Chapter 6❤

Just because I choose to wake up and smile everyday doesn't mean i don't have problems in my life.


"But..I have a condition." he finished.

I raised an eyebrow.

"And..that is.." I asked him

"There is a family get together next weekend and I want you to come"


"Miss Azor. Do want to say something?" Our history teacher asked.

I glanced and saw the whole class looking at me.

Uh. huh.

I said that too loud. I mentally faceplamed.

"No sir." i said embrassed

The professor turned around and started teaching again.

"What do you mean?" I asked Aiden puzzled in a whispher.

"You heard me" He stated.

"Yes and are you crazy?"

"Don't you want Lee to be happy with Matt?"

I thought for a minute and finally replied"Okay."



"You keep the part of your bargain and I will keep mine." He said

"Screw you." I muttered under my breath. But the whole class choose to be silent at that very point of time and my 'screw you ' was heard by everyone.

Gosh. God I think you love me. Not!!

"Miss.Azor! detention." The professor shouted.

I groaned inwardly.

All because of the Arrogant Jerk.

The bell rang signalling the end of the period.

Of course! Couldn't it just have rung a few seconds ago??


I sighed and picked up my things and tapped Aiden on this shoulder.



"Now don't tell me. You have come here to say you got detention due to me."

"Of course not! I got detention because of you!!"

"What how?"

"Only if you wouldn't have dropped a bomb like that." I glared at him.

He scartched the back of his neck giving me a nervous smile.

I sighed

"So what have you thought about Matlee?"


"Matthew +Lee" I said with a beaming smile.

He rolled his eyes.


I walked further than him and made my way towards the library as I had a free period now.

From the corner of my eye I saw Aiden following me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked him

"Why would I be following you?" he asked me puzzled.

I glared at him and he just shrugged.

I walked a few steps and came close to the library door as i was about to push it open. I turned around

"Hah you are following me!!" I exclaimed

But I saw him laughing and aiming at the door beside the library room.
He opened that door and went inside the room beside the library.

I scrowled at him and made my way towards the library.

I laid my accomodates aka ascessories which consist of just a spare notebook.

What? Dont look at me like that I came directly from history class and had just a spare notebook.

I searched the library and my eyes fell upon the only book I needed.

'Pride and Prejudice.' The classic novel.

I kinda was so into.the book that when I glanced up at my watch I saw I was already running a bit late to my next period.

I had next class with Kylee. Good thing Mrs.Jenner doesnt mind students being a little late.

I made my way and sat beside Kylee.

"Hey" I said sheepishly

"What did you do?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"What? How did you know?"

"I am your bestie." she said and smirked.

"Thanks for the information. I didn't knew." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Ihavegotadetention." I said in one breath


I nodded my head

"I have got a detention." I said slowly this time.

"You mean you got detention within a week of your arrival. Why?"

"Looks like you can't say 'Screw you' in  your class." 

"What? You said screw you to your teacher?" She asked wide eyed.

"What? No!! Why would I do that?"

I sighed and explain the whole story behind my detention story.

She brust out laughing. Literally.

I sighed , shaking my head and concentrated on the lesson ahead.

The bell rang after 5 minutes and I didn't know how much time I passed in the period chatting with Kylee.

We made our way out and Kylee said she would pick me up at after detention.

I nodded and made my way to the door of detention room as Kylee left me near it.

I pushed opened the door and my eyes meet hazal green ones.

His lips curl up into a smirk.

I gulped

This detention is going to be longer than i thought.


Hey guys!!!
So this is just a short chapter and interaction between Taiden..

Hope you enjoyed it

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Untill next time Wattpadians😉

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