*part thirteen*

third person pov

the next day

"papa, did you and mama have a pillow fight or something last night?" mingi asked as he took a drank of his juice

"hm? no baby why do you ask?" hongjoong responded

"well, it sounded like you were jumping on the bed, and mama has bruises on his neck and stuff"

seonghwa choked on his coffee and started coughing. hongjoong started to pat his back

"did the fighting get that bad?" yunho questioned sadly

"no, no baby. we didn't have a pillow fight, and me and mama made up after you fell asleep. we would never hit each other okay?" hongjoong said "mama kept running into walls and stuff because he was soo tired last night. and we did... jump... on the bed for a bit last night yes" the younger adult said trying to hold back a laugh. seonghwa had his head in his hands hiding his own laughter

"why did you jump on the bed so late? is that what you do when you make up?" wooyoung asked scrunching his face

"well most parents do that after making up yes" seonghwa chuckled "but only parents can do that. okay?" the kids all nodded "good. now finish eating so papa can finish up some work" seonghwa said as he placed his hand on the back of hongjoongs head and started carding his fingers through his hair.

"actually, i asked for the day off today"


"yeah. i thought we could all swim in the pool or something today." hongjoong smiled, earning a huge smile from seonghwa.

the kids gasped excitedly. they haven't got to swim in their pool this summer, cleaners have been working on cleaning it along with some pipe problems. but now the pool is ready to swim in, has been for a little bit. but they always have their first swim with both their parents there.

"yeah! thwim! thwim!" jongho chanted

"okay jjong, we're gonna go swimming. but everyone needs to finish eating and get ready first okay?" seonghwa smiled

the kids all nodded and ate their food. it wasn't long before a 'done' after 'done' came flying out of the kids' mouths. hongjoong explained that they had to wait a few minutes before they can go in the pool. so the kids went to watch tv until they could swim, leaving the two parents at the table

"thank you" seonghwa whispered as he kissed hongjoongs jaw "you should've told me that all i had to do to get you out of the studio was have sex with you. we would've had so many fun nights" he joked

"yah! that not the only reason" hongjoong laughed

"only" seonghwa joked again

"shut up! i'm serious. what you said last night made me realize how stupid i was being." hongjoong said softly as he rested his hand on seonghwa's thigh, softly rubbing it.

"mmm. but you do have to admit the sex was great" seonghwa chuckled

"i would never deny that having sex with you is fucking amazing" the younger whispered before tapping seonghwa's thigh. the older just laughed before standing up.

"well. since you had such an amazing realization, and night. you can do the dishes" seonghwa said, hongjoong nodded before laughing to himself when he noticed something.

"surprised you aren't limping" he laughed

"my ass hurts like a bitch, but i've always been good at hiding it" seonghwa breathed out before winking

"mmm, why don't you stay on the deck today mama. or the hot tub, you deserve some relaxation" hongjoong said as he stood beside his husband and began messaging his sides

"are you saying this because my ass hurts..?" the older laughed

"not just that, babe" the younger laughed "you've worked hard taking care of the kids for a full week." he said before pecking the others lips

"thank you, but we have six children and half of them can't swim. i'll stay with that half. you take the half that can and play games with em on the deeper end" seonghwa smiled

"and maybe tonight we can go in the hot tub" hongjoong smiled

"you cannot be that horny-" seonghwa said shocked "you disappear for a week and suddenly you're ready to fuck like a dolphin" seonghwa muttered as he scraped extra food off of plates and setting them on the counter

"not in a sexual way! just a relaxation way. i promise" the younger laughed as he started the water

"sounds nice, i'd love to. now do the damn dishes" seonghwa kissed the shorter males cheek and practically skipped into the living room with the kids. leaving a pouty hongjoong to do the dishes.

after a while, hongjoong finished up the dishes. the kids immediately ran up the stairs to put their swim trunks on.

"okay jjongie, you want sharks, rainbows, or apples" seonghwa asked as he lifted up the different shorts

"appwe!" the youngest squealed

"okay. let's put your swim diaper on..." the dad sighed out, knowing jongho doesnt like wearing pull-up or any sort of diaper.

"okay youngie pick your shorts out baby" hongjoong said as he placed three swim trunks out. each kid has at least three to five pairs because they go swimming often.

"i like the duckies"

"you wanna wear the duckies?"

"no papa, i just like them" wooyoung looked at his father like he had three heads.

"okay young," hongjoong sighed "choose the ones you want"

"why can't i swim with no pants?" wooyoung questioned

"wooyoung, you can't swim naked"

"but why?"

"because you need to wear a swim diaper still baby" hongjoong said as calmly as possible.

"but... why?"

"kim-park wooyoung, listen to papa and pick out shorts" seonghwa called out from the other side of the room.

"but... i want black ones" wooyoung pouted.

"okay, let's go see if yeosang or san has some black ones" hongjoong got up go to the older boys' rooms

"sannie. you have black swim trunks?"

"uhuh, hear papa" san handed hongjoong an older pair of black trunks he had.

"thanks baby. you two need help getting ready?" hongjoong asked mingi and san

"only with the sunscreen" san said

"yuck!" mingi doesn't like sunscreen. complains all the time that 'it's sticky' and it makes him feel 'like snails slept all over his body'

"mingi! you have to protect your skin!" san said in a bossy tone. but a kid like bossy tone

"he have the spray on sunscreen min, you'll be fine. finish getting ready and grab a towel" hongjoong smiled before leaving the room. and as soon as he turned around in the hall...

"WOOOO" a shouting, naked, wooyoung was running around

"yah!" hongjoong stopped the small boy in his tracks "why are you running around naked"

the boy caught his breath "... mama... mama said i could. until you... got back" the boy breathed. hongjoong laughed at his son for a second

"well guess what, little man"

"you're back" wooyoung pouted

"i'm back. cmon"

the kids were soon ready to swim. wooyoung wearing black shorts, jongho in his apple one, mingi wearing crowns, san in purple ones, yeosang with little chickens on them and rainbow ones for yunho. yunho, san, and yeosang all passed a ball with hongjoong in the deeper end while seonghwa and the other three boys stayed on the shallow end.

"i don't wanna swim" wooyoung pouted

"why not baby?" seonghwa asked as he lifted the boy onto his hip, letting the younger rest his head on his shoulder.


"well maybe someone shouldn't have ran around naked all morning huh?" seonghwa laughed "go sit on the couch over there, you can take a nap as long as you stay under the umbrella. i don't want you getting burnt"

the young boy nodded and walked onto the deck and plopped onto the outside couch. seonghwa reminded himself to reapply sunscreen on wooyoung every now and then and continued to play with the other two boys.

it's an eventful day and the kim-park household
