Chapter 2❤

I wish things would have been the other way..
And you would have said sorry without drifting away....


5 years ago(contd. )

Staring at the principal on the very 1st day of your collage after you do something just remotely bad is what every teen expects. Isn't it??

And cherry on cake a jerk boy making the apperance of his arrogant self is not helping either.

"So Mr.Maxwell and Ms.Azor care to share the 'little' stunt of yours?" Mr.Orgeter said

"No" We both look at the direction of the voice to see Aiden with a bored look.

"Well you both seem to enjoy destorying your school very much."

"Sir...we are..." I started only to be cut off
"Ms.Azor , out of all people , I didn't expect you to be involved in this."

"Yes sir I didn't--" again I was cut off by the wave of his hand

"You are a bright student and my expectations from you are very high--"

"It was me who initiated the fight she didn't do anything."I heard Aiden say.
My eyes widen

Did he just...???
Wait ! he was the one who dropped curry in my dress and here i was thinking he is less of a jerk.

"Even if you initiated I shouldn't have provoked you. " I turned to Mr.Orgeter "Next time it won't happen Sir." I said

"Okay you both may go now. But next time if I find anything like this you both are going to detention."

We nodded and left the principal's office.

I quickly ran over to him before he could have vanished from my eyes.

"You didn't have to do that..I was doing fine on my own" I said him

"You are welcome" he said and left while I stood there panting.

"Such a jerk." I muttered to myself

I turned around and made my way towards my next class Kylee had few spare clothes in her car so I took one from her.

I was about to step into the room when a tall figure towered over me. I turned slightly right and took my foot forward advancing towards the classroom. Still that pair of shoes blocked my path.

I looked up and at the same time so did the other person and when we made eye contact we started laughing.

It was Parker.

"Hey!" I said

"Hey" he replied

"You have English too?"

"Yeah" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Let's go before its too late"


We both went inside the classroom.

He sat on the 3rd bench and I sat behind him.
Soon the teacher came in and started teaching.

After sometime I felt vibration in my pocket.
I looked there was a text message from a private number.

"Hey!!Rebel "

Okay..whose this ? no one calls me rebel.

"whose this?"

"U don't remember me?? I thought we had a special connection 'Winnie the pooh"

"Look who texted :: its the jerk"
"How did you get my no.?"

"I have my ways."

"I see the jerk knows badboy's foreplay"

"Ms.Azor I think you will be obliged to perhaps answer the question"

.Uh. huh.

I stood up and look around for help. Luckily Parker was sitting just infront of me and as all heads were in my direction.
He mouthed the answer.
"A .J Cronin"

God knows what was the question but lets say I went with the flow aka Parker.

I quickly mouthed a thankyou to him. I kept my phone in my pocket ignoring the repeated vibrations it gave and concentrated on my class.

The rest of the day passed with a blur. I had maths with Nick and Kylee. Kylee and me had Chemistry together.

Right now we were at the parking lot getting inside the car.

Nick said he would drop Skye home and so they left togerther.

Though that guy didn't actaully say they were going to Skye's house. I mean he said he will drop her , not directly or after lunch.

"Hey I need to tell you something." lee said nervous
" Shoot."
"What did you say?" I asked puzzled
"Matt invited me to a party!" She squealed
"Thats wonderful but why are you nervous."
"He asked me if I can bring you with me"
"What? Me ?Why?"
"I don't know...please say yes"
"But you know I dont go to parties"

I mean I do go but only a few and those too when I am dragged into them. But sitting in home with netflix is my thing.

"I know but this ones Matt invited me himself and he asked me to ask you to come" She said a used a weapon which i couldn't say no to
Puppy face

"Okay" I said and she hugged me.
"Thank you"
"Yeah whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
The rest of the drive was Kylee telling me how much of a gentleman was Matt and me telling her how much of a jerk was Aiden.
"I will pick you up at 7"

At 7 :30

We were standing in a house in which music was brusting out loud.
I was wearing a pretty yellow frock which reach upto my knees. And lee was wearing a red sundress.

"Hi" It was Matt. He was wearing a red hoodie and black pants

"Hey!" Lee said

"Glad you would make it" He said
I nudged my best friend who was busy ogling at him.

"Er..Meet my bestie Talina..Talina this is Matt."

"Hey Matt"

"Hey Talina "

"Nice party." I said to Matt

I scanned the scene in front of me and my eyes meet hazel green ones.

He saw me and his lips curl into a smirk.

Oh no

By what I had gathered on my 1st day , his smirk meant only one thing.

The devil has something up his sleeve and I am obviously not gonna like it.

And thats how my dear friends you turn a...
Good -- I saw my besties
Bad--Called by principal on very 1st day
Good--I didn't get detention from Mr.Orgeter
....Good--Bad--Good day
frightening bad.


Hey guys!!

How r u doing?? *insert joey's voice here

Yeah I like F.R.I.E.N.D.S too though i just saw a couple of episodes.

So are you guys liking the book so far??

A picture of Aiden is up there but u can imagine anyone u like😉😉

Don't forget to comment below and hit the star button !!

Silent readers do make an appearence.
