*Part ninety-two*

third person pov


"renjun-ah!" the two friends on the swing turned their head seeing johnny and mark walking toward them "who are you with!" johnny yelled.

"oh hell no" yunho laughed and got off the swing "nice seein ya, text me when you land. bye bye" he laughed and wave at renjun who was also laughing.

just as yunho was walking away, he was stopped by someone pushing on his chest. "what're you doing here" johnny asked

"renjun. go back to the house" mark said


"now!" johnny yelled. renjun gave yunho a sorry look, but the older shook his head. he understood that he was scared of his own cousins. and he couldn't blame him. "answer my question"

"i live by here, i was just talking to renjun is all" as if the god that he doesn't believe in was on his side today, hyunjin walked over just in time

"what's happening?" hyunjin asked nervously.

"none of your business dude, go away" mark said

"it is my business, that's my best friend" hyunjin shot mark a look

"what were you doing with renjun" johnny asked, ignoring hyunjin's presence.

"talking, he wanted to talk" yunho repeated

"you know, you hurt him a lot" johnny said

"he hurt my brother. even match" yunho scoffed, regretting that decision when a fist flew to his cheek.

and now, mark was getting beat up by hyunjin, and while yunho and johnny were going back and forth, johnny really knew how to hit.

mark threw a few good punches in, but he was on the ground within minutes. he never was one for physical fighting. hyunjin was so focused on mark that he couldn't even see yunho coughing up blood as johnny punched his stomach.

sunny days like this usually means that yeji walks over to the house, with junho. which means they pass the park. maybe yunho should become religious because god is really doing him a favor right now.

"hey!" junho yelled and ran over, yeji wasn't too far behind. "what the fuck, man back off" junho tried pushing johnny away. even with junho beating yunho in height, he still doesn't quite beat johnny in that area.

so now johnny was throwing punches at junho. mark had ran off when they all got distracted, so hyunjin was now helping. yeji tried helping yunho, but he shook his head and went back to fighting. yeji did the only thing she knew what to do and ran to the kim-park house

"y-yunho. the- the boys. the park, and-and- fighting" she was frantic and out of breath when she ran into the the house. mingi, yeosang and san immediately ran out of the house to the park despite seonghwa and hongjoongs yelling. hongjoong told yeji to stay with kyungmi, wooyoung and jongho.

arriving to the park the parents see san trying to push johnny away, while mingi tries going after him, yeosang keeping mingi away. hyunjin also keeping mingi away. and junho on the ground next to a blooding yunho.

"enough. get him to the house" seonghwa pointed at yunho and ran to where johnny and san were "what the fuck are you doing kid"

"move bitch" johnny tried getting past seonghwa.

"you think you're hot shit beating up middle schoolers in the middle of the park? you want me calling the police on you?" seonghwa kept his hand on johnny's shoulder.

"i don't care, these guys deserve it"

"johnny, i've known you since you were young. quit the bullshit"

hyunjin was on the phone with police, as instructed by hongjoong. yunho insisted that he was fine, just bruised and that he didn't need medical help. hongjoong gathered all the kids back to the house while seonghwa dealt with johnny.

kyungmi was crying, and cried even more when she saw the three bloody teenagers and the other three pissed off teenagers. well, they were all pissed off. but half of them weren't bloody.

yeji lifted kyungmi, and even though she was worried herself she got jongho and kyungmi to yunho's room. wooyoung refused and she knew she wouldn't be able to get any of the others up there.

sirens were heard minutes later. and a few minutes after that seonghwa walked into the house with an officer behind him. the officer inspected junho, hyunjin, and yunho's injuries and asked them questions as they got cleaned up.

"why'd he punch you" the officer asked yunho

"i don't know, cause he's crazy?" yunho was done with the questions. his stomach was bruised and he's lucky he isn't puking right now, the last thing he need is this dumbass officer asking him dumbass questions.

"and you've known johnny since you were young?"

"and mark" hyunjin nodded, hissing when seonghwa dabbed a cotton pad on his cut lip. seonghwa kissed his forehead and apologized. junho wasn't as beat and insisted that the parents focus on the other two. but mingi and yeosang helped him get cleaned up. yeosang was good at helping bruising and cuts. mingi was good at disinfecting and cleaning blood. san found blood triggering and excused himself, dragging wooyoung up to yunho's room with yeji.

"and you, just joined for fun or something?" the officer pointed at junho. yeosang rolled his eyes as he cleaned junho's lips.

"no sir, i tried stopping the fight and he punched me. it was self defense" junho said. though he might punch this cop for fun.

"i've got what i need. the station might call you later for some further investigation"

seonghwa nodded, wanting the guy to leave his home as soon as possible. the dad was sure to slam the door once he left. "asshole" he said before going back to help hyunjin

"i think i'm gonna puke" yunho said

"yep, bathroom. go" hongjoong rushed his son to the closest bathroom, thankfully making it to the toilet before he threw up.

"any blood?" seonghwa asked from the kitchen.

"no, just his lunch" hongjoong said, disgusted. puke was more of a seonghwa job.

the teenagers laughed a little as seonghwa rolled his eyes.


the boys were all clean. hyunjin, yunho, kyungmi, and yeji were all in the downstairs game room. kyungmi still crying into her brothers chest, she didn't like seeing anyone hurt, especially not hyunjin and yunho.

"we're okay, bug" hyunjin rubbed the girls back

junho and yeosang were in the youngers room. "don't mess with it, you'll start bleeding again" yeosang swatted the tallers hand away from his own lip.

"it feels... stupid"

yeosang laughed. "stupid?"

"only word that came to mind"

seonghwa and hongjoong didn't even know what to do. they were mad, and upset, most of all relieved that all the kids are okay, of course.

mingi went on a run with san, they've been talking a lot lately about so much.

jongho and wooyoung sat in the latter's room. "what the hell just happened?" wooyoung asked

"you're asking the wrong person"


"come in" mingi said when a knock sounded against his door. it opened to reveal jongho. "what's up?"

"nothing, just thought that we don't really talk much anymore" jongho shrugged.

mingl frowned. it's true. mingi hasn't really talked to anyone, nothings really been going on in his life. "well, come sit"

jongho smiled and sat next to his taller brother. "so, me and jangmi are kinda talking"

"knew it" mingi laughed

"shut up!"

"your first relationship. i always knew there was something going on between you guys." mingi nodded

"it's nothing yet. we're waiting for le to fly back. we wanna focus on him but.."

"but you can't focus on him when she's always around" mingi finished his sentence

"yeah. and i feel bad"

"don't. it's normal. just try your best to hide it yeah?"

jongho nodded and the two started talking about video games and movies


"so i'm not grounded?" yunho clarified

the next day, the two dads gathered yunho into the living room. they thought about it all night and decided not to punish yunho.

"no, listen we rather have you defend yourself rather than getting beat to a pulp" seonghwa said

"if it was a situation you could've got out of, you would be in trouble. but it seems like johnny and mark had a plan as soon as they saw you" hongjoong added.

yunho nodded, understanding "can i go lay back down"

the parents chuckled and helped him back upstairs. yunho walked into his room, seeing his girlfriend, now awake. she was sleeping when hongjoong and seonghwa asked him to go downstairs.

yeji looked up from her phone and smiled before getting off the bed to help yunho. "i can lay down by myself, love" he laughed

"shush, you enjoy getting babied"

yunho sat down and yeji carefully crawled over his legs to get to her side of the bed, yes she has a side. yunho needed to put more medicine over his bruises so yeji helped take his shit off.

his stomach had deep purple bruises, along with his shoulder and hip because he was literally thrown on the ground. yeji sighed and kissed his cheek gently before getting the 'cream stuff' as yunho calls it. she continued to kiss his cheek, his neck, his chest. anything to help him relax.

the bruises were horrible, and because he landed on the ground he had come scratches and cute. he was in a lot of pain, and the cream made the scratches sting. having to touch the bruises to apply it, it was awful.

yunho hissed when his girlfriend applied the cream to his bruises on his stomach. she girl muttered 'i'm sorry' over and over while kissing his skin.

and when yeji added the medicine to his shoulder, where majority of the scrapes and cuts were, it feel like hell. she would blow on the injury to help but it's only temporary until the skin gets used to the medicine.

"you did good" yeji whispered and kissed his neck, yunho liked neck kisses.

"i'm sorry you had to see all that, and i'm sorry i got junho into-"

"it's not your fault, i already told you that. so stop. junho is always willing to help. and i'm not mad at you for standing up for yourself" yeji spoke softly still kissing his skin, from his chest to his cheek.

"i love you, princess"

"i love you too, prince"


yeosang and junho were cuddled up on the younger's bed, who was sleeping. junho softly ran his hands through yeosangs hair, admiring his features. his pretty birthmark, his natural pout, he was so pretty, so perfect. the older never understood why so many people dislike yeosang, or why anyone would want to hurt him.

just as junho was about to fall asleep himself, there was a soft knock at the door. he told the person to come, hoping he wasn't too loud to wake yeosang up. kyungmi walked in with her purple bear and a pout plastered on her face.

"hey mimi, what's wrong? it's your nap time" junho spoke softly.

kyungmi wasn't all that close with junho, which he understood. she was so used to renjun and for someone new to step in and can feel a little upsetting. and it definitely wasn't that kyungmi didn't like junho, she did. she just misses renjun.

"i had a bad dream. ma and pa are busy and yuyu is sleeping" she pouted, she was quiet but her voice still woke her brother.

yeosang lifted his head, rubbing his eye before opening them to see his sister "hi big, you alright" he spoke in his raspy morning voice

"monsters" she pouted. junho sat up just enough and lifting his arms out for the girl to walk into them. he lifted his to up and laid her in between himself and yeosang.

"no ones gonna get you, sweet girl" yeosang whispered and kissed her head.

"you're okay" junho said and kissed her head too

"go back to sleep" yeosang rubbed her tummy, knowing how much she liked that. and in no time she was back to sleep. yeosang laid beside her and fell asleep, and junho fell asleep not long after.

they were woken up a few hours later by seonghwa "hey guys, dinner's ready. come on" the dad said as he lifted kyungmi up. the girl snuggled as close to her dad as possible. "did you sleep good?" he laughed while walking into the hallway

"mhm" the girl mumbled

"i cant tell your hair is everywhere" seonghwa kissed her forehead before she laid her head down on his shoulder.

junho and yeosang followed behind as they all made it to the dining room. "where's yunho?" yeosang asked

"yeji's" mingi, san, wooyoung, and jongho all said at the same time


they all sat down and started eating. conversations flying from every corner of the table. mingi talking about dyeing his hair again made kyungmi remember something

"daddy. mommy" the girl batted her eyelashes. she only calls her parents mommy and daddy when she wants something, it's very cute.

"uh-oh bug is doing the thing again" san teased

"what do you need kyungmi" hongjoong smiled as the girl took a deep breath

"i wanna dye my hair"

"uh-uh i wasn't allowed to fully dye my hair until i was eight" san protested

"shut up, and stop stealing my food." mingi laughed and slapped the back of san's head

"baby, what's the sudden urge to dye your hair" seonghwa asked

"bubbies do it. and yuna just got her hair dyed" kyungmi pouted. yuna dyed her hair blonde recently.

"what if we do some highlights for your birthday" hongjoong suggested

"what's that"

"like, just some pieces of your hair, pretty much" wooyoung said. "like junho"

junho had black hair with blue highlights. yeosang did it for him spontaneously one night.

"okay... but can it be purple" kyungmi asked

"whatever color you want" seonghwa laughed


kyungmi and san were painting their nails in the living room. the girl applied purple nail polish on san, since it was his favorite color too.

"you know, you have a lot of hair for a little girl" san stated

"really?" kyungmi mumbled as she focused on his pinky nail

"mhm, it's really pretty. are you excited to get your hair dyed?"

kyungmi smiled and nodded

"you know, when i was younger i would only dye one piece of my hair. hold on" san got out his phone with his free hand and scrolled to find his 'pie chart hair' "see"

"woah, i wanna do that" kyungmi smiled brightly

"you have to ask mama and papa later"


[to be continued]

[not proof read]
