesson. "Two: always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy." He said lifting two fingers up before sending a barrage of rocks towards the trio. 

Toby attempted to dodge, but got hit by a couple, while Claire attempted to block but still got hit. Jim on the other hand, twitched on instinct, lifting his sword to block the flying rocks but decided against blocking all of them and allowing himself to get hit by one at least. This didn't go unnoticed by the historian, as he squinted and observed the taller teen. 

"What's with the rocks?!" Toby called out ducking from an incoming rock. Only for said rock to come back towards him, knocking him down onto the ground as they heard AARRRGGHH!! Chuckle. 

"What do you mean, finish the fight?" Claire asked wincing when Toby fell onto the ground with a 'thump'. 

"Kill!" They heard AARRRGGHH!! Comment as he continued to chuckle, Jim barely able to hold back the snort that came out. Toby sat up and rubbed the back of his head where the rock had hit. 

"Indeed. The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death." Blinky elaborated. 

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Claire voiced out her concern. 

"Ours is an unforgiving world, Lady Claire." Blinky started, Jim's eyes going wide remembering what was to happen as he walked over to AARRRGGHH!! where he would be safe. "Hence, the third rule: when in doubt, always kick them in the Gronk-nuks." The mentor stated, with a mischievous smile on his face. Toby and Claire turned to look at Jim who audibly held back a laugh. 

"I-I'll just take a breather here." Jim said as he sat down next to AARRRGGHH!! Allowing the other two teens to look back towards their teacher. 

"Gronk-nuks? What's a gronk-nuk?" Toby asked, genuinely confused, only for his answer to come in the form of a giant blade falling right between Toby's legs, a little too close to his privates, causing the boy to let out a semi-girlish scream as he sat in shock. 

Claire bursted out laughing, clutching her sides as she wiped away some tears. "S-So, basically, you're saying that one-third of being a Trollhunter is kicking someone in the nards?" She asked, trying her best to calm down. 

Suddenly, a voice cut through their conversation like a sharp knife cutting butter. Draal's form coming into the forge, gaining the attention of the other users of the forge.

"Ah! So, the Trollhunter's training begins." Draal stated walking closer to the group. "I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner. Part of your training regiment, isn't it?" He said turning to look at the four armed troll. 

Blinky only held a small glare towards Draal. "In due time, perhaps." The historian said trying to keep Toby out of harm's way. That was when a familiar clinking of a crystal staff sounded throughout the forge as Vendel appeared right behind Draal. 

"Why wait?" Vendel asked stopping next to the group. "I am eager to see your charge demonstrate his mettle." The old troll said as he looked over the three teens before his milky eyes landed on Jim, who seemed a bit tense and nervous. 

The elder walked over to the teen looking over him with a thoughtful hum, allowing Blinky to explain the situation to Toby to get him ready for a beating. "How are you feeling, young one?" He asked, voice just a tad bit strained trying not to show the worry that he felt. 

Jim only smiled at the old troll, scratching the back of his neck before tilting his head slightly downwards in a sign of respect. "I'm feeling much better, thanks to you Venerable Vendel."

A pleased hum erupted from Vendel, a hand stroking his beard. "Very well… I'd like to have a word with you, if you would follow me." Not long after, Jim had followed Vendel up to one of the balconies looking over the forge in order to watch. 

"Is there something you would like to tell me?" Vendel asked as he observed the battle below, already knowing the outcome. 

Jim stood next to the elder, also watching the fight below with a lot of worry. Forcing himself to look away, he turned towards Vendel, his hand forming fists besides him as he tried his best to formulate his words. "Actually…" he started. "You see… I have this friend, he's a wizard-" 

"A wizard?" Vendel looked over to Jim with surprise, grazing his features for a few seconds, cutting the boy off before staring at the human in front of him. "They've all gone into hiding a long time ago." 

"Well- yes, he was in hiding, but he also has memories of the future!" Jim stated, fiddling with his thumbs. 

"And you trust this wizard?" Vendel watched the boy with interest.

"With my life." Jim said with no hesitation. Earning a stern nod from the older troll. 

"I assume you want to bring him here?" As if on que a light chuckling can be heard, causing the older troll to look around ready for a fight if he had to. 

"Sorry about this Vendel…" Jim said just as Douxie materialised out of thin air with Archie. 

"Apologies, Venerable Vendel." Douxie started with a deep bow, exposing the openings in his rather relaxed stance. "I simply couldn't let matters be up to chance." 

Vendel squinted his eyes, attempting his best to place a finger on where he had seen the wizard before. Noticing this, Douxie simply smiled weakly and stood where he was. "My name is Hisirdoux Casperan. I am Merlin’s apprentice and I'm here with Jim to ensure the safety of the future. All we ask of you is your cooperation, sir." 

A soft hum came from the old troll as recognition flashed in his milky eyes. “My memories of the past are a bit hazy, however, I do remember another wizard there with Merlin when we first received the amulet...” 

A few moments of silence passed the three as Vendel allowed his attention to fall towards the fight happening beneath them in the forge, as if in thought, before Vendel took a deep breath. “Very well,” he started, exhaling in a deep sigh. “What is the plan that you had in mind?”

Both teens smiled at each other, glad that the first step of their plan seemed to be going well. Douxie walked over to Vendel, standing right beside the troll and looking down at the fight, long enough to watch Toby get struck by Draal, before turning away to face the elder. 

“We know that Toby needs to train more.” the wizard started. “Although we know that he can become a great Trollhunter with Blinky’s training, we also know that wont be enough to prepare him for a real fight.”

“What are you suggesting, wizard?” Vendel asked with a raised stony eyebrow.

“I am suggesting that we get someone experienced to train him.” 

“And where are we to find such a person? There are no trolls in Trollmarket that would train the boy.”

“I would suggest Draal,” Jim added in his input. “But, right now, that wouldn’t be the best option.” he continued rubbing the back of his neck a bit nervously.

“Jim has a point.” Douxie said looking at the younger teen with a small smile before facing the troll once again. “Which is why I suggest you allow Jim to do it.”

Vendel quickly turned to look at the wizard in surprise, disbelief written all over his face. The elder troll was quick to open his mouth to retort, except he was beaten to it by the younger teen. 

“That being said, I still don’t want anyone else knowing the truth just yet.” Jim said looking up to Vendel with a sad smile. “I want to allow Toby to become the Trollhunter, not become because I told him so. He has to truly become.”

Vendel caught the boy’s gaze, even if he was almost completely blind, the old troll could still feel the sincerity coming off of the young boy. With another deep sigh, the elder relented. “Very well,” he confirmed. “But how are you to train him without being suspicious?” he asked, eyes narrowed as he watched the two boys in front of him. 

To this, Douxie simply placed a hand on Jim’s back with a smile. “They don't know about troll Jim, do they?” 

An amused rumble came from the elder as he stroked his beard, seemingly deep in thought. 

“You intend to introduce yourself as a troll?” Vendel asked, his attention focused on the slowly turning half-troll. 

“Well, not exactly.” Jim started, a nervous chuckle escaping him. “We were thinking, maybe introduce me as a troll that came from another country to help train the Trollhunter?” he asked nervously, rubbing his hands together.

A small grunt came from the troll in front of them as the elder got up. “Very well.” he said as he started to walk off “however, do allow me to inspect your troll from. It would be strange to find a new kind of troll without an origin.” he said as he disappeared into the shadows. 


Not long after the fight with Draal, Jim returned to the group, helping Toby up and making sure that he wasn’t seriously injured. 

“Are you okay, Tobes?” Jim asked, concerned for his best friend. “You took quite a beating…” 

Toby kept his gaze down, ashamed at how badly he fought against Draal. Taking in a breath, Toby started the trek to the entryway of Trollmarket, only worrying Jim more.

As soon as they got to the bottom of the steps, Toby took out the amulet, looking at it closely. A pained expression crossed the boy’s face. “Maybe…” he started “maybe Draal is right…”

“Toby?” Claire asked, worried for her new friend. 

“Draal said that I wouldn’t last long out there.” Toby said again, sadness and guilt flashing in his eyes as he averted his gaze from the group. “And I'm starting to think that he’s right…” he trailed off, this time sniffling as he wiped at his nose. 

Without even thinking about it, Jim stepped forward, gently placing his hands on his best friend’s shoulders, forcing the shorter boy to look at him. “Look, Tobes.” Jim started, his voice low and comforting. “You’ve barely had time to train. Draal had centuries. That back there was in no way a fair match, so don’t hold yourself so low just because you didn’t know what to do.” he said, surprising both Blinky and AARRRGGHH!!

“Master Jim has a point, Master Tobias.” Blinky said once out of his surprise. “Despite whatever doubts you may have about being the Tollhunter, the amulet is now bound to you. It is a mantle you can not refuse.” 

Sniffling again, Toby looked up to his friends who all gave him reassuring smiles. “Yeah…” he started. “You’re right! I’ll just have to train harder and get stronger! Then, I’ll show Draal that I’m serious about this!” he said, pumping a cubby fist into the air, a newfound resolve burning in his eyes as the three teens exited the troll world. Their next destination: their beds, to think about what tomorrow brings. 


A/N: hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

we're slowly but surely getting to the juicy parts of the story! Douxie has a plan in mind and it involves Jim once again living two lives! I'm excited to write down my ideas! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
