Chapter 1❤

She was filled with logic
He was filled with magic
Miles apart they were
Smiles on the faces they wear
Destiny glided
And they collided
It was a simple story



......5 years ago......

On the first day of the freshman year , Talina Azor fails to escape to

1) Spill a full bowl of curry on her favourite new dress

2) Bump into Mr.ARJ aka Mr. All Rounder Jerk!!! Aka Aiden Maxwell

This is how it started......

The honking sound of the car outside my house, awake me from my chain of thoughts.

''Tals, come quick we are gonna be late otherwise'' my bestie Kylee shouted.

''Yep, just a second coming'' I shouted from the widow of my room.

I applied a little eyeliner , picked up my bag and rushed outside.
Victory!!  I shouted to myself when the eyeliner was perfect in one stroke.

I was greeted by the cool breeze.The sun was shining bright . Chirping of birds was heard. A ray of sunlight fell on a long haired brunette girl , her eyes shone when they saw me. She was wearing red tank top paired with black jeans.

It was my very first day at college.
Excited as much as I was , nervous too. It was a new college and since I just shifted from another town a few days ago which were mostly spent untiding my packed bags and helping my mom shifting furniture I didn't knew anyone here.

Well except for my bestie.

"Morning sweetie, you ready for college? "

"Good morning Lee , I am excited and nervous too but it's good to have my bestie in this new town" saying this I hugged her. I had missed her so much when I was in the other town but as I am here now.
I am gonna squeeze every moment with her.

Yupp seeing your best friend after few years of separation is a bliss.

The car engine started and so did our journey to school. We passed a few streets and a dozen houses and landed at the fierce,  bold , big engulfing building St.Martha high.The red and white building had large black gates and there was the rustle of students here and there.

I made my way towards the school, took my locker keys and timetable and leaded towards my locker.

As I was advancing towards my locker I saw a guy leaning on my locker.
"That's Matt" Kylee said
"Is he the Matt you were talking about ? " I asked
My bestie is crazyly crushing on Matt. Everytime I call her she never forgets to mention him.
"Yep he is the one and only" I heard Nick's voice.
A tall , lanky black haired boy with bright blue eyes appeared.

"Nickk I shouted and hugged him.
Me, Kylee and Nick have been friends since kindergarden until we were separated in middle school and I went to another town.
"Oh come on he doesn't even know my existence." Lee sighed
"Well..that was until now" I said

"Meaning?" Lee asked confused.

"He is leaning against my locker right? Take my locker keys say hi to him and ovio bring my notebooks and by the time you do that I will take your notebooks for next period and we can exchange books in the hallway towards our class."

"Oh Tals you are the best"
"I know but not tired to hear "
I smiled as I picked her locker keys and started walking towards lee's locker.
"Tals meet Syke " Nick said
"Hey Skye! Finally we meet , Nick told me a lot about you"
Skye is Nick's girlfriend.
"Hey !" she said blushing .
She looked cute wearing a blue top paired with her blue plated skirt.
She was shy around people unlike Nick who was a social butterfly. Their story was like Mr.popular and the Shy girl..opposites attract.

Sometimes I soo wish to have a boyfriend too..nevermind career comes first.

Waving her I made my way towards Lee's locker. I punched her locker combination and took her books. While putting the books in my hand a small note made its way and fell on the ground.

Before I could grab the note a hand reached it . Our hands brushed against each other but he caught the paper first. I felt tingles but it was short lived when he opened his mouth and
"So you like Winnie the pooh huh?" A husky deep voice came through.
I looked up and saw hazel green eyes boring into mine and his faced showed a hint of amusement.

I quickly grabbed the paper from him.

"A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference"--Winnie the pooh

It was written. I mentally facepalmed. It's not like I dont like winnie the pooh. It was our (lee,nick and mine) guilty pleasure.

"What are you 7 yr old?" The husky voice said   
"I think you have delusions of adequacy"I retorted

"Isn’t it dangerous to use your entire vocabulary in one sentence?"He said back

I was ready for another comeback

"Talina Lets go" Kylee said from behind

I put the paper in the locker and jogged towards kylee not before saying..
"May all your bacons burn tonight"
I heard a few grasps and laughs behind.
"Who was that Jerk?"
"That's Aiden the all rounder of our school. Meet me in cafeteria during lunch break" Lee said

Using the instructions from lee and Nick I headed towards my class.
I had Chemistry followed by Biology.
Chemistry was good I was greeted by a few students who asked me how was my day going. Our chemistry teacher was good at explaining too she asked questions and I answered some of them

What?Don't look at me like that 1st impression should be good . Right?

Biology went quickly enough and by now I had made friends with Parker and Sally who were in both my chemistry and biology class.

I headed towards the cafeteria. I saw Lee , Nick and Skye sitting across a table. Lee quickly signalled me to line up for food. I did as she said and grabbing the tray I turned around without paying much attention. I crashed with a solid structure, reflexivily I closed my eyes and winced. After a few moments I opened my eyes to be greeted by same pair of hazel green eyes and mint cinnamon breath.
"Like what you see."
He is Arrogant too.
"Don't you think that dialogue is way old now"I retorted.
I turned my way towards my besties when a strong hand grabbed me from my waist making me twist and  the next thing I knew, I was dipped in cafeteria's curry.

And then i saw the Mr.Arrogant Jerk . Smriking.

I quickly grabbed the soda can on my tray which I was holding and floped it down on on his head.
It earned a few grasps.
The next thing was people throwing food on each other.

"A Foood fightt" someone yelled

Ketchup where on each individual's shirt, food was aimed at your secret enemy without their knowing, food trays were used as shields. I was standing in the middle and witnessing it when an apple made its way towards me and I simply dogeded it.

Then all of a sudden all cafeteria became quiet and came in a tall, well built man with broad shoulders giving a stern expreesion and analying the surroundings. He pointed at Aiden and then at me
"You both to my office.Now.!!"

My eyes widen at sudden realisation that we were called to go to principal's office.

And thats how my dear friends you turn a good day into a hilarious bad one.


Hey guys!!!

So this is the first chapter of 

Hope you guys liked it..and sorry for grammatical errors if any...and constructive criticism is appreciated.

If you liked the chapter don't forget to hit the star button.

Hope you have a good day/night reader.

*hands a chocolate cookie*
