setting challenges

"Shhh! You'll wake the boy up!" A hushed whisper sounded as long pointed ears swiveled around like a cat's to pinpoint the location of the sound. Stony, blue eyes fluttered open as a yawn escaped the once sleeping teen.

Sitting up, Jim took a moment to take in his familiar surroundings. He was in Blinky's Library- or well, to be more specific, the dwelling that was directly connected to the library. For a moment, Jim sat up and stayed there trying to remember what he was doing there, when he suddenly remembered Blinky carrying him off to his home as he fell asleep in his father's arms.

Hearing whispers from the other room, Jim got up from the makeshift nest made from blankets and pillows to peek outside of the balcony that overlooked the library, trying to find the source of the hushed voices.

Finding an empty library, he started heading out of the spare bedroom to head to the other living space that was connected to the library, hoping to find the troll he was looking for.

Soon, soft voices filled the air, a hushed conversation happening just behind the door to the other room. With a soft smile, Jim gently rapped the driftwood door, not wanting to cause any panic from entering a private room. He didn't want to poke and prod at a troll's possessive instincts and personal boundaries, if his own instincts were an indication.

Shuffling was heard from the other side, Jim's keen ears managing to pick up the two sets of footsteps coming over to the door. Blinky cracked the door open just a bit to peek out, once seeing that it was Jim, the opening widened, a smile managing to place itself on Blinky's face.

"You're awake! I hope we didn't wake you..." the older troll said, stepping outside and allowing AARRRGGHH!! to step outside.

With a smile of his own, Jim allowed the two trolls to move out of the room. "No, I was already waking up." He said before a slight frown found its way to the teen's features. "Is.. is everything alright?"

A gentle smile crossed on both the faces of the adult trolls. Blinky taking a step closer, placing a hand on Jim's shoulder. "Everything is alright. Nothing to worry about, young one."

AARRRGGHH!! Gave out a soft rumble of approval before holding out a small pile of clothes. "Blinky made gifts for Hunter. Troll clothes."

Jim blinked once. Then twice, trying to figure out why he was called 'Hunter', before realising that Blinky had gotten him some clothes. Looking down at himself, he realised that he was wearing a hoodie vest and jogging pants, not exactly troll-like.

"I figured, you must have gotten those out of some old trash heap. Not the most comfortable, I assume?" Blinky asked, taking the clothes from his companion before handing them over to Jim.

The teen smiled before taking the clothes from Blinky. The old troll was right, human clothes were rather uncomfortable and easily ripped. "Thank you, but you didn't have to get me anything." He said before looking around for a place to change.

"Nonsense!" The mentor exclaimed, leading the boy to a corner where he could change in privacy. "We've talked it over with Vendel, and he suggested we keep you under our care." He said with a happy tone in his voice, before quickly adding, "That is if you'd like us to." That's when he realised that it must have been the alias Vendel gave him when he talked with Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! About him.

Quickly getting out of his human clothes, Jim easily managed to fit into his new ones, feeling a great deal more comfortable now than ever. He couldn't remember the last time he felt more comfortable in clothes as a troll.

Jim looked over himself, a simple deep blue tunic with way too large sleeves and some baggy pants that seemed to have been ripped at the bottom. The clothes itself wasn't too bad, a few patches and holes here and there but it wasn't something he couldn't work around. He would however need to stitch up the hem on the pants if he didn't want them tearing up even more, and he needed a way to secure the sleeves too, doubting that there was any kind of rubber around the place.

With a content nod, Jim walked out, now in more fitting clothes as he showed it off to Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! Who both nodded in approval at the new attire. With a weak smile, Blinky walked over to Jim, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"I think now is the time for us to take you around the market, yes?" Blinky asked with a soft smile, one that Jim couldn't get himself to return, the worry of the night prior returning. His stomach would continuously flip when he thought about Nomura and Toby, wanting to go to them and stay by their side until they were well enough to run around again. Especially Toby.

Noticing the teen's silence and frown, Blinky's own expression fell, feeling a pang of worry for the boy in front of him, making eyecontact with AARRRGGHH!! For a brief moment. "Young Hunter?" he called out after a few seconds, being followed by a deep concerned rumbling from the hulking brute.

"H-huh?" Jim questioned, looking up to the two trolls who came closer to make sure that he wouldn't run off in case he felt like it.

"Hunter sad?" AARRRGGHH!! Asked, gently poking Jim's shoulder, trying to get a reaction out of the boy. Only receiving a quiet sigh before he looked up at them, ears drooped and eyes starting to gloss over with unshed tears, eyes pleading for something. A weak whimper escaped the teen as he looked back down to the ground after remembering that this Blinky didn't see him as a son.

With a deep sigh, four heavy but firm and comforting stone hands made themselves comfortable on the teen's shoulders and arms, an action that made Jim look back up to his once mentor.

"Young Hunter," the teal troll started with a soft voice. "If there is anything at all that is bothering you... please... me and AARRRGGHH!! Would happily help you with it." He said, gently giving the boy in front of him a squeeze.

Jim took in a shaky breath, held it in for a few seconds before letting it back out just as shaky. A sob threatened to escape as Blinky continued to watch the teen with a concerned gaze.

This was all too much.

If only he wasn't a troll and didn't have all these instincts that just made every emotion ten times harder to control. It would have been much easier to suppress all his emotions, easier to put up a mask to focus on helping Toby. But as a troll every emotion was intensified, harder to control and unpredictable at times.

Jim just stood there, fighting back a few tears, but failing miserably, when all of a sudden, two sets of arms came around his form, encasing him in a gentle, stony embrace.

"Let it out. No good comes from keeping it all in." Blinky whispered to Jim, giving the boy gentle pats on his back. Unable to hold it in anymore, Jim allowed all his tears to flow like a broken dam within his eyes. His entire being shaking with sobs and whimpers as he held onto his surrogate father tightly, afraid that if he let go then Binky would vanish.

Without realising it, Jim unconsciously nuzzled closer to Blinky at the thought of losing his father, an involuntary action he would do to Claire and Blinky when they had gone to New Jersey. Taken back by the sudden familial action, Blinky hesitated before gently rocking the teen back and forth in an attempt to calm his sobbing.

Seeing the boy like this broke the old troll's heart, what kind of pain had he gone through for him to be left so vulnerable and so ready to accept others as family? Not long after, AARRRGGHH had come over and wrapped his big arms around the smaller two, also attempting to calm the boy down.

Realising what he was doing, Jim hesitantly let go of Blinky, stepping away from the two other trolls. "S-sorry..." he whispered loud enough for them to hear, attempting to wipe away his flowing tears.

"No need to apologise," Blinky started, taking a step closer to the teen before placing a hand on his shoulder. "We will listen if you ever wish to talk about it." He offered with a kind smile, a smile that Jim returned weakly.

This might not be the Blinky that saw him as a son just yet, but he was still Blinky. One way or another they could work it out eventually. Maybe one day, when he can explain everything to everyone. "Thank you... you... remind me of my dad..." he said weakly, a sad smile across his face as he sniffled away the last of his tears.

AARRRGGHH!! Walked over and gave Jim a few pats on the head before he spoke. "Hunter have new family. Blinky and AARRRGGHH!!"

"That is correct AARRRGGHH!!" Blinky exclaimed, smiling up at his companion before turning to look back at Jim. "For as long as you stay with us, here in Trollmarket, you will be part of our family."

A genuine smile crossed the teen's face at that. There was hope. Hope to get his family back. The ones that he knew he could trust with anything. But like everything else, he has to work for it.

"Now, what is it you want to do? Vendel can wait, the night is still young after all!" Blinky exclaimed, his grin growing wider upon seeing the happy smile on the teen's face.

"Is there somewhere I can run around in?" Jim asked, hoping to be led to the forge so he could train and get rid of the small shred of frustration that had been brewing within him ever since they got Toby and Nomura to trollmarket. He didn't want to break down again in front of anyone else after all.

Blinky thought for a moment, humming to himself. There were a couple of good places for young trolls to run around in but he knew that the teen needed to let out some frustration. "Blinky?" AARRRGGHH!! Asked, already having thought of a solution. "Take Hunter to forge?" He suggested.

"By Deya! AARRRGGHH!! That's a great idea!" Blinky exclaimed, throwing his arms out with a flourish, his grip widening ever more.

"What's the forge?" Jim asked, trying to keep his knowledge on Trollmarket at the back of his mind in order to appear clueless.

"The hero's forge is the place where warriors train! There are a lot of activities there you could try out. Of course we would have to reduce the settings in order to keep you safe, but it is a good place to go to destress and train!" The mentor quickly said, earning him a small smile from the teen.

Not long after, the three were on their way to the forge, Jim constantly looking around his surroundings, happily taking in all the sights, sounds and smells of trollmarket, even stopping briefly to look at the Heartstone and bask in its radiant glow when they passed, not realising that he had strayed away from Blinky and AARRRGGHH!!

"Hunter." an elderly voice called out, causing Jim to spin around on his heels to face the one calling him. Vendel stood behind Jim, a gentle smile across his face. "How was your sleep, young one?" he asked as Jim walked over to the elder troll.

"It... it was okay." Jim said with a small smile, his hands fidgeting with the sleeve of his tunic.

With a hum, Vendel took up Jim's arms to inspect his sleeves before pulling out a bandage, an armguard, and an arm band, gently and easily helping the boy put them on himself as Jim watched the elder work.

"Uh...?" Jim trailed off, eyes not leaving the motions of the larger troll, not fighting back or refuting his efforts.

"Deya had wanted you to have them." Vendel started. "Assuming you are the same 'skinny-legs' that was with her that day." He said with a huff of amusement, watching the boy's eyes light up brightly at the mention of Deya, his eyes glossing over with tears for a moment before a smile crossed the younger troll's face.

"Deya really left these for me...?" he asked, gently rubbing the leather arm brace with a sad smile on his face, internally swearing to find a way to free her soul and all the other trollhunters from Angor Rot.

"I'll be heading off now, I must redress the bandages of the trollhunter. I will speak with you later, Hunter." Vendel said with a small nod, giving Jim a gentle pat on the head before walking off towards the healing dwell where they had relocated Toby and Nomura once they were stable enough.

Jim's breath caught in his throat at the mention of his best friend. He wanted so badly to go and visit him right there and then but he knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself together if he saw Toby at that moment. So instead, Jim turned around, rubbing at the arm brace as he mindlessly made his way towards the forge, catching Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! Practically panicking at the lack of a young troll with them.

With a small smile, Jim made his way over behind them, making sure to stay a distance from them for a playful sneak attack. He watched as Blinky paced, worried muttering escaping the four armed troll while AARRRGGHH!! just looked worried.

"This is bad, my friend. If Hunter is lost out there, who knows what would happen to him!" Blinky exclaimed in worry.

"Need find Hunter." AARRRGGHH!! Rumbled from next to Blinky.

Jim was quite happy to see his father figure and uncle so worried about him, it filled him with hope of one day bringing back his family as a whole, including Vendel and Draal. But for now he would take it one step at a time, piecing back together his family one member at a time.

Just as Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! We're about to head off in search of Jim, only for said young troll to jump from behind them, managing to tackle down the two trolls with relative ease, a small chuckle escaping him.

"GREAT GRONKA MORKA!" Blinky exclaimed in surprise as the three landed onto the hard stone ground with a thud, AARRRGGHH!!'s markings glowing defensively before dimming down at the sight of Jim.

Blinky crossed all four of his arms in front of himself, a glare aimed towards Jim. "And where have you been?!"

"I got distracted by the Heartsone." Jim said, a soft chuckle escaping the young troll as he got off his father and uncle figures, only to have his hands taken into Blinky's own as the older troll inspected the new additions to his attire.

"What of these?" He asked with a questioning gaze, pointing at the boy's arms.

Jim smiled at that, happy to tell Blinky where he had gotten them from. "Vendel gave them to me, he said someone wanted me to have them." Blinky watched the teen for any signs of a lie, and upon finding none he hummed in delight.

"So what did Vendel want to talk to you about?" The teal troll asked, picking himself off the ground with the help of AARRRGGHH!! Gently dusting the dust and dirt off of himself.

Jim's face fell, a frown replacing the once bright smile not ten seconds ago. "Vendle didn't say, he was heading to the healing dwell to check on Nomura and To- the trollhunter..."

A face of concern plastered itself on the historian's face as he watched the teen in front of him fidget and avert gazes. It was obvious that the youngling wanted to go to make sure that the two injured the previous night were okay, but seeing him like this made the mentor's heart ache. He could see how the boy was blaming himself for their injuries, how he was nervous about even mentioning them.

"Would you like to go to the healing dwell to check up on them?" Blinky asked tentatively as he watched the teen physically stiffen up, his breath caught in his throat.

A beat of silence passed the three as Jim lowered his gaze down to the ground before speaking softly, his shoulders slumping. "I... don't want to disturb Vendel while he works... and I don't know if I'll be able to control myself if I see them like... that..."

Blinky could see just how much frustration was built up in the teen, he had seen it before after all, not once but twice. Once in himself at the loss of his brother and the other in Draal the day his father distanced himself from him. The boy needed an outlet, and he knew it.

"Shall we continue on into the forge then?" Blinky asked again, this time, placing a comforting hand on the teen's arm, a soft smile on his face.

Jim looked up at Blinky, a small smile forming on his own face. "I'd like that." And with that, they entered into the hallway leading to the Hero's Forge.

AARRRGGHH!! Came up next to Jim, gently nudging the boy's shoulder with a fist. "Hunter strong." The gentle giant rumbled out with a smile, earning him one in return.

"You are right AARRRGGHH!!" Blinky started, leading the way to the forge. "Our young Hunter is quite strong! Why, I believe only a few could ever be able to push you down like that, my old friend."

"Draal, Kanjigar, Deya..." AARRRGGHH!! Counted out on his fingers as he listed the names of trolls who were able to knock down the giant.

"Don't forget that strange troll!" Blinky informed before a thoughtful hum echoes from the scholar, the sounds reverberating off the walls just like their footsteps. "AARRRGGHH!!? Do you remember his name?" The scholar asked, turning towards his companion. "I can't seem to remember for the life of me what his name was or even what his face looked like."

"Start with J, weird name." AARRRGGHH answered, a confused look on his face after realising that he too didn't remember the face of the troll they were talking about.

Jim caught onto the conversation, forcing himself to seem relaxed but the thought of him having gone back in time again in this timeline did not sit well with him. Was he going to have another evil shard in his chest again? He sure hoped he wouldn't.

"Bah! That's alright!" Blinky said, waving his hands in the air dismissively as the entryway into the forge was now in full view. Blinky walked in, leading the way for them. "This, young Hunter, is the Hero's Forge! A place where trollhunters and warriors alike come to train!"

A loud thud resounded throughout the forge, catching the attention of the group of three as their eyes landed on a group of larger trolls sparring and fighting in the forge. Among those trolls, Jim could see a very familiar shade of blue in the center of the crowd as Draal fought against a couple of the other trolls.

They watched for a while, observing how Draal fought against his opponents, never backing down or wavering once. A loud roar escaped the azure troll as he brought down another opponent, making a show of his victory as he raised his fists, a clear sign that the fight is now over with a cheer.

Fiery golden eyes danced across the forge, Draal's eyes landing on the three trolls that had come in not too long ago. With an amused huff, Draal made his way towards the small group, the rest of the warrior trolls behind him. "Blinkous! What brings a troll like you down in the hero's forge?" He asked, voice laced with false pleasantries.

"I bet you he's here to reminisce about his role as a trollhunter mentor!" a troll from behind Draal commented, making the fur on the half troll to rise, sensing his need to be protective of his family, his people.

"Must be humiliating to have your charges fall within the first few days of being the trollhunter!" another troll laughed, earning them a low rolling growl from Jim, who stiffened intensely at the insults aimed at his father figure.

Draal laughed heartily, catching the teen's attention. "Come now! It's not Blinky's fault for not being able to keep his charges in check!" he bellowed, causing Blinky to lower his head in shame. This time, Jim allowed the growl to wash over them, low but loud enough for every troll to hear, earning him weary, confused, amused, and concerned stares.

Quickly taking hold of the situation, Blinky rushed over to Jim's side, gently placing a stony hand on the teen's scruff, rubbing circles to keep him calm. While the gesture was appreciated, Jim found it difficult to calm down. They had, after all, insulted his father, something he wouldn't stand for.

"If you must know..." Blinky started, giving the boy a gentle squeeze. "We came here to allow young Hunter to release some frustration, but we will leave if you lot won't allow us to use the forge." He said sternly.

"The young welp? Use the forge? He'll be killed here with you instructing him!" Another troll laughed.

"You must be the worst mentor there ever was if you think allowing a youngling to use the forge is a good idea, especially with your "achievements" in training trollhunters!"

A frown formed on the mentor's face as he looked down to avert gazes, AARRRGGHH!! From beside them let out a low growl of his own as more and more insults and degradation of the mentor's abilities were spoken out.

Jim's breathing quickened, blood rushing his ears as he started to hear the raging of his pounding heart. As the warriors roared in laughter, Jim's anger continued to brew until it was no longer bearable.

With a loud growl and a snarl, Jim stepped up in front of his father figure, effectively removing the firm stony hands from behind his back as he confronted the azure troll he once called his brother in another timeline. "Don't you dare talk to Blinky like that!" He snapped, baring his fangs.

Surprised by the sudden defensiveness of the young troll, most of the offending warrior trolls watched in amusement. Draal, taking Jim's defensiveness as a challenge, stepped up to the teen using his full height to intimidate, only to result in Jim getting bolder. "Or what?"

"Young Hunter, there isn't any need for violence now... it's quite alright." The mentor tried to calm the teen before a fight broke out, and he got injured by Draal.

Jim turned to look over his shoulder to his old mentor, a small smile crossing his face before turning to look back at Draal with a determination of a thousand Goblins ready to get their revenge.

Raising his voice, Jim made direct eye contact with Draal, his blue eyes clashing with the fiery gold of his opponent. "Draal the Deadly," Jim started, voice clear and unwavering. "I challenge you to a duel. Right here, right now!" He spoke, loud enough for every troll around them to hear.

From behind him, Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! Practically paled. Their young family member was going to get killed by Draal, was their only conclusion.

Laughter echoed throughout the forge, clearly no one taking the teen seriously on his request, which only fuelled his rage.

"A runt like you wouldn't even last a second!" Draal laughed, accompanied by his friends, only for their laughter to get cut short by the sound of a certain crystal staff against the stone floor of the forge.

Vendel walked in, a frown on his face. "Why do you laugh, Draal?" The old troll asked as he walked over to Jim's side, behind the elder, Jim could hear another set of footsteps, small and heavy. Relief washing over the half troll the moment he saw Toby behind the elder.

Toby was okay.

A bit pale, a limp in his steps, and the occasional wince. Other than that he was awake and moving again, and that fact helped calm the teen's nerves- even if just a small amount.

"Vendel, surely you wouldn't allow this welp to challenge me?" Draal asked, a light amusement in his voice. "He is but a runt after all!"

"Are you afraid, Draal?" Vendel mused, earning a displeased snarl from the azure troll.

"For once I must agree with Draal." Blinky started, walking over to the elder. "Hunter is but a youngling! He will be killed if he is to fight Draal! It would be an unfair match!"

Vendel hummed quietly as he rubbed his chin in thought, glancing over to Jim for an affirmation. Upon seeing the determined look in the teen's eyes, the elder turned to look back at Blinky. "You are right, Blinkous. However, a challenge is still a challenge."

Blinky's complexion went a shade paler, causing the new trollhunter to look between everyone with a confused gaze. "What's wrong with a little spar?" Toby asked, voice somewhat raspy, obviously still recovering.

AARRRGGHH!! Walked over to the human, gently patting him on the head as a soft rumble of concern escaped him. "Duel, not spar. Fight to the death." The gentle giant explained.

The blood drained from the Trollhunter's face. "T-to the death...?" He asked weakly before looking towards Jim, a sense of worry washing over himself.

"So what will it be, Draal?" Jim growled again. "Will you duel with me or are you too afraid?" He taunted, attempting to get on the azure troll's nerves. As if struck, Draal let out a defiant roar, not taking kindly to being insulted.

"In fifteen minutes, we duel!" The warrior hissed as he walked off in a fury to prepare for their battle, his crowd of warrior trolls training behind him.

Jim stood there, growling trying to force himself to calm down and face the consequences of his actions. He risked a glance towards the remaining trolls and trollhunter, only to find two concerned trolls, one mortified trollhunter and an unreadable market elder all watching his next move.

Silence filled the forge, no one daring to speak as they all processed what had happened. A few seconds passed, allowing the warriors to leave the vicinity to allow the group some privacy. With them being completely alone, Blinky walked over to Jim and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders and arms, a worried expression etched into his face.

"My boy, do you understand the repercussions of your challenge?" Blinky asked to which Jim only nodded silently to.

"Why did you even challenge Draal anyway?" Toby asked, walking forward, brows knitted in confusion before introducing himself quickly. "I'm Toby by the way! The trollhunter!"

Jim took a deep breath before looking at Toby with a soft smile. "I'm J- Hunter..." Jim started, catching himself in time before he said his real name, this however didn't go unnoticed by the others. "I challenged Draal because he was making fun of Blinky... and... I don't like bullies..."

"Hunter..." Blinky started. "I appreciate you standing up for me but you really didn't have to challenge Draal..."

"It was the only way to get him to listen." Jim argued, crossing his arms around his chest, his eyes wandering down to the ground by his feet.

"It very well might have been the only way to get Draal to listen, but by doing so you've endangered yourself!" Blinky argued, an exhausted sigh escaping the older troll. "I can't have another person get hurt under my care..."

A look of understanding washed over Jim as he stared at his old mentor, his heart aching at the sight of his distraught teacher. With a soft and gentle smile, Jim took hold of his father figure's shoulders, giving them a soft and reassuring squeeze.

"Blinky, I would do it all over again without hesitation if it's for anyone who's family, and to me, you are part of that family." Jim said in a soft voice, before abruptly hugging the teal troll.

Four arms wrapped around Jim tightly, a weak smile forming on the older troll's face as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. A strange feeling of fatherly love coursing through the mentor, as if the teen in front of him was his own. "I still do not wish for you to partake in this duel... what if you get hurt..?" Blinky asked, voice cracking ever so slightly as worry and fear laced his voice.

"I'll be fine, Blinky." Jim said, smiling up at his father figure.

"But you're-"

"Blinkous, have faith in Jägare the 'Hunter'." Vendel spoke up, walking closer to the two trolls, gently placing a hand on Jim's shoulder. "Although young, he has truly earned his moniker. I am already assured of the youngling's victory." The elder said in an attempt to reassure the frantic mentor.

"But you agreed that it was an unfair match!" Blinky explained, not once letting of of the teen as he tempted to hold Jim protectively.

"Yes, it truly is an unfair match... for Draal that is..." Vendel said with a quirked eyebrow and an amused hum, leaving Blinky and AARRRGGHH to stare at him like hehad had grown a second head.

Jim let out a small chuckle, knowing fully well how true Vendel's statement was. As it stood Jim is the only one who could go against Bular one on one match and still win, even without daylight. Draal was nothing in comparison to the Gumm-gumm Prince.

"With all due respect, Vendel. Hunter is but a child!" Blinky exclaimed, hands running along his head and horns in an attempt to keep himself from an outburst due to his worried state.

"Blinkous, I understand your worry. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried for the boy, but there is another reason he is here in heartstone trollmarket instead of with his tribe up in the northern lands." Vendel started again, looking to Jim for a confirmation to tell the story he had come up with for the boy.

Squaring his posture, Jim gave Vendel one stern nod before facing the rest of the group, allowing the elder to talk for him. "I had offered him and his team a place in trollmarket as refuge, and in exchange, he and a few others are to teach the trollhunter and his friends how to fight and defend themselves, as well as offer any help they can to aid us."

A few moments of silence washed over them, Blinky's eyes growing wide as saucers as he stared between both Vendel and Jim, his heart aching at the thought of him being replaced for a far better teacher.

"We can teach the trollhunter and his friends how to fight and defend but we don't really have the knowledge or resources to teach him basic trollish necessities." Jim clarified upon seeing Blinky's pained face. As soon as he said that, Blinky once again looked between the two trolls in front of him.

"He's is going to need to learn troll history, troll culture and even how to clarify any and all troll related disputes, and I see no better mentor than you, Blinkous." Vendel said, pointing the tip of his spear at Blinky, a soft smile on his old face.

Jim's entire posture stiffened as he watched his mentor's face morph from confusion to concern. "And you're sure about this? To allow the child to teach the trollhunter?" Blinky finally asked, looking towards the blue teen with brows furrowed with worry.

"As it stands, Jägare here is the only one who can match Bular in a fight unarmed." The statement made Blinky watch Vendel with a dumbfounded expression.

"I do remember him jumping in to save us from Bular last night!" Toby chimed in with a grin, getting closer to get a better look at Jim. "Different clothes but still the same hair and horns! But really? Jägare? That's your name?"

Jim gave Toby a weak smile "you can just call me hunter." The two boys falling into an easy conversation with eachother. At their exchange, Blinky's shoulders loosened as he let out a quiet sigh.

"If that is what you think is for the best, Vendel." The four armed troll agreed, although a bit doubtful.

"You'll be convinced by the end of the night, Blinkous. Besides, having someone closer to the age of the trollhunter helping you teach the boy would make him more likely to listen to the lessons." Vendel said with a smile before turning to look at Jim. "Best you start to prepare, Hunter. The duel starts soon, I will go back to the healing dwell to look after Nomura." He said before turning to head out of the forge, leaving the group of four to their own devices.


A/N: For clarification, this chapter happens before Claire goes to the bookstore with Douxie and the girls.

It's finally 2022! Happy new year everyone! I hope you've had a wonderful day so far!
