fight of fists and spirits

The sound of trolls filling the stadium of the forge surrounded the area. Many were shouting with excitement, others murmuring in confusion, discussing the sudden event. They all knew of Draal the Deadly, no one was idiotic enough to challange him ever since the battle of Killahead.

Jim sat on a crate in the preparation room he was in, getting himself ready for his fight with Draal as Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! Kept him company while they panicked for him, Toby only seeming to be confused.

“Uh… so why is Blinky pacing around like that?” The new trollhunter asked the bigger troll sitting right next to him as Jim fidgeted with the bandages that secured the sleeve on his left. 

“Hunter family now. Blinky worried.” AARRRGGHH!! Replied, a worried tone in his gruff voice. “AARRRGGHH!! Worried too…”

“Oh…” Toby mumbled, looking between the trolls in the room. “Um, so why is it that this is a battle to the death?” he asked, glancing towards Jim with slight worry. 

“Master Tobias,” Blinky started, turning to face the trollhunter, his hands fidgeting with anything to keep them busy as his worried thoughts raced within his mind. “To challenge a troll is to challenge their honor. And-”

“And to a troll, honor is everything. Especially for Draal.” a raspy female voice sounded from the corridor leading to the room as the sound of her hooves on stone could be heard, causing Jim to perk up immediately. 

All heads turned towards the darkened entryway as a tall pink troll walked in, behind her stood Vendel as he made sure she wouldn't collapse on the way there. Everyone in the room was stunned, Toby from surprise while Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! Just watched her every move, not trusting the changeling in the slightest. Jim, being the first to recover, immediately ran over to her side and helped her to sit on a bench to relieve her from the strain of her injury. 

“Nomura, what are you doing here?! You should be in bedrest…” Jim hissed slightly in concern, making sure that she wasn't in any kind of pain or discomfort. 

“I heard you were going up against Draal.” the pink changeling replied, gently ruffling Jim’s hair while a hand cradled her injured side in case the bandages got loose. 

“She refused to stay still the moment I had mentioned your challenge to her.” Vendel chimed, getting closer to inspect the bandages, gesturing for Blinky to get closer in order to help him with fixing up some loose ends as his hands and fingers were too big. 

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, little Gynt.” Nomura smirked, eyeing the teal troll that grumbled something under his breath about not wanting to help the changeling.  Truthfully, Blinky didn’t care for the changeling. Nor did he want to help her, but seeing the way she interacted with the young troll welp, and how worried he had been about her, who was he to deny the boy peace of mind?

Jim just watched his father figure work on Nomura for a while, the room falling silent as all words died in their throats from the awkward atmosphere. Noticing the nervous scent Jim was giving off, Nomura couldn’t help but smile and pull Jim in for a side hug with one arm. “Relax kid, you’ll do just fine. You went up against Bular and lived, didn't you?” she reminded, hoping that would be enough to calm him. 

“That… that is true…” he mumbled, not looking up to her or anyone else in the room, his gaze instead rested on the ground beneath his feet. Truth be told, he wasn't really worried about fighting Draal. He knew for a fact that he could easily win, but it wasn't the winning that was worrying him; it was the fear of accidentally hurting Draal, the troll he once called his brother in the other timeline. The very same troll that had sacrificed himself to save him.

Seeing the state of the boy, Blinky cleared his throat, getting closer to Jim. “Could I offer some words of advice?” he said, gently laying a hand on the teen’s shoulder. “There are three rules that a trollhunter lives and dies by.” he started the moment Jim looked up at him with a pleading look, eager to get some advice from the mentor troll.

“Rule number one, Always be afraid. Fear helps keep us alive. It heightens our senses, keeps us alert, on-guard, and keeps us vigilant when facing battle.” Blinky said, getting up to pace in front of them in a lecturing way. 

“Rule number two, Always finish the fight. Opponents must be given no mercy in battle. Always give it your all, especially when facing a difficult foe…” he trailed off, looking towards Jim, a small smile crossing the mentor’s face. “And that is also why we have rule number three!” the teal troll exclaimed as his smile grew even more, four hands gently finding a perch on the teen’s shoulders and arms. 

“When in doubt, always kick them in the gronk-nuks!” Jim said in unison with Blinky, both of them unable to hold their bright smiles from their faces. 

"As good as it is to see you supporting the youngling, the fight is to start soon so be prepared, Jägare." Vendel said as he proceeded to leave the room, his staff clicking with the ground every couple of steps he took.

Jim smiled at the elder troll as he left before returning his gaze back on his once mentor. “Thank you, Blinky…” he thanked weakly. 

“Any time, my boy.” the teal troll said with a fond smile of his own. “Although I have my doubts about this fight… I trust in you, and believe you can accomplish this task. Whatever might happen out there, always know that you will always be welcome in my home…” he offered, giving Jim’s shoulders a gentle squeeze. 

Jim nodded before looking over to Nomura, who by this point had let go of the teen to allow him his moment with the mentor. “Will you be okay here, Nomura?”

“Don’t worry about me, little Gynt. I’ll watch from the side.” she reassured giving the boy another ruffle of his hair. “Just make sure to kick him in the gronk-nuks for me, alright?” with a soft huff from Jim, he smiled at her request and nodded. 

It wasn’t long after that did they hear Vendel’s voice boom over the entirety of the forge as he proceeded to introduce the participants. “Gathered trollkind!” the elder called out to the attending trolls around him. “A challenge has been laid out for the son of our previous trollhunter! And you shall all bear witness to the ensuing battle, which will be one for the ages.” he announced, voice filled with enthusiasm.

Quickly the group headed towards the entrance where Jim would be heading out from, with Jim offering Nomura a shoulder to help her walk. Jim took deep breaths, willing himself to stay calm, Blinky placing a hand on the teen’s scruff, gently combing through it in an attempt to help him calm his nerves. An action Jim was very much thankful for.

“Come forth, Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar, Draal "the Destroyer".” Vendel called out, slamming the butt of his staff against the balcony floor twice, sending out two loud thumps that opened one of the entrances. The group watched as Draal’s rolling form appeared from an entrance, spotlights catching him as he ends his roll, flipping madly in the air before landing after his cool little stunt. A roar escaping the azure troll to entertain the crowd which seemed to have worked if their cheering was any indication. 

Jim couldn't help the smile that formed from watching his once brother-in-arms put on a show for the audience. It was nice to see Draal in his element once again, to see him being respected and praised, yet he had to keep in mind that this was something he had to do as it was the start of Phase two of their plan. 

A hand came to brush through his mane once again, knowing it was Blinky attempting to calm him. But he was calm- well, more excited- yet still appreciated the gesture. “Now, Hunter,” Blinky started as his four hands made the teen turn to face him.

“Rule one?” a finger raised, starting the count off.

“Always be afraid.”

“Rule two?” a second finger raised. 

“Always finish the fight.”

“And, rule three?” a third finger raised, the mentor’s expression serious.

“Hit where the sun don't shine.” Jim stated, getting a snort from Toby and Nomura behind him just as Vendel started his introduction before Blinky could ask.

“And now, Draal's combatant, Jägare, son of Baa-buh-rah, Jägare the “hunter”!” the old troll said, once again slamming the butt of his staff to raise the bars that prevented Jim from entering the arena. 

A beat of silence washed over the gathered trolls as they all watched the darkened entrance, waiting for this new troll to make his appearance. For a second, nothing happened and pin drop silence filled the forge, a scoff escaping Draal at the thought of his challenger chickening out. 

Just as Draal opened his mouth to speak and mock the teen. An ear splitting, earth shaking roar, equivalent to that of Gunmar himself shot through the forge, causing most, if not all the present trolls to stiffen at the thought, including Draal himself. 

And like a bullet, the small figure of the teenage half-troll shot right out of the entrance, racing right past Draal and towards the wall as he started his swift climb to the top of the podium containing the felled form of Deya. Skidding to a stop at the edge of the podium, all eyes fell on the teen, many eyeing him with distaste for defiling the final resting place of the mighty Deya the “Deliverer”. 

Before anyone could speak, before a word was said, Jim, crouched on all fours, let out another ear splitting, and earth shaking roar that shook the entire arena. Many of the trolls watched the young half-troll with concern, some from how young he seemed while others from the fear that they felt from his roar alone. After all, what youngling had the roar of a champion comparable to that of Gunmar’s roar.

Vendel watched with a contempt hum as he gently stroked his beard. “A battle for the ages indeed…” the elder said, watching how Jim slid down the side of the podium with ease before launching himself into the air a couple of feet off the ground, only coming to a stop after rolling and striking a battle ready stance. 

“Prepare for battle.” Vendel instructed, watching how Draal smashed his fists into the ground with an intimidating roar, before starting to circle around the teen who only got up, battle ready and completely prepared for Draal’s incoming attacks. 


The crowd let out a cheer as a guard simply hit a button, the floor let out a rumble before it lifted, many of the trolls cheering for Draal. The gears lifted the platform higher than the crowd, the forge now fully activated. As platforms fell and rose, Jim moved, seeming to be in time with the machinery as he avoided Draal’s blows. 

Draal lunged forward in an attempt to catch Jim, only for his opponent to dodge and jump up onto another platform. Letting out a snarl, the azure troll lunged forward again this time aiming for the ground on either side of the teen. But again, he dodges, this time by doing a reverse somersault down towards the exposed gears of the forge, only to grab hold of one of the swinging axes before jumping back onto a lower platform.

“Is that really all you got, Draal?” Jim taunted, attempting to agitate the larger troll. A move that seemed to have been working if his angry roar was any indication. 

Rolling into a ball, Draal got off his higher position to close the distance between himself and Jim who only stood still, waiting for Draal to come barreling towards himself, managing to stop the azure troll’s momentum momentarily using his bare hands, his crystals barely doing much damage to Jim’s hardened skin. As soon as Draal would stop spinning, he would throw the larger troll down from the platforms before following up with a pinning move, Jim strategized. Only to be stopped by the sudden shifting beneath his feet as the platform under them started to fall. 

Unable to find his grip, Jim scrambled to hold on as Draal uncurled and held onto the platform, grabbing Jim by the arm and swinging him into said platform like a rag, knocking out the wind from the teen, before hurling him towards the ground, away from the sharp spinning teeth of the gears underneath, forming a small crater upon impact.

From the side, Blinky watched with horror as Jim’s body collided with the solid ground of the forge. “HUNTER!!” the mentor yelled in worry, AARRRGGHH!! Only barely managing to hold back his old friend from rushing towards the battle. Toby gasped in horror at seeing the crater that had formed from the impact, Nomura’s hand resting firmly on the teen’s shoulder. 

“He’s going to get killed!!” Toby exclaimed, pointing towards the battle. “Do something!!” he yelled, looking up at the changeling that kept him in place.

“I cannot watch!” Blinky said, covering his eyes yet peeking through his fingers, unable to look away. 

“You must trust in Hunter. He is much stronger than he looks.” Nomura said quietly, doubt and worry in her voice as she squeezed Toby’s shoulder gently, her eyes never once leaving the battle as she watched Draal fall next to the teen.

Draal snarled as he lifted his fists to punch the teen he was hovering over, his fists colliding with strong thumps and heavy thuds of stone hitting stone, dust flying all around the arena from the crushed rock underneath Jim, causing many of the observing trolls to cringe in pain with each impact.

Draal snorted as he stood back up, deciding that he had enough and the teen was probably already as good as dead with all the bashing he did. The stadium growing quiet for a moment before the Azure troll lifted his hands up in victory, most of the trolls roaring in Draal’s triumph, only for their cheers to turn into cringes as a loud smack sounded through the arena.

The larger troll let out a pained scream and his hands fell down to his privates, his form collapsing from the sudden intense pain between his legs. “Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive… and arrogance gets you killed!” Jim’s voice sounded as he stood up from behind the larger troll just as the dust cleared, seemingly unscathed from Draal’s previous attacks

With a snarl, Draal turned around to face his opponent, only to find nothing there. “Huh? What? Huh?” the azure troll grunted out as he slowly looked around. A pair of blue feet appeared in the large gap between Draal's thighs, as Draal twisted and turned in search for his enemy, only to find no one the moment he turned his head. 

“By Deya's grace, he found it!” Blinky exclaimed as he got closer to the bars, now watching intently.

“Found what?!” Toby asked, confused.

“Draal’s blind spot!” Nomura cheered, pride welling up within her as she watched the half-troll use Draal’s weakness against him. “Good job, little Gynt.”

Jim backed up, still maintaining to stay behind the vast body as Draal yelled in frustration. A creaking noise alerted Jim to find a large axe appearing from a slit in the wall, swinging forward then back into its hiding spot, just like he remembered.

“You are but a youngling- I am the son of the trollhunter Kanjigar!” Draal bellowed angrily. 

“And I am Jägare, son of Baa-buh-rah, Jägare the “hunter”!” Jim called out, gaining the attention of the larger troll the moment he got in front of the slit in the wall. “And I am a warrior!” the teen yelled, causing Draal to roar as a familiar releasing noise met Jim's ears, his eyes popping open and dodging the large axe at the last minute.

Draal's eyes grew in size as the blade knocked him away from his path towards Jim, the moment practically replaying in everyone’s mind before his body was thrown over the edge, his fingers gripping onto the ledge, hoping not to die just as everyone gasped in shock and surprise at the smart tactical move that Jim had used against his opponent. 

Jim got up from his position on the ground, knowing full well that the match was now over as he finally gave into the pain shooting through his arms which he had used to block most of Draal’s ruthless direct attack. Forcing himself to hobble over to the edge where Draal was holding on for dear life. 

“He did it!” Toby exclaimed as he celebrated the victory with Nomura who also cheered.

“It's not over yet. He has to finish the fight…” Blinky added solemnly as he watched the teen approach the edge of the arena, just as the rest of the trolls watching started to chant for the teen to finish the fight. 

As the crowd chanted, Jim looked down at Draal, watching the troll grunt as he wasn't able to pull himself up. Looming over the larger troll, Draal looked up to watch as Jim looked at his hand, seemingly prepared to push off the Azure troll. At that moment, his face was overrun by many emotions as he watched in shock and worry that his death was about to come. 

Nothing was said, everything around them fell silent as Jim reached out his hand for Draal to take, recognition flashing within the larger troll’s eyes at a sudden sense of familiarity as he let out a shaky exhale. “The fight is to the death…”

A smile formed on the teen’s features as he continued to offer his hand to Draal, fondness within his eyes. “House rules,” Jim whispered.

“Not yours…” Draal weakly voiced out with a small gasp, his eyes wide as saucers as they glowed a bright neon blue for a second just as a small zap of magic light jumped out from Jim’s hand and into Draal, effectively startling the half-troll by the sudden spark and Draal knowing the words he was about to say.

“Uh…” Jim’s mouth hung open, lost for words as he stared at his hand in confusion and shock before his attention got caught by the azure troll’s grunts, who was still hanging onto the edge of the forge for dear life, his free hand rubbing against his head, attempting to clear out the haze that had formed in his mind. 

“This… is weird…” Draal finally said after a while, looking up to Jim who once again extended his arm to help up his once brother-in-arms back onto steady ground. 

For a moment, Draal looked at Jim in confusion, looking him up and down with an eyebrow ridge raised, before a look of shock and astonishment crossed the larger troll’s features, completely ignoring the booing of the crowd above them. 

“I do not know what is happening,” Draal started as he continued to inspect Jim over. “But the last time I saw you, I was sure you were but a fleshbag within the crystal caverns… fleshbag.” the azure troll said with a fondness to his voice, once absent during the previous days. 

This was Draal. 

His Draal. His brother.

Tears started to well up within Jim’s eyes as he stared up at Draal in wonder and surprise, just as the bigger troll decidedly went in to ruffle Jim’s hair. “Draal…” Jim’s voice cracked as a tear escaped him, doing his best not to tackle and hug him right then and there. Thankfully, his attention was diverted towards Blinky’s frantic calling of his borrowed name as the other approached the two in the arena. 

“Young Hunter! Thank Gorgus! You’re alive!” the mentor exclaimed as he came in to hug Jim tightly, the teen happily accepting his fate of being hugged yet his eyes never leaving Draal while his friends complimented and congratulated him on his win. Draal only gave Jim a small nod, a silent understanding between the two that they were to have some words later as they all started to leave the forge, Draal’s exit not being as graceful as the group.

As Jim and the others exit the forge, Toby and Blinky refused to let go of the teen as they clung to him like moss on a boulder, only easing up once Nomura pointed out that his arms were injured before leading the teen towards the healing dwell, earning himself a long lecture from the mentor.

Everything had been well. His father figure had easily accepted him back. His best friend didn't have to fight Draal. And Draal… gods, Draal remembers! Jim couldn't have asked for a better outcome as he got his arms checked and wrapped up to allow the healing process to proceed. 

“HUNTER!! HUNTER!!” an all too familiar voice of a certain dragon called, just as he burst through the entrance as a crow. 

“Arc-?” Jim started to ask, only for his wonder to be cut short with the next worried words that left the dragon. 

“Little Myrddin needs help! Shadow is on the loose at the bookstore!" 

The color on the half-troll's face practically drained. Without hesitation, Jim leaped from his seat and rushed out the door, his destination already embedded into his mind with no care for who he had to get through in order to reach.

Within a few seconds, Jim had managed to clear the distance from the healing dwell to the crystal staircase leading up to the canal, having only briefly stopped by Bagdwella’s shot to grab some chains. He stopped by the exit patting himself down for a Horngazel, only to find himself lacking one. 

Luckily, Archie had flown after the teenage half-troll, a mini Horngazel in his claws as the dragon quickly opened up the door, allowing Jim passage to the outside. 

The sun had just set, people were still about and therefore Jim couldn't afford to be seen on the streets, instead opting to follow the shadows of the trees as he ran as fast as his tired legs could carry him towards the Arcane Bookstore.


Douxie stood in the center of the shop, standing protectively in front of the two other girls in the room with him who were, rightfully, freaking out over the fact that their best friend was somehow flying. 

“What’s happening to claire?!” Darcie practically shouted over the whizzing of the wind that whirled around in the small store in a sort of mini tornado that encased Claire as she hovered in the air, cackling like a mad-woman, her eyes a terrifying blackness with golden pupils. 

“She’s been possessed!” Douxie replied, hand hovering above his now undisguised charm bracelet as he readied to cast up his shields, hoping to the gods that Archie had managed to get Jim. 

“Possessed?!” Mary hissed out, holding onto Darci’s arm tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. 

Claire cackled darkly as her hands glowed with a familiar golden hue that Douxie had long since associated with a certain sorceress during his time in Camelot. “How lovely it is to see you again, Hisirdoux.” she cooed a little too sweetly in a voice not her own.

“Morgana…” Douxie gasped weakly, his hands trembling. Although he had defeated the sorceress in the past, he had had his staff by then and this time she was wearing his friend- student’s body.

“Oh! So you remember me?” she exclaimed, crossing her legs as she hovered in the air, magic still sparking all around her. “Foolish boy, did you really think you could keep me trapped within the shadow realm?” she asked, a magical tendril coming out from her palm like a whip as she directed it towards the wizard.

Pushing the girls to the side, Douxie allowed himself to get trapped in the sorceress’s magic as it promptly lifted him up and threw him against a bookshelf, effectively knocking out the wind from his lungs. The two girls called out in concern for Douxie as they tried to rush over only to have a blue sphere surround them, stopping them from reaching the downed wizard.

“Oh?” Morgana hummed, looking over to the two girls. “Even after all this time, you still prioritise the safety of others over yourself?” she said, leaning in close to the blue barrier separating her from the two humans safely behind it. 

“Mary, Darci, stay where- ugh- where you are…” the wizard managed to groan out as he got back up to his feet, hand once again on top of his charm bracelet, ready to defend himself and fight now that he was sure the girls would be relatively safe. He knew he stood no chance against the witch, he knew this yet he had to fight. He had to keep them safe. At least until Jim arrived, then together they would stop morgana. Somehow. 

Another cackle escaped the witch as her attention returned to Douxie, her hands flaring up with her golden magic. “How cute, you really think you can beat me?” she asked no one in particular as she shot a blast of magic towards the younger wizard. 

Thinking quickly, Douxie raised his hands up, his charm bracelet active, the runes rapidly moving around in a circle as his magic channeled through the device as a blue shield appeared in front of him, blocking the attack.

At this action, Morgana only laughed as she increased the intensity of her attack, forcing the younger wizard back a few inches with the sheer force behind it, his shield letting out a deafening ‘crack’ as the magic started to strain the boy. “Give up, boy!”

“Never!” he hissed back, forcing his body to channel more magic as he continued to defy the witch’s attack. 

“Douxie!” Darcie called out in warning as she saw a magical tendril worm its away around the shield that protected the wizard, before it stiffened and shot towards the younger wizard, clearly aimed towards his heart. Only, thanks to Darci’s warning did he manage to dodge, the magic tendril scraping against his chest, thankfully not lethal, as he fell to the ground in pain and exhaustion. 

“What I wouldn't give to have my magic back right now…” Douxie hissed under his breath as he forced himself into a sitting position to watch as Morgana slowly inched towards him, her eerie smile never fading away from her face.

“Oh, where is Merlin to protect you now? You are nothing more than a child playing with forces you do not understand.” she taunted, now hovering over Douxie, hands glowing and ready to strike again. The wizard looked away, bracing himself for the impact of a magic blast to the chest and its accompanying pain. 

Except nothing happened. 

An angry hiss came from the side, a low rumbling growl not too far from the wizard as he dared to crack his eyes open. “Don’t. Touch. Douxie.” a familiar voice growled out, venom lacing every word as he glared daggers at the sorceress now encased in chains, being held down by the power of a horngazle, sealing her powers momentarily as long as the horngazle magic holds. 

“You!” Morgana hissed out. “Let me out of these chains!” 

"I'm not going to remove these chains until you give Claire back!" Jim growled holding the ends of the chains just in case. "Claire! If you're in there, fight back!" He called out, hoping to reach said girl.

"Claire is not here!" Morgana hissed as she wriggled around trying to break free from the chains. "You won't be able to keep me contained forever!" She said with a laugh, deciding to sit back and allow the children in front of her to lower their defences. 

Jim walked over to the possessed girl, tying up any and all loose ends of the chain before securing the sorceress to a chair that douxie had brought out in order to keep an eye on her. Archie arriving to help with watch duty as Jim’s attention got caught by the bleeding wound on Douxie's chest. 

But before he could say anything to the wizard, Mary's shrill voice sounded loud and afraid. "What is that?!" She said pointing to Jim, easily catching his attention, his eyes going wide in surprise. 

Douxie let out a soft chuckle, causing pain to flare up from his injury as he slightly dipped forward, losing his sense of balance from the pain and blood loss, Jim managing to catch the wizard and help him balance, allowing his brother to lean on him. 

"You'd think centuries of fighting and capturing shadow mephets would prepare you for the pain…" Douxie said weakly enough only for Jim to hear before he looked towards the two girls still in a protective bubble of magic. "Interminus nocti sluumberso" the wizard encanted, aiming his magic towards the two human girls huddling together in the corner, both of them soon falling unconscious. 

"You are aware that sleep spells can cause memory loss right?" Archie offered from his perch on the counter, not once looking away from the witch in front of him. 

"Only when used in succession." Douxie said as he hobbled over to the now messy couch with Jim’s help as the half-troll started to patch up the wizard’s wounds after finding the first aid kit out back. 

"You might want to have mom take a look at these…" Jim said, gently disinfecting the sound before wrapping it up, Douxie hissing in pain every now and again yet allowed the younger teen to take care of him. 

"So what are we going to do about Claire?" The half-troll asked after a while. 

"There is nothing to do, child. She's gone!" Morgana taunted in her sickly sweet voice, a giggle escaping her but she was ultimately ignored by the half-troll and wizard. 

"How did you save her the last time?" Douxie asked, trying to force himself onto a more comfortable position. 

"We had to use the shadow staff…" Jim replied solemnly, knowing full well that they couldn't use it this time. A frustrated sigh escaping the wizard at the revelation. 

"I'm afraid… Claire is alone this time…" Douxie admitted, not wanting to lie to his brother. They sat in silence for a few minutes, not realising the magic sleeping spell morgana cat onto the cat as he fell asleep.

Douxie and Jim sat down together on the couch, trying to think of a way to help Claire when all of a sudden, a yell of frustration sounded right behind them as they whipped around to see the possessed form of Claire hovering by the back of the couch, a shadow knife in hand ready to stroke down into Douxie's back. 

Except her other hand was keeping her from making contact. 

Reeling back from surprise, Douxie and Jim observed for a moment as it seemed as though a battle was happening within her head. 

"Get out of my head!!" Morgana roared, dropping the knife and clutching onto her head in an attempt to get rid of whoever was trying to take control. 

Hope sparked within Jim as he watched the internal battle, until the same voice as the one that had just tried to kill them called out to the two teens. "Call out to Claire and give her an anchor!" Morgana said, her eyes flashing to a soft yellow glow before returning to their darkened state, a snarl escaping her as she shook her head, finally getting rid of the annoyance. 


In the shadow realm, Morgana, the good one, heaved as she was brought back to the replica of the Nuñez home where Claire’s shadow waited. 

"What happened?" She asked, gently holding onto the woman's forearm in concern. 

Morgana looked over to the teen beside her, her eyes trying to read the situation before she nodded. "I managed to contact Hisirdoux. He should be able to try and focus on your connection but there was also a strange troll there…" 

"We must act fast before the evil Morgana takes complete control over the body" the floating orb said, floating closer to the two. 

"What are we going to do?" Claire asked, looking between the orb and Morgana. 

"We fight." The orb replied, Morgana nodding in agreement, causing the teen to take a shaky breath. 

"F-fight?" She asked, her throat slowly drying up.

"Yes, Claire." Morgana confirmed, laying a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder. "I'll distract the evil me and separate her from the body, the two of you are to fight her." She continued, gesturing towards the teen and the orb. 

"B-but I've never fought before!" Claire exclaimed, fear coursing through her entire being as tears threatened to spill. She shouldn't fight! Not against a witch with magic!

"Claire." The orb started, floating around for a few seconds before stopping in front of the teen, Morgana settling aside to allow them to talk. 

Claire watched as the orb of light started to morph, started to change shape. At first the changes were small, then suddenly, in front of the teen no stood a girl. A girl that looked a lot like her, except her hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, a white bang swiping at the side of her face, and most noticeably, the armor she wore.

"Claire." The girl spoke, her voice now much clearer and obviously exact like, if not slightly older sounding of her own. "You are much more than you know, Claire. But you won't have to fight her alone." She reassured. 

Claire stared for a moment, before nodding more confidently after finalising her decision. She was going to fight, fight to get back to her friends, back to her family. 

"Good," Morgana started, a smile on her features as she walked over. "We should get this started, shall we?" She asked no one in particular, not really waiting for a reply as her eyes flashed a bright gold, and suddenly, the comfortable darkness was replaced by the lung crushing abyss from when she ran away from evil Morgana. 

Soon, a frustrated growl of annoyance sounded all around them, a figure clad in golden armour appearing from within the inky blackness of the void. 

"Why do you insist on being annoying, Child?!" The woman hissed, preparing a magic blast. 

"If you think I'll just sit back and watch you control my body to hurt my friends then you're wrong!" Claire exclaimed, fear once again flaring up at the back of her mind, yet she stood her ground. 

The new figure of the orb rested its hands on the teen's shoulders. "Destiny is a gift…" she started, looking over to the evil sorceress with an unwavering gaze. 

Claire stiffened at her words, her gaze falling onto the the enemy as well as they both got ready of an attack. "Some go their entire lives, living existences of quiet desperation-" the apparition continued as they both leaped away from a magical blast, her hands flaring up with a purple glow. 

Claire stood back up, only to dodge another incoming attack while the shadow attacked morgana from behind "never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders-" She continued, a spark of familiarity coursing through Claire’s veins at the speech she heard only once before like the first time she had heard it. 

"Claire!!" A familiar voice- Jim? Called out to the teen. Solidifying the need for her to escape.

"is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights!" The other Claire said, only to get blasted away by Morgana's magic as the evil witch turned her attention to Claire. 

Claire stood still, frozen in fear of facing her opponent as she inched ever closer to her, until she reminded herself of the remainder of the speech her counterpart was saying. "Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor," she remembered Jim once saying as she dodged away from an attack. 

Getting up she glared up at Morgana, determination raging with her as her heart pounded loudly in her ears. "that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero." 

She reminded herself, her hands rising up and sparking with the familiar sensation of magic as she shot out a magical beam that managed to push back the sorceress. 

"Don’t think…" the teen continued to strain herself with raw magic usage against her opponent. So much in fact that her eyes gradually turned black, dark veins spreading across her fingers and hand and part of hair hair turned white. 

"become!" She shouted out to no one but herself, her eyes flashing a blinding teal as a jolt of teal magic zapped into her. Thinking about her parents, her brothers, her friends, Toby, the trolls, Jim. She wasn't going to give up that easily, but she knew her body wouldn't last the magic usage anymore. 

A hand rested on her shoulder, bring back the teen to reality as she looked at the older version of herself who only smiled weakly at her before pushing away the teen, taking her place instead as she casted a stronger beam of magic. 

Claire could only watch as the two sorcerers exchanged blows. She watched her shadow move- this is what she was meant to become. This strong woman in front of her, brave and strong as she took on an extremely powerful foe. This is what she would become. 

"Enough games!" Morgana hissed as she deflected a magic blast. 

"You're right, let's end this now Morgana!" The older Claire yelled, preparing for a final attack before purple and gold flooded the younger teen's vision.

In that moment, no words were said as Claire watched her reflection push back the evil sorceress. Yet that wasn't what she focused on, and instead watched with wide eyes as the form she had associated with an older version of herself started to flake away, like dust to the wind, leaving nothing behind but the quickly diminishing light orb she had originally met. 

She watched as she felt a big part of herself disappear with the dark abyss and evil sorceress. Nothing was said as silence fell upon the teen, now once again within the replica of her home in the shadow realm as memories danced in her vision. 

For a second, nothing else happened. Claire, feeling a somewhat empty feeling inside of herself without her magic, or rather, her lack or magic reserves. Oh, how she wanted to stay there and sleep, but she knew she had to get back.

"Handmaiden?" Morgana, the good one, asked softly as she materialised in front of Claire, looking similarly exhausted as the girl in front of her. "Your friends are waiting…" 

Claire looked up at the woman, a small smile crossing her face as she ran up to the older sorceress, holding her in a tight hug.

"I'll get you free…" the teen promised. "From your crystal prison and the Arcane Order…" she said before she looked up at the lady, determination burning in her eyes. 

Surprise made itself visible on Morgana's features as she stared down at the teen, before a smile found its way onto her face as well. "I'll be looking forward to that." She said, softly giving Claire a pat on her head. "Come now, I'll take you back to your body."

"You need to rest! I can get there on my own!" The teen said, moving back and crossing her arms in front of her, her posture oozing with confidence but not overzealous. 

And with that, Morgana watched as Claire took her leave, heading straight towards the exit and to her body. 


In the bookstore, everything had gone silent. It had seemed as though there was an internal conflict which the boys desperately hoped that Claire had won. In the short moment of chaos, they had managed to chain her down again so as to not accidentally hurt the two sleeping humans. 

The boys watched Claire closely, in case they had to restrain her more. Only to jump back in surprise when she gasped loudly and started to cough. 

"Claire..?" Douxie hesitantly asked, taking a step forward, horngazle in hand and ready to restrain if he had to. 

There was a small spark of purple around her she saw tried her best to calm down her coughing fit just before her chocolate eyes met sapphire and gold. "Douxie..?" She wondered out loud before her eyes landed on Jim, not far behind Douxie, as recognition flashed in her eyes.

"Jim..?" She found herself weakly asking, tears forming at the edge of her vision, her body starting to tremble with sobs. Hope flashing in Jim’s eyes at her recognition of him in his current form.

Tense shoulders slouched as Douxie determined that Morgana's magic had disappeared before removing the chains from Claire. As soon as the chains came off, Claire leaped up from her seat and into the half-troll's arm as she allowed her tears to fall freely. 

Jim allowed her to hug him, his arms hesitantly wrapping around her smaller form. "H-hey… it's okay…" he tried to comfort her, confusion taking hold of his senses and forcing himself not to let out whine at seeing her cry. 

They stayed like that for a moment before Claire ripped herself from their embrace, forcing a glare up at a stunned Jim, her relief turning into anger. She watched his features for a second before grabbing hold of his collar and forcing him down to her eye level. 

"You are an idiot!" She screamed, making Jim’s ears lower as he stared into her eyes, his own wide as saucers as a puzzle tried to solve itself in his mind. "What were you thinking?! Giving Toby the amulet!" She yelled. 

Jaws dropped after hearing her statement just as Claire let go of Jim, crossing her arms over her chest trying her best to look mad before taking a deep breath to calm herself down, still not letting go of Jim’s gaze. 

"Claire… I…" the half-troll tried to get out, finding the words dead within his own throat. Unable to speak, Jim lunged himself forward, wrapping Claire up in a tight but comfortable hug, careful of her fragile bones and his troll strength as he let out a sob. 

Hearing her beloved cry broke her resolve as all anger left her as she hugged back as tight as she could, gently running her fingers through her boyfriend's mane. "It's okay, Jim…" she voiced out, allowing the teenage half-troll to let out his emotions. "I'm here…" 


A/N: Let me just say: wow. 7k words on this one. Damn.

Sorry for the late update but I do have another fic I started on and this one was long. Very long.
