*Part fifty-four*

third person pov


"merry christmas" hongjoong grumbled, as he woke up

"how'd you know i was awake"

"babe, we've been married nearly fifteen years, i know you" the younger chuckled

"the kids are gonna jump on us any minute now" seonghwa whispered, with his eyes still closed still

"mama! papa! get! up!" jongho yelled as he ran into the bedroom

"you jinxed it" hongjoong groaned as jongho landed on top of the married couple.

"jjong, get off" mingi said pulling jongho off of their parent

"thanks min, okay. come on. everyone else already down there?" seonghwa asked, the two kids nod eagerly before running down. the parents smile at each other and walk down

"we already made coffee for you guys" yunho said as him and yeosang handed the parents their coffees, which became a new tradition since last year

"thank you guys, go sit down" hongjoong smiled as he pat yeosangs head, taking the mug from his hands.

the younger kids, so jongho, wooyoung, mingi, and san sat on the floor, while yunho and yeosang sat on the loveseat. oldest to youngest, that's how it goes, so yunho got to open the first secret santa present.

"you're welcome" mingi coughed, revealing that he was yunhos secret santa

"thanks min" yunho said, taking the brand new phone case out of the package and putting it on his phone.

"my t-turn" yeosang shipped, grabbing the box from wooyoung. he got a new pair of shoes

"thank me later sang" wooyoung flipped this not existent lengthy hair

the secret santa continued, wooyoungs was yunho, mingis was jongho, jonghos was san and sans was yeosangs. now time for 'santa's gifts' the only ones that still believe in santa are wooyoung and jongho, but recently wooyoung seems to be losing his hopes on it.

the kids gifts from santa are always small, blankets, stuffed animals, shoes. just small stuff that they'll use but it won't be their big gift.

now time for stockings, so candy, socks, phone cases. wooyoung got makeup, mingi got the socks that he's been wanting. yunho got polaroid film, yeosang got a pack of stickers for his journal, jongho got a notebook, so he can write lyrics in the future, san got a pack of underwear, yes he asked for that.

smaller presents, easy stuff, video games, gift cards, clothes, stuff like that. mingi was just excited to get a new graphic t-shirt

big presents, this is the one that everyone loves. for obvious reasons.

yunho got airpod pros, and a case for it. yeosang got a new skateboard and some paint for him and the others to paint it. san got the expensive ass shoes he's been wanting for a year. mingi got a new versace bag, this kid is a fucking fashionista. wooyoung got new makeup brushes and one of those expensive makeup pallets. jongho got a microphone, and his dad told him he bought out a vocal studio just for him in his company building.

it was a score for everyone this year, even if it seems like some of the boys got it better than others, these are the gift that they've been asking for since last christmas. so mind your business.

breakfast is the same every christmas, cinnamon rolls. so while the kids played with their new stuff, hongjoong threw in some cinnamon rolls into he oven. after they eat, they usually sit around watching movies until the hwangs come over, and then after that they all go to the bangs.

"hey guys" seonghwa smiled when the hwang family walked in, why would they knock?

"hi, merry christmas. you guys can't open these until we get to the bangs" one of the hwang moms sing-songed. hearing the boys groan was funny to the adults.

"we're going to my room to open our gifts" yunho said, grabbing his gift for yeji from the tree

"door open" all four parents warned

"we know" the couple said while walking upstairs.

"so we don't get to open any presents until we get to the bangs but they get to?" jongho whined

"when you're dating someone it's different" mingi noted, seonghwa nodded when jongho looked up at him

"renjun will b-be here s-soon" yeosang said

"okay sweetie, tell him he doesn't have to knock" hongjoong nodded

"he s-said he knows" yeosang giggled


"open mine first" yunho said, walking and leaving the door cracked

"fine" the girl huffed, placed her box for yunho on the bed and taking the other box from yunhos hands

"don't shake it, theres a few different gifts" yunho said


"don't act like yours isn't the same, open it"

the girl sighed and opened the sparkly box, seeing maybe seven smaller boxes wrapped.

"open this one last" yunho said, taking the smallest box from her

"you're demanding today. you know that" the girl pouted as she took out a different box

"you'll thank me in a minute, open it" yunho smiled and tilted his head a little.

"ooh, this cute!" yeji smiled at the new phone case, with her and yunhos initials printed on it in black print with sparkled filling up the background, it was clear of course, yeji preferred clear cases. "thank you"

"you're welcome" yunho mimicked her voice, giggling

yeji smiled as she put the case to the side and opened a different box, it was some fuzzy socks that she's been wanting for the last month and a half.

now the next box, it held a matching airpod case that went with her phone.

"babe, how'd you know i was getting new airpods" she laughed

"i asked you moms what you were getting for christmas" yunho shrugged

"simp" the girl muttered

"what'd you say?" yunho teased "i'm the simp?"

"shhh, i'm opening presents" yeji put a finger to yunhos lips, yunho licked it "you're so gross!"

"presents babe" yunho pointed

yeji playfully rolled her eyes and opened the next gift, it was a ring set, holding four rings. they were pretty, and it added to yeji's growing collection. next was some makeup, which yunho asked wooyoung help with, wooyoung will later brag about how he was the one that picked it.

the last box, aside from the box that yunho was holding, held a new cup, it was matte black and glossy black striped.

"a cup?"

"for when you stay over, you have a cup for here so you don't have to use that old white one" yunho said

"awe, thank you" yeji smiled and reached over to kiss the boy, but he pulled back "what the hell" she pouted

"save your kisses for this one" yunho said, handing her the long, thin box. the younger gave him a look before hesitantly taking the box. she opened it, revealing a necklace, a 'y' charm decorated in small diamonds


"both our names start with y, so i guess it fits even better. but me and papa spent all day looking for the right thing. but we couldn't find anything, so this is customized. i'm surprised it got here in time" yunho breathed out, like he was holding it all all day, which he kinda was


"please say something other than my name, you making me nervous" he let out an anxious chuckled and looked into the girls eyes as she looked up at him

"it's beautiful, perfect. thank you so much" the girl carefully got up and sat on his lap, koala-hugging him and kissing his lips. he held on to her for dear life, really just never wanting to let go. "you. are so perfect" she smiled, pulling back from the kiss

"says you" yunho sighed, lifting the girls shirt, only slightly to touch her skin "you're so beautiful" he whispered before leaning in for another kiss

"you're gift" the girl mumbled against his lips

"okay, let me put the necklace on you real quick" the girl nodded and turned around in his lap, and carefully handing him the necklace. the pulled her hair out of the way as yunho put the necklace around her neck "right here okay?" he muttered, the girl nodded

once the necklace was on, yeji turned back around and kiss her boyfriend one last time before moving back to her spot. "here" she said, placing the box on his lap

"open this last" she said taking a box.. from the box

"oh and i'm demanding?"

"shut up" yeji said

yunho rolled his eyes and opened the first box, a new bracelet, yeji makes these colorful bracelets out of string, yunhos been wanting a new one. he thanked her and put it on immediately.

next box held a new case for his nintendo switch, he wanted just a clear one so he could decorate it. again, a thank you.

next box. a pair of sock that match the ones she's currently wearing

"baby, will these even fit my feet" yunho asked

"they should, try them on"

and so he did, they fit, now he can't ever reject her to wearing them.

next. box. a new bottle for when he has dance. same routine. a thank you and done.

last box, yeji handed it to him. he opened it slowly, just to mess with yeji

"quit that. open it" she practically begged, yunho chuckled and opened the box

a chained bracelet, covered in diamonds with 'y+y' labels on it. it was perfect.

"baby, thank you so much" yunho smiled brightly, handing the girl the chain then holding out his hand. the girl carefully clipped the bracelet onto his wrist and smiled. and of course, they kissed again

"merry christmas"

"merry christmas yun"


"yeo, renjun is here hun" hongjoong called out. yeosang hurried up his business in the bathroom, ran into the livingroom, grabbed the gift and renjuns hand then ran upstairs

"door open" the four parents yelled again

"i know" yeosang yelled back

"merry christmas" renjun smiled and held the boy by his waist once they put the gift on the bed

"m-merry christmas. n-now open my gifts" yeosang pecked the boys nose then handed him his gift. renjun chuckled and took the box.

it was a new sweatshirt that he had been asked for, but when he told it out there was a card. he opened it, seeing a ticket. a bts ticket

"no way" renjun looked

"p-papa has his c-connections. we have the best seats" yeosang smiled

"holy shit" renjun said before grabbing yeosang, placing him onto his lap and pulling him into a kiss. the older giggled into the kiss

"thank you so much" the boy mumbled against his lip

"you're very welcome" yeosang smiled as they started kissing again "your gift"

"oh right" renjun smiled and grabbed the small box "it's all i could get you, mom helped me pick it out"

yeosang smiled and opened the box, revealing two rings, promise rings

'i promise to cherish you and hold you until forever ends' the rings read

"junnie" yeosang smiled "i love it, thank you so much" the boy grabbed the top ring, which he knew was renjuns because he preferred gold, and put it on his boyfriends ring finger. renjun grabbed the silver one, and slipped it onto yeosangs rings finger. the clapped their hands together, lacing their fingers and looking at their rings

"thank you" yeosang whispered, letting go of the hand and nuzzling his nose into the younger neck, planting small kisses on it

"thank you" renjun repeated, placing his hands underneath yeosang shirt

"your hands are cold" the older mumbled against his neck

"sorry" he chuckled, but he didn't move his hands. which yeosang didn't mind.

he didn't mind at all


"why am i so lonely" mingi grumbled, wooyoung laughed at him

"what, you actually wanna be all gooshy with someone like that?" the younger asked

"well duh, don't you?"

"nah, i like the attention i receive from you guys, but i never thought about anyone really being my girlfriend or boyfriend and doing that stuff" wooyoung shrugged

"i think one day, you'll find someone who makes you happy like yeji and renjun make yunho and yeosang happy. then you'll understand. and if you don't that fine, but you're still only eleven" mingi asked

"you're only a year older than me, why are you acting like your as old as dust" wooyoung remarked

"because i actually believe in love"

"i never said i don't believe in love. how can i be the child of our parents and not believe in love, i'm just saying i don't think anyone would wanna be like that with me" the younger shrugged, wooyoung was surrounded by kids in his class who are obsessed with the idea of dating, and due to his cuteness, wooyoung was pretty popular amongst the girls and boys in his class. so mingi is all sorts of confused

"i'm not gonna push it, you just take your time with it" mingi said

"you're weird"

[to be continued]

[i wrote this when i was supposed to be finishing up some homework. oops]
