Chapter 3❤

"If you love someone truely , have the courage to get heartbroken. Your love comes up stronger than it started."

"I will see you both around" I turned my head towards Matt who excused himself and went towards the pool.

"I forgot to tell you something." My bestie said

" That Aiden is going to be here??" I crossed my arms and stared at her.

"That too..." she sighed.

"That too??!! What did you exactly forgot to tell me now?" I said annoyed.

"Well.. You see.."


"Matt and Aiden are best friends" she smiled sheepishly . My eyes widen.

How can Matt , the sweet, polite gentleman whom my bestie is crushing on can have the arrogant jerk as his best friend. I mean they are polar opposites!!!!

Though I have heard opposites attracts but this!!!

"I knew if I told you , you were never gonna agree with me to come here."

I second that. But still I am not gonna admit.

"So you lied to me?" I said angrily . I don't like a person who lies to me and she knows that.

"I didn't lie to you."she said quickly.
"I just hid the truth." she finished.

I gave her a ' are tou kidding me look' and she gave me an apologetic look.

"Hey !!" It was parker.

"Never knew you were the partying type"

"Kylee dragged me here." I said to him and pointed to kylee.
She gave a sheepish smile.

"Drinks?"  He asked us

Kylee nodded before saying
"She doesnt drink."

"A glass of water is fine." I said

"Okay " He said and vanished in the crowd.

After a few seconds Matt came and asked Lee for a dance which she happily agreed.

Of course! Everyone has to ditch me after dragging me to a party!!

I looked around and saw everyone dancing.

With a sigh I turned around and collided with someone.

"Oops . I am sorry my bad." I said

"Sorry I didn't see where I was going" The guy I collided with said

"Its okay." I said and moved forwards but he was not allowing me to go.

"You are beautiful." He said

"Er..thanks I have to go." I said and turned around but that guy hold on to my wrist.

"How about a dance?" I could smell alcohol in his breath

Before waiting for my reply he dragged me to the dance floor.

"I am sorry but I dont like to dance."

"Whats in a dance?"

Okay I am not going anywhere with this drunk guy.

Just then an arm grabbed his collar and he was yanked away from me.

My eyes met hazel green ones.
"She said she doesnt wanna dance dont you get it?"He threatened.

The guy raised his hands in surrender and went away.

"I will go get some air." I said him

He shook his head.
"You are coming with me."

"Excuse me, What?"

"I guess you have ears which are functional or are they lacking same as your brain."

"I can hear you perfectly and I am not going with you." I huffed and crossed my arms on my chest and stayed firm on my spot.

"Oh princess as if you have any choice." saying this he dragged me with him.

What's with everyone dragging me today?

He lead me outside the house and sat on a motobike.

No not just any motorbike but The KTM Duke 125!!!

"You have 'The KTM Duke 125'!!" I shouted

"Looks like it I guess" he deadpanned

"No , wait it's Duke 125 powered by 124cc engine which generates a power of 14.5 ps . It has a single cylinder, 4 valve, liquid cooled, dohc engine and a 6 speed gear box..." I blabbered

"Yes Ms.Nerd . Now lets get out of here before I have to save you from any more drunk guys." he said

"Can you for a second be normal then your jerk self?" I asked annoyed " and I was doing fine."

"Would you be less of a rebel and listen to me?"

"Why would I listen to you?"

"I saved you. So why wouldn't you?"

"I thanked you for that already and since I met you , you are nothing but a jerk. Why would I listen to you?"

Right now we were in a heated staring contest.

"Because it's Duke 125 you are going to ride on.." He said and smrik.

Okay he got me there. I mean I wanted to ride this bike...

" So you will come or just stand in there?"

I hopped on the bike.
I quickly texted Kylee that I left the party.

After 15 mins

He stopped in his track. He removed his helmet and looked at me.

"Do you trust me?"

"I just met you today!!"

"Thanks for the honest answer." he replied sarcastically.

"You are most welcome." I said ignoring his sarcasm

I turned around it was complete darkness.


I don't think comming here with him was a good idea.

Why has he brought me here?

Oh my god . Is he going to kill me?

I searched my pockets and my fingers felt something in my pocket.

My phone!!

Good thing this frock has pockets..

"If I wanted to do something with you I could have already."

"Was that supposed to assure me?" I asked annoyed

Just then he came closer to me. My heart started beating faster.

"I have pepper spray with me." I replied meekly.

He chuckled. "Telling someone you have pepper spray before attacking them is actually a genius idea!!"

"Whatever" I told him and walked further.

My eyes grew wide and i squealed with excitement.

Before me was a racing freaking arena !!!!!!!

I meant freaking racing arena.

"Aren't both the same thing."
Keep quiet inner voice I was just fangirling!!!

Over racing , not the guy who brought me here.

"Stay here I will be back. Don't go anywhere else. There aren't any good boys here to save you."

"I know the badboy's don't have good guys' as friends." I struck my tongue out to him.
"Except far Matt whom my bestie is crushing--" I covered my mouth before proceding further.

He raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"You do quite blabble a lot when you are excited." He said resting his chin on his left hand looking thoughtful.

"Now stay here." He commanded "and they do make a cute couple" saying this he left.

I stood there beaming with excitment over the racing arena. I was a very big fan of racing. I studied the arena absorbing every detail.

"Hey Pretty girl ! Looks like your lost." A guy said "Let me show you around"

" thanks I am waiting for someone actually." I said

"Come on we can have a good time."

He came closer to me. I went backwards.

Where are all the heroes when you need them??

And well actually I dont have any pepper spray...

Just then an idea stuck me and I kicked him where the sun doesnt shine and ran.

I ran and ran when
"Hey where are you running?"I heard a familiar voice

I quickly ran towards him but the guy followed me and now , I was hiding behind Aiden who was fuming with anger seeing the guy running behind me a few seconds ago.

In simple terms :: Aiden looked ready to beat the shit out of the guy not even knowing anything about the situation for me?!

Was he going to do that just for me??

And thats how my dear friends you get your imagination wild high only to be crushed.....


Hey guys!!!

So how was it???

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Happy reading guys..

*hands a choco chip cookie*

This flavor is my fav !!!!
