โ™ช ๐Ÿฃ ๐–ญ๐–พ๐— ๐–ฌ๐–พ๐—Œ๐—Œ๐–บ๐—€๐–พ! โ™ช

TW // Mentions of blood and gunshots

Baby โค๏ธ
hwa where are you?
i brought you some food
i'm on the way
baby please answer me

I'm not hungry.

Baby โค๏ธ
hwa you haven't eaten anything since
... you know

I said I'm not hungry.
Please leave me alone.

Baby โค๏ธ
and that's what i'm not gonna do
hwa i know what happened is horrible but please
you still need to take care of yourself

I don't care.
Leave me alone.
I don't need help.

Baby โค๏ธ
sounds like complete and utter bullshit
hwa please eat something
at least let me help you take care of yourself

How can I take care of myself when Mingi is in the fucking hospital bleeding out of a fucking bullet wound?
It's all my fault.

Baby โค๏ธ
no it's not.
hwa listen to me
nobody could've ever guessed something like that would happen
nobody knew a psychopath would actually try to kill min

But I should've known.

Baby โค๏ธ
it's impossible to predict the future
how could've you known?

I'm his fucking manager, Hongjoong.
I'm the one who's supposed to protect him the most.
I should've been the one to take the bullet wound.

Baby โค๏ธ
hwa please don't say that

Why? It's true.

Baby โค๏ธ
no it's not
and i'm gonna need you to fucking listen to me because i've had enough
i'm not gonna fight you. i know you're not in the right mindset right now
but this mentality needs to stop.
nobody deserves the bullet wound
it shouldn't even have happened
but that's life for you. it's unpredictable
the you from yesterday doesn't know today's events, and the you from today doesn't know tomorrow's events

You think I don't know that?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so rude.

Baby โค๏ธ
it's fine baby
i still love u

I love you too.
But Hongjoong... I still feel so guilty.
I'm his manager. I'm supposed to protect him the most.
I'm the one who told him to go to the studio while I took care of some stuff.
I'm the one who was closest but couldn't even move when I heard the gunshot.
Do you know how miserable I was when I saw him?

Baby โค๏ธ
hwa you don't have to continue

I want to continue.

Baby โค๏ธ
the conversation's all yours

Hongjoong, I saw Mingi.
I saw him after the attack went down.
He was crying and screaming on the floor, grabbing his leg that had a hole in it.
It's the most traumatic thing I have ever seen.
Seeing your artist and one of your closest friends lying on the ground, trying to calm themselves from a fucking gunshot?
I never wish it upon anyone.

Baby โค๏ธ
he's safe now
he's in the hospital and he's being treated by the best doctors
he'll be fine hwa
he's a fighter. he won't give up easily

I know that.
But you didn't see him sobbing on the floor, looking at his leg as if it were the most shocking thing he'd ever seen.
His hands were stained red from all the blood that poured out of it.
And his eyes... his eyes were the most terrifying.

Baby โค๏ธ
baby stop

When he saw me, he started crying so much more.
He tried to drag himself to me. Of course I didn't let him and I went to him instead.
But I can still feel his blood staining my shirt and arms.
I hugged him while he cried and screamed from the pain.
And I waited until the paramedics arrived to take him away.
I got in the ambulance with them and I held his hand while the paramedics did their work.

Baby โค๏ธ
i didn't know all of this happened

He never removed his hand from mine.
He was gripping it so tightly... no wonder he did it to handle the pain.
And when he entered the hospital for surgery, he looked so terrified.

Baby โค๏ธ

I can't take the image out of my mind.
It's fresh, and I want it gone.

Baby โค๏ธ
you want it gone?

I don't think I can live with myself if I keep remembering.

Baby โค๏ธ
then remember all the good things that have happened with him
remember your meetings, your interactions, his expressions, everything that is positive
remember when mingi pulled a prank on you and you chased him all around the company building?

Yes I do.
It's the most I've ever run in my life.
That motherfucker is speedy.

Baby โค๏ธ
and remember when you were working late and mingi brought you some food, a change of clothes, and a blanket just in case you slept over at the office?

That was him?

Baby โค๏ธ
it was
and he's done it countless of times without you knowing
he didn't want his head cut off

... I didn't know it was him.
All this time I thought it was either you or San.
But mostly you.

Baby โค๏ธ
there's also this other time when you were sick and couldn't work for a week

I was worried sick for him during that week.
He never told me what happened, just said he had taken care of it.
But I don't trust him.

Baby โค๏ธ
you should

What happened?

Baby โค๏ธ
mingi managed himself that entire week
went to shoots, interviews, schedules, all by himself
his excuse for it was "i don't trust anyone else to be my manager, only seonghwa hyung"

I didn't know Mingi was capable.

Baby โค๏ธ
oh shut it
i know you're smiling like a baby right now

I don't know what you're talking about.

Baby โค๏ธ
i'm literally your boyfriend
i know you more than you realize

That's terrifying.

Baby โค๏ธ
oh no
the youngsters humor is rubbing off on you

I should thank them.
I still don't know what "karen" means, though.
Isn't it a name?

Baby โค๏ธ
that's a story for another time
so are you feeling better?

I am.
Thank you, Hongie.
I don't know what I'd do without you.

Baby โค๏ธ
probably die

Look who's talking.

Baby โค๏ธ
okok fine
i love you too i guess ๐Ÿ™„
do you have anything else on your mind?
speak now or shush forever

There is one thing...

Baby โค๏ธ
it's yunho isn't it

It's another thing that hit me.
Tomorrow was the day the two would meet, but this happened.
Fate is playing a dirty game with those two.

Baby โค๏ธ
but honestly? their game is getting tiring
they could've met each other before
they're neighbors
but the two are cowards

I cannot deny that statement.

Baby โค๏ธ
yunho hasn't answered to any of mingi's messages
and mingi didn't wanna visit yunho at his apartment and ask him "hey are you yun"
the news must've shocked yunho tho

... Yeah
According to Mingi, Yunho is a Mingki.
He must be beating himself up right now.

Baby โค๏ธ

Baby no.
Who knows?
As sick as it sounds, maybe Yunho finally opened his eyes and realized he doesn't want to let Mingi go.

Baby โค๏ธ
it does sound sick and as much as i'd like to deny it, it's the truth

I hope those two get their shit together and stop being so terrified of meeting.
They'd be cute together.

Baby โค๏ธ
the internet will go wild
song mingi and jeong yunho, two very famous people, in a relationship

I can feel the world peace coming.

Baby โค๏ธ
yeah yeah
and can you open your door?
i brought tteokbokki and i'm currently balancing the huge bag on one hand and typing with the other

Have I told you I love you?

Baby โค๏ธ
many times to count
now open the damn door before i kick it open


i'm so sorry for not updating yesterday!! here's a seongjoong focused chapter to kind of make up for it but not really but tbh i hope y'all liked it

i've been thinking of writing other fics but i wanna know which ship y'all would like the most, so pls comment on the one you prefer!!

another yungi
another ship

i have story ideas for everything :)
