

The Story Begins

It is Age 448 a violent war ravages the surface of Planet Plant. The Low Class Saiyans have revolted from the rule of the elite, the war is nearing it's end but the civilian death count on Planet Plant is too high. The Saiyan capital is under siege by the low class who outnumber the elite. Somewhere inside the city our hero is being born under a tiny little house in a basement. "Sir! They're breaking through please send hel- Argh!!!" "Dammit the comms have gone dead" Says Kuruo our heroes father as he looks down at a doctor currently delivering his child. "General Kuruo, with the battle outside we wont have enough time before it reaches into here. You need to do something." The doctor says staring at Kuruo, he nods running up the steps of his basement out the front door where he goes to fight the low class saiyan's off from his home. "Madam I'm going to need you to push with all you have!" The doctor says to Kuruou's wife." After a couple of minutes our hero is born, the doctor hands the newborn baby over to Kuruou's wife, Kara, she looks at her new born child smiling. "Ma'am we need to move fast I'll try to push the bed as far as I can from the city." The doctor says to Kara, she looks up at the doctor shaking her head in a matter that tells him no. "My time is up...his father is most likely already need to get him somewhere safe." She says. The doctor looks at her almost forgetting she didn't give him a name she takes a couple of seconds before naming the child after herself. "Karasumoro." She says looking at the baby boy. The doctor wraps the baby and runs upstairs and outside, holding Karasumoro as tight as he can he hears a blast charging up, looking behind himself to see if it was aimed at him he sees it is aimed at Karasumoro's home. "No!" He yells as a bright green blast smashes into the roof of the house collapsing it almost assuring Karasumoro's mother's death. The doctor stares for a couple of minutes before he starts running again since flying could harm Karasumoro's body which was not yet fully able to handle gravity pulling him down. The Doctor manages to reach a safe point outside of the city as he watches the Saiyan capital being torn to parts by the low class. Karasumoro in the hands of the Doctor is sound asleep it was odd for a baby to sleep through everything that happened the doctor wondered. "I'm sorry Karasumoro, you would have made a great elite. Like your father." He says carrying the boy off into the countryside where he decided he would raise the boy.
